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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st wmk 3d pale olive green, Die I MUH. ACSC 12E Cat. $450
Sold $150
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
New Guinea, NWPI & Papua Ex-dealers fully priced trading stock in stockbook & on Hagners. Noted useful NWPI kangaroos incl 3rd wmk 2½d (2), 9d (2,…
Sold $280
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Thematic
Aircraft/Aviation 1978 FAI History of Aviation Franklin Mint FDC collection in official album for 75th Anniv of Powered Flight. Complete set of 107…
Sold $110
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1840 1d intense black with red Maltese Cross cancel. 4 close to large margins lettered RI. Very crisp & clean impression. SG 1 Cat. £450
Sold $150
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
Ireland 1922 "Seahorses", the 2/6d reddish brown plus 5/- & 10/- all MUH (Cat. £300++), 1922/3 Thom "Saorstat" wide date "Seahorses" set of 3 (min…
Sold $260
Commonwealth & Foreign: Box Lots
Australian First Day Covers 1985-1996 plus special event pmks on cover, packs & 37¢-41¢ booklet panes of 10 in 4 binders. Also small selection fr…
Sold $150
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
British Commonwealth "Aden to Barbados" used in Simplex Medium binder comprising Aden & States (165) with QEII to 20/-, S.Arabia ovpts on Seiyun to…
Sold $230
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
British Commonwealth "Bermuda to British Solomon Island" used range in Simplex Medium binder comprising Bermuda (260) with minor pickings, Bophutha…
Sold $230
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915 2nd wmk 2d grey block with top selvedge. MUH but tone bands on gum from stockbook. Attractive block from front. ACSC 6A Cat. $700
Sold $150
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915 2nd wmk 2d grey. MUH & superb in all respects. ACSC 6A Cat. $325
Sold $260
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915 2nd wmk 2½d indigo. Centred left but otherwise fine & fresh MUH with good perfs. ACSC 10A Cat. $325
Sold $150
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1840 1d black Plate 9, with bold, almost full Maltese Cross pmk. 4 close to large margins, lettered RB. SG 2 Cat. £600
Sold $75
Commonwealth & Foreign: Accessories
Australia 1913-1936 Kangaroo & Map Issues Lighthouse Hingeless pages with mounts. Based on the Brusden White Australian Commonwealth Specialist Kan…
Sold $150
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915-28 3rd wmk 3d olive Die II, Plate 1 with "Island above T of THREE" variety. Good used example. Pulled perf bottom left corner. ACSC 13(1)d Cat…
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Austria 1967-2001 selection commems x 20 diff issues x 100 of each MUH plus 100 x 1991 Mozart M/S's (Cat. £350). Noted 1997 6s Train (Cat. £140),…
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Austria 1971-1994 MUH & MLH range which is complete MUH from 1972 to 1994 plus 1995 Stamp Day sheetlets of 8 & 12 issues of 1996. "Back of the book…
Sold $200
States and Territories: Western Australia
1907/22 Supreme Court Probate range of 14 to £50 (excl 1d & £100) but incls £25 green plus £25 grey blue. Majority fine MUH but £25 green with…
Sold $220
Australia: Pre-decimal
1964 £2 King Navigator. Fresh MUH, well centred corner block of 4. SG 360 Retail $350+
Sold $200
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Canada 1859-1983 with earlies used mixed but the following are good to F/U, 1868 15¢ reddish purple, 1893 20¢ & 50¢ & 1898 20¢ olive. Mint incl…
Sold $150
Australia: Pre-decimal
1964 £2 King Navigator. MUH well centred block of 4. SG 360 Retail $350+
Sold $210
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Canada 1859-2010 used duplicated collection in 2 Senator binders. Noted 1859 12½¢ x6, 1893 20¢ & 50¢, 1897 20¢, 50¢, 1898 20¢, KEVII 50¢, $…
Sold $150
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915-28 3rd wmk 5/- grey black & chrome. Fine MLH except for tiny natural spot on gum. ACSC 44A Cat. $400
Sold $150
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
Netherlands Colonies-Curacao 1873 2½, 3, 5, 10, 25 & 50¢ King William III set of 6 black imperf ungummed proofs. Unfortunately the 2½¢ has stai…
Sold $100
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915-28 3rd wmk 5/- grey & yellow with "cut in kangaroo's throat" variety. Good used with parcel cancel but variety clear. ACSC 44(V)j Cat. $450
States and Territories: Western Australia
1912 3d brown swan, perf. 12½ with upright wmk Crown/A. F/U. A couple of pulled perfs but remains a difficult stamp. ACSC Cat. $250
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1858/79 1d lake-red block of 4, plate 106, lettered NJ-OK. Some slight oxidising. MH with large part original gum. Centred low. SG 44 Cat. £280
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
World Pre-WWII items MLH & used on dealer cards & pages. Cat. value is very high, but many items are stained & viewing is advised. Noted Azores 2e4…
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Commonwealth & Foreign
New Zealand 1985 25¢ QEII normal & marginal example MUH with Royal Sash emblems omitted. SG suggests this was from a batch sent for destruction in…
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1847/54 1/- pale green & green shades embossed examples. Both cut square with touching margins. Pale shade showing mild foxing & the deeper shade w…
Sold $75
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos on covers to overseas destinations with 1917 (17th Aug) Sydney machine cancel tying 2½d on cover to Philadelphia & 1921 (26th Oct) Sydne…
Sold $160
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos on covers with ½d green pair on Adelaide-Wonthaggi from The Philatelic Society of South Australia (machine cancel, date illegible) plus …
Sold $150
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Commonwealth & Foreign
Portugal 1855 5r red brown King Pedro with straight hair. Good to F/U cut square touching design at two points. Mi. 5 Cat. €1200
States and Territories: Western Australia
1951/65 1d red swan Revenue Duty block of 12 with 5 units affected by gross pre-printing paper crease. Exhibition item. MUH.
Sold $170
States and Territories: Commonwealth & Foreign
Portugal 1894 Henry the Navigator set of 13 F/U. 10¢ thin spot, otherwise fine. SG 314/26 Cat. £475
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos Varieties all different comprising 1d (6), 2d (6), 3d (2), 6d ultra, brown (6), 9d & 1/- (2). Most are average only , with perf faults & …
Sold $90
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos & KGV good to fine used accumulation in 2 large stockbooks. Kangaroos commence with 1d x c350 plus smaller quantities of ½d & others to …
Sold $360
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos & KGV Range of varieties identified by ACSC number on 1d kangaroo (30), KGV values to 4d (26) & later to 1980. Accompanied by summary she…
Sold $200
Western Australia: Postmarks
Anna Plains C30 dated 21st July 1931 on 5d brown KGV. 90% strike in violet. A difficult postmark.
Sold $130
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Germany-French Zone 1945-1949 collection on leaves with Baden 1947 & 1948 defins complete both MLH & used, 1949 Currency Reform MLH (Cat. €100), …
Sold $210
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Germany-Saarland 1947-1959 MLH with many items also used on facing tissue interleaving incl 1947 surcharges (ex 4f). Other used of note incl 1948 t…
Sold $150
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Germany-West 1949-1990 & unified to 2001 F/U collection in 2 boxed Schaubek standard printed albums. Patchy early but incls 1949 30pf UPU, 1951 30p…
Sold $190
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
1966 Decimal proof set of 6 in blue RAM box. Coins individually wrapped in separate (original?) bags in exc cond.
Sold $170
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA £1 grey with corner cds. Reasonably centred & good perfs. Clean & attractive. SG 137 Cat. £275
Sold $150
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
South Africa-Boer War 1900/02 P.O.W. covers inwards & outwards mostly bearing OFS 1d ovptd "VRI", but also a St Helena front of 1902 bearing violet…
Sold $150
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain 1840-1984 used collection written up on leaves in 2 albums with blocks, odd mint, machine & postal stationery cut outs etc. Noted 184…
Sold $150
Australia: Decimal
2010 60c 150th Anniv. Melbourne Cup gold stamp on FDC Pmkd in gold Flemington, Victoria in wooden presentation box. Ltd No. 345 of 500. Retails $500+
Sold $150
Australia: Decimal
2011 Premier's Flood Relief Appeal sheetlet only available in the 2008 yearbook x 10. MUH Retails $400+
Sold $150
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1918-20 Large Mult Perf.14 1½d deep red-brown Harrison imprint block of 4 folded through gutter with lower right stamp showing "PENCF" variety. MU…
Sold $150
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1943-1956 & 1959/64 animals in sheets &/or large blocks MUH in Lighthouse Mint Sheet file. Incls no wmk ½d (2 sheets, 2 panes, large blocks), 4d k…
Sold $250
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1966-1982 MUH accumulation in 2 small stockbooks. Noted 1971 Xmas block of 7, commems & defins in multiples of various sizes incl few AAT & few pre…
Sold $190

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