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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA £2 grey black & rose-crimson used with part (SHI)P MAIL R(OOM) cds. Centred low but good perfs & strong colour. ACSC 58B Cat. $550
Sold $220
Western Australia: Postmarks
Greenbushes 2c dated 20th Oct 1905 tying 2d yellow swan to "Court House Hotel Greenbushes - A.B Kreitmayer Proprietor" printed env addressed to Hob…
Sold $220
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
2001 "Smilers" sheet "Consignia" imprint Christmas Robin. Exc MUH Cond. Rare. SG LS2a Cat. £700
Sold $150
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
2001 "Smilers" sheet "Consignia" imprint Christmas Robin. Exc MUH Cond. Rare. SG LS2a Cat. £700
Sold $150
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
2001 "Smilers" sheet "Consignia" imprint Father Christmas. Exc MUH Cond. Rare. SG LS3a Cat. £700
Sold $150
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
2001 "Smilers" sheet "Consignia" imprint Father Christmas. Exc MUH Cond. Rare. SG LS3a Cat. £700
Sold $150
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 3d blue Die Ia A-B marginal pair. Centred up but stamps are MUH. ACSC 107c Cat. $400
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 3d blue Die Ia type B-B/A-A block 4 with perf reinforcing at right. Left hand stamps MUH. ACSC 107c x2 Cat. $650
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1926-30 SM wmk Perf. 14 2d red brown Die I strip of three with selvedge showing "large white flaw in left value tablet" variety (ACSC #98(16)f). MU…
Miscellaneous: Officials
1915/28 1/- bright blue green Die IIB, 3rd wmk perfined small "OS". MUH block of 4 with fluffy horizontal perfs (vertical perfs clean-cut) & well c…
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
New Zealand 1977-2000 addressed/unaddressed FDC collection in 6 large cover albums with foxing on many pre-1985, allowed for in low reserve. Inspec…
Sold $130
Coins and Banknotes: World
World A-Z accumulation with 2170+ coins presented in 7 albums & sleeves. Mixed base metal & silver. Noted Germany range incl 1913 ½mk, Irish Penny…
Sold $450
Coins and Banknotes: Box Lots
European collector's "I'll just put it here, for now" accumulation in 7 quality stockbooks with main value in 1990's-2008 MUH & used of Faroes, Ala…
Sold $230
States and Territories: New South Wales
1850/51 3d myrtle green with 3 clear margins. Cancelled by light indistinct BN type. An attractive stamp. SG 40 Cat. £1300
Sold $260
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
New Zealand Registration labels collection in alphabetical order together with supporting literature (4 diff volumes). Labels have been hinged to i…
Sold $260
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Box Lots
Greenland & Faroes 1999-2004 MUH sets & M/S's in glassines, battered stockbook with pre-WWII France (noted 30¢ Ceres "Bordeaux" print & 1f forgery…
Sold $200
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Commonwealth & Foreign
Germany - Occupation of Zara 1943 MUH & F/U group in dealer cards with items identified by Michel Cat. Numbers. The MUH comprising Mi. 1, 7, 20 (II…
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
South Africa-Cape of Good Hope Triangulars used selection on stocksheet. All recess issues of various shades & printings comprising 1d (11), 4d (8)…
Sold $200
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Commonwealth & Foreign
Greece 1913/15 3d grey-blue & 25d grey-black Victory. MLH SG 264A & 267A Cat. £525
Sold $140
Outerlying Territories: Cocos (Keeling) Islands
1952 (9th Dec) cover to WA by airmail bearing Singapore 10¢ & 20¢ KGVI perf. 17½x18 tied by clear Cocos Island cds. Torn on flap & stain or scor…
Outerlying Territories: Commonwealth & Foreign
Greece 1923 Revolution of 1922 ovpts on Crete & further ovptd "Hellas" in Greek. 9 values, 50l on 1d used, others MLH incl 3d ovpt on SG 56 of Cret…
Sold $140
States and Territories: Western Australia
1899 (6th Sept) "Strelitz Bros Merchants & Shipping Agents" advertising env with Kalgoorlie duplex Dx PO b in 2 (index 2 is not recorded in PMI or …
Sold $360
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua New Guinea
1985 Ceremonial Structures Trial stamps in MUH set of 4 with a normal set for comparison. These unissued stamps are smaller than the actual issue &…
Sold $200
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st wmk 1/- blue green. Fresh MUH. Centred a little to left & with one pulled perf at right. ACSC 30C Cat. $1500 as MUH
Sold $200
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Europe Range in Lighthouse stockbook incl Carpatho-Ukraine set of 6 (Mi. 81/86) in MUH pairs (Cat. €240), Serbia diagonal ovpts on Austro-Hungari…
Sold $180
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
World Airmail covers on leaves. Fascinating & unusual range incl Austrian pre-stamped 1949 balloon flight Wels-Vienna, other balloon flights (3), C…
Sold $260
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915-28 3rd wmk 3d olive Die IIB right pane block of 8. MUH with 6 of the units with bends or light crease. ACSC 14 Cat. $1200 if fine
Sold $200
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Burma-Japanese Occupation 1942 Peacock ovpts selection on stockleaves with description "flags" for each. Many obvious forgeries & bogus surcharges …
Sold $200
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1840 2d blue with light partial Maltese Cross pmk in black. 3½ margins touching at left. Lettered HE. SG 5 Cat. £700
Sold $80
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1841 2d deep full blue horizontal pair letter OI-OJ with two clear black Maltese Cross strikes. Close to large margins. Lovely piece. SG 15 Cat. £…
Sold $100
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
France 1839-1878 range of pre-stamp, taxed & franked covers on leaves. Starts with 1839 local letter with boxed "P.P" cachet in red, 1851 Rouen to …
Sold $140
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1854 6d purple & mauve shades embossed examples. Both cut square touching on 2 sides of each. Good to F/U. SG 58 & 60 Cat. £2000 (2)
Sold $100
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
France Range of postal stationery & covers noting 1894 5¢ commerce pre-stamped mourning card showing Pres. Sadi Carnot, assassinated in 1894, 1935…
Sold $140
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1923-24 New colours 2/- maroon marginal example from right of sheet. MUH with couple of slightly short horizontal perfs top & bottom. Very well-cen…
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
KGV 1d reds on annotated pages. Good to F/U. All appear to have minor plateable varieties with some shade interest. (500+)
Sold $230
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink overprinted SPECIMEN type D with "Ewe-faced kangaroo" variety. MLH. Centred right but good perfs & lovely colour with…
Australia: Decimal
2000 Olympic Gold Medallists sheetlets of 10 in rouletted A4 sheets as produced digitally. Complete set of 16 with koala imprint. Rarely seen. Exc …
Sold $150
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1902 £1 dull blue green KEVII with hooded London cds of struck twice. Minor surface disturbance due to slight paper wrinkling before right hand "…
Sold $200
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
1975, 1976, 1978-1981, 1983-1989, 1992, 1994 & 1995 RAM uncirculated year sets in RAM wallets/folders. Exc cond. Retail $500+ (16)
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA £2 black & rose with light indistinct cds. Centred to upper left but good perfs & colour. SG 138 Cat. £550
Sold $200
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1939/48 KGVI high vals set of 6. 10/- dark blue & £1 values marginal. Superb MUH. SG 476/78b Cat. £425
Sold $210
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain 1924-1970 MUH/MLH in stockbook. Noted 1924/25 B.E.E. sets MVLH, 1934 defins to 1/- MUH, 1935 Silver Jubilee, KGVI to 1/- & all commem…
Sold $200
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Commonwealth & Foreign
Swaziland 1889 2/6d buff & 5/- slate blue Transvaal issues with "Swaziland" ovpts MLH. The 2/6d perfs irregular with 5/- clean. Cat. SG 7/8 Cat. £500
Western Australia: Postmarks
Menzies Post & Telegraph Office complete oval cancels in violet dated 5th Sept 1904 tying 2d yellow swans x 3 & 1d red to "Lady Shenton Hotel Menzi…
Sold $720
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain-Channel Islands & I.O.M. collections in hingeless Davo album. All areas virtually complete to 1988 incl M/S's, with pre-decimal incl …
Sold $200
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1966-2000 used duplicated in chronological order in black paged bulging KA-BE stockbook. Noted over 30 x $2 Navigator, 10 x 1967 25¢ Xmas & 1970 3…
Sold $160
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 3d blue Die Ia Ash imprint pair. MVLH ACSC 107z Cat. $350
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 3d blue Die Ia Ash imprint strip of 3. 1 unit MUH with hinge reinforcing on others ACSC 107za Cat. $500
Australia: Booklets
1996 AFL Football Clubs with the scarce Barcode 2 (general) for Adelaide Crows, Brisbane Bears, Carlton Blues, Collingwood Magpies, Fitzroy Lions, …
Sold $200
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 5d light orange-brown Ash imprint block. MVLH on gutter only. ACSC 1262 Cat. $400 for MUH singles, $500 MUH imprint b…
Sold $200

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