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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Netherlands 1869-1999 Collection in 2 Davo printed albums. Better Charities from 1925 near complete, 1928 Olympics (ex 30c), 1931 Tourist & 1933 Se…
Sold $400
Netherlands 1944-2002 accumulation in 6 stockbooks. Patchy MLH in early era & then sheetlets etc in 1980' & 1990's. Useful duplication especially f…
Sold $250
Netherlands 1995-2006 sheetlets, booklets (100+, some part) & singles incl self adhesives, some in pres & year packs. Some great thematics. High FV…
Sold $270
Netherlands in 4 Davo hingeless albums with pages from 1852 to 2005, but no stamps before 1928. Vol 1 to 1945 sparse, 1946-1955 MLH/MUH with 1952 …
Sold $960
Netherlands Registration label collection in stockbook. Appears to be little duplication & most unusual (1100+)
Sold $55
New Zealand QV to QEII accumulation in stockbook of mixed MUH, MLH & used. QV to 5d with attractive F/U, KGVI to 3/- majority used with QEII to £1…
Sold $170
New Zealand 1920-1976 collection on album leaves. Modest lot but incls 1953 10/-, 1960 £1, 1967 $2 magenta all used, $2 multicolour MLH and used, …
Sold $50
New Zealand 1936-1946 range on typed pages. KGVI to 3/-. MLH STC £150+
Sold $50
New Zealand 1936-1976 on Hagners with defins to QEII 3/-, 1960 to £1 (3/- brown is used), 1967/9 to both $2, 1970 to $2, 1975 $5 ''Beehive'', dec…
Sold $60
New Zealand 1938-1964 accumulation of MUH sheets & large blocks in ''Tasman'' sheet file. Largely common Health, Christmas, low value surcharges & …
Sold $55
New Zealand 1965-1976 on Hagners with many imprint blocks of 4 or 6, plus pairs & 1969 Cook M/S. Noted 1972 Lakes & later Mountains, Offshore Islan…
Sold $70
New Zealand 1967-1986 on Seven Seas hingeless pages. Appears complete with majority MUH. Incls Health M/S's & Arms to $10. High face value.
Sold $200
New Zealand 1977-1991 Booklet selection in Mint or CTO cond. FV NZ$16 in mint with high retail in later CTO examples. (22)
Sold $50
New Zealand 1984-1998 Yearbooks complete with stamps inserted. Huge retail with a FV of NZ$650+ (approx. $530) (15)
Sold $200
New Zealand in 2 albums includes many high values & sets. Mint & used. (100's)
Sold $30
New Zealand Range of MLH & used on Hagner incl 1934 1d Crusader (2 MUH, one with foxed perfs), Arms 3/6 on 3/6 (seriffed), 15/- postal cds, £1 (3 …
Sold $35
New Zealand covers in shoebox. Largely 1970's & 1980's mixed addressed & unaddressed. With duplication. Some earlier incl Health, odd later incl 20…
Sold $60
Papua New Guinea 1952-1979 on SS pages nearly complete incl 1/7d Cattle (faint tone spot), 1952 10/- & £1 F/U. From 1961 Council nearly all MUH (1…
Sold $100
Papua New Guinea 1952-1981 complete MLH in quality black springback album with black pages. 1975 onwards in pairs. Beautiful presentation. STC $700+
Sold $160
Papua New Guinea 1952-1984 collection in Seven Seas Hingeless album. 1952 Defins MLH (2/- & 10/- MUH) otherwise appears complete fresh MUH througho…
Sold $140
Papua New Guinea 1952-1994 with modest pre-decimal range MLH & used (2/5d Cattle MUH), 1970-1994 mostly MUH with commem sets & definitives to 10K. …
Sold $110
Papua New Guinea range starting with useful page of Papua (values to 1/-), page of NG oddments, than 1952 to 1975 missing only £1 Fisherman, 2/3d …
Sold $110
Philippines Accumulation mainly 1940's to 1970's used in Chinese stockbook. Noted 1947 ECAFE imperf set x 10 with extra odds (cat €20 per set), '…
Sold $20
Portugal 1952-1985 range of commem sets all fine MUH. SG 1069-1980 Cat. £360 (100's)
Sold $100
Russia 1920-1980 with strength in sets & ranges pre-1950. Majority used. (100's)
Sold $100
Scandinavia Majority Denmark incl 1907 Newspaper stamps with vals to 5K, 1926 Postfrim ovpt (mint & used), 1924 300th Danish Post Anniv blocks of 4…
Sold $70
Solomon Islands. QEII selection presented on album pages. Mixed MLH & used with values to 2/- & $1. Incls wmks, minor varieties & shades. (130+)
Sold $45
South African Postcards c1903 selection of 18 (2 used). 9 depict indigenous children, the others show scenes & landmarks including one b/w of Egypt…
Sold $50
Sweden Covers from 1908 incl several WWII items & 2 x 1946 FDC's. Mixed cond. (12)
Sold $40
Sweden. Earlier to recent with heavy dupl in places &mostly defins, but some recent self adhesives. (1000's)
Sold $45
Switzerland 1954-1970 publicity, Pro Patria & Pro Juventute sets. Over 40 different MUH sets in glassines. Noted 1955 Lausanne M/S (minor faults). …
Sold $170
Switzerland Common used with heavy duplication but pickings incl 1923 45c Airmail F/U, 1938 10f with 1939 cancel (Cat. £75), 1951 30c Pro Patria F…
Sold $120
Turkey 1865-1954 range of early types & high cat items incl. 1918 1pi. Sentry Mint (SG 127, Cat. £120) Mixed Mint & used with many useful sets. ST…
Sold $220
USA 1851-1972 used collection in Liberty album with modest pickings in pre-1900 definitives to 30c, commems from 1892 to 10c, 1909 imperfs, 1913 Pa…
Sold $270
USA 1870-1960 mainly used in very mixed cond in old-time (Manilla strip) stocksheets in binder. Noted 1901 commem set (minor faults), 1934 National…
Sold $80
USA 1893-1927 Mint selection incl 6c & 30c Columbus, 1901 Pan Am Expo (excl. 4c), 1904 St Louis Expo, 1920 Pilgrims etc. Some faults with heavy hin…
Sold $150
USA collection in Liberty album with good 1945-1962 coverage, otherwise sparse but inc 1929 ''Nebr'' ovpt on 3,4,5c; 1935 National Parks set perf &…
Sold $95
USA, Canada & United Nations late 1940's to mid 1950's addressed FDC's with majority on illustrated covers. UN pmkd at UN New York. Mixed cond in p…
Sold $40
West Germany 1951-1957 range on Hagners incl. Rontgen, Otto, Science Museum, Lufthansa & 1957/57 Relief sets. All appear fine MUH. STC £470+
Sold $210
West Germany 1964-1984 with high degree of completeness incl. M/S's & Framas. Majority MUH (some gum adhesion on more recent) with some CTO M/S's. …
Sold $130
West Germany 1970-1992 in Schaubek album. Patchy used throughout with additional file of 1969 FDI cards & odds useful for F/U & MUH..
Sold $50
Western Europe Range of mixed sets & odd vals incl France 1936 Airs MLH, Italy 1890 Surcharges (SG44/46), 1929 Montecassino, 1930 Ferrucci (MLH), G…
Sold $180
Yugoslavia 1957-1991 commem sets on Hagners. Lots of Europa, Paintings, Wildlife & other thematics. Fresh MUH throughout. STC £600+ (100's)
Sold $180
World Booklets accumulation in small box. Noted Israel, Solomon & Christmas Is, Mauritius Moon Landing, 70c PNG, Falklands (2) & quantity of France…
Sold $140
World Collection mounted in old Kingston album. Better incls Netherlands Relief sets, Switzerland with Pro Patria & Pro Juventute issues & Italy wi…
Sold $50
World in sheets & large multiples both MUH & CTO/used incl. Hungary, Maldives, Antigua to $4, Zambia, Iran, Russia, Redonda, Nauru & Germany. Good …
Sold $120
World on Hagners incl Syria, Lebanon (French Mandate), Turkey 1888-1913 various PD's & Printed Matter ovpts incl SG N151 (Cat. £450 but ''as is'')…
Sold $160
World on returned circuit sheets priced to sell at $400+. Many pickings with early used & later MUH sets. (100's)
Sold $110
World Covers mainly 1950's. Noted SWA, Swaziland, Basutoland etc Victory covers, various S. Africa from 1939, GB 1980 £3 Wedgwood booklet panes et…
Sold $55
World postal history group comprising 1858 French Dept of Justice letter on hand made paper with ''TIMBRE IMPERIAL/70cen'' in circle surrounding Se…
Sold $50


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