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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
States and Territories: Tasmania | |||
1853 4d bright brownish-orange with 3 clear margins, touching at right & showing plate 1 characteristics of all lines in network with thin, clear &… $180 Sold $180 | |||
1855 2d deep green Chalon, wmk large star with 3 large margins, close at right. F/U with light cancel. SG 15, Cat. £550 $100 Archived | |||
1860/67 6d reddish-mauve Chalon imperf pair without gum. Clear margins showing part of adjacent stamp top right. Brownish paper but scarce multiple… $150 Archived | |||
1871/91 1/- brown-red perf. 11½ horiz pair , wmk "12" showing clearly through to front. MLH with good gum, uneven perfs. SG 140, Cat. £350 x 2 $30 Sold $45 | |||
1892 ½d, 2½d & 5d in MUH blocks of 4 with extra MUH/MLH incl 1903 V/Cr 1/- perf. 12½ (5), 1906/09 11/- Cr/A perf. 12½ (13), perf.11, perf. 12½… $75 Archived | |||
1914 (19th Sept) "Military Camp" rubber cds impression on 1d KGV in violet. Based on this date & its origin, it is thought to be from the recently … $100 Archived | |||
1933/34 Accounts with 3d, 4d & 1/- (3) Stamp Duty affixed to 1934 & 1/- x 6 & 2/6d on 1933 account both items from the Municipality of Hamilton wit… $30 Sold $30 | |||
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There are 7 record(s) matching your criteria.