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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain 1930's-1970's Machin coils in mostly MUH strips (a few used) in small stockbook. Comprises multi-value pre-decimal strips before a wi…
Great Britain 1937-1963 MUH/MLH & used range in Lindner hingeless album with slipcase noting KGVI 10/- dark blue MUH & F/U block of 6, 1929 £1 PUC…
Sold $320
Great Britain 1937-1983 addressed covers in FDC album noting 1937 1½d Coronation x 3 incl one with extra 3d franking for Registration, 1940 Centen…
Sold $160
Great Britain (mainly) 1960's-2000's covers addressed/unaddressed & packs in quality Lighthouse FDC album. Random order with odd "surprise" like GB…
Sold $50
Great Britain 1966-1992 FDC's mixed addressed/unaddressed in "Classic Two Cover Album". Not in strict chronological order but incls 59 different co…
Sold $25
Great Britain 1996-2009 MUH, MLH & used on Schaubek leaves. "Greetings" & other booklets interspersed with defins, Regionals & commems. Many sets a…
Sold $230
Great Britain 1997 plus odd 1995 & 1996 Benham silk FDCs incl booklet panes with 3 Greetings, Henry VIII (2) & 1997 Castles set to £5 plus PO's & …
Great Britain 2008 Benham silk covers in large Benham album. Themes incl "Remembering Britain's Heroes", "Fire & Rescue Services", "Favourite Briti…
Great Britain British Forces Postal Services 1970's covers in matching binder with illust National Army Museum & others with various commemorative …
Great Britain Duplicated used in SG order from 1841 1d red imperfs (38) in mixed cond to 1951 with odd later incl £5 castle block of 7. Flagged wi…
Sold $130
Great Britain MLH & used in Lighthouse stockbook in rough catalogue order. A few QV incl 6d ovptd "Govt Parcels", the KEVII 1d Admiralty Official w…
Sold $40
Great Britain Oddments on a Hagner noting 1840 1d black with 4 close to clear margins & red Maltese Cross cancel, £10 Britannia & Castles to £5 p…
Sold $95
Great Britain Southampton display on pages with illustrations relating to its role in conveying mail comprising 1900 Orange Free State - Southampto…
Great Britain TPO's on pages numbered 1-120 plus a few QEII to 1968 on separate pages in alphabetical order. Mix of mounted stamps off paper & on c…
Sold $100
Great Britain-Isle of Man 1964-1992 in Lighthouse hingeless album with slipcase. Main val in the MUH which is 99% complete incl vals to £5 plus CT…
Sold $120
Great Britain-Jersey 1851 (20th Mar) stampless cover to Bordeaux with "Iles-C St Malo" transit in red (29/3) & Bordeaux receival (30/3) plus 1840 (…
Sold $260
Great Britain-Jersey 1948-2000 MUH, MLH & used range on leaves in Lindner album. Face value of MUH decimal totals £200+ plus useful pre-decimal, P…
Sold $130
Greece 1886-1967 mainly used on leaves in old binder & patchy to 1927 & then appears complete simplified with 1930 Centenary used, 1933 Zeppelins &…
Sold $400
Greenland Used range on Errimar leaves in binder. Incls 1938/46 Defins to 1k & 1950 to 5k sets (Cat. £30 & £27 respectively), 1956 60ö on 1k wit…
Sold $75
Hong Kong 1986-1998 Chinese New Year Framas complete as MUH sets of 4 or 7 as issued. Machine "01" for 1986, then sets from "01" & "02" thereafter,…
India 1854-1972 good to fine used in Senator album noting 1854 ½a imperf (8), 1a (4) & 4a (2, cut to shape), 1854/55 2a pair & 2 singles, 1855 blu…
Sold $950
India 1946-1947 selection of commercially used envs with a mix of KGVI vals all on bank mail addressed to Adelaide, South Aust. Various bank printe…
India 2000-2016 MUH, MLH & used collection in bulging hingeless Schaubek album. Strong in MUH singles, sets, se-tenants & M/S's. Only requires a sm…
Sold $180
India-Convention States MLH/used range in Lighthouse stockbook starting with Patiala (16) incl KGV to 1r, Faridkot (12) QV to 6a, Chamba (95) with …
Sold $260
Indonesia 1949-2000 collection in bulging Davo album starting with Japanese Naval Control Area range & 1943-1948 covers (worth viewing), "South Mol…
Sold $480
Indonesia 1951-1973 range of MUH/MLH issues on Hagners with majority in sets incl M/S's. STC £720 (approx. 550)
Sold $75
Indonesia 2001-2014 in Davo album appearing largely complete MUH for the period incl M/S's, S/A's, booklets & personalised stamps etc. Many with th…
Sold $250
Israel 1950-1951 group incl 20pr "Flag", Birds Airs set of 6 & 500pr Camel plus 5 others. Useful MLH "short tabs" group. (14)
Italy & Colonies Selected sets & others in large black leaved stockbook. Noted 1934 World Cup (Aegean Islands ovptd set of 9 MLH), 1935 Bellini Cen…
Sold $1450
Italy 1862-1979 with former defins in mixed cond but useful commems MLH/used noting 1911, 1921 & 1922 Mazzini, 1925 Holy Year, 1926 St Francis MLH,…
Sold $120
Italy Two Marini albums with a few Sardinia then a substantial Italy 1863-1987 collection incl 1890 Parcel Post surcharges used, 1891/97 5l used, 1…
Sold $480
Italy-Colonies 1932 6th Tripoli Fair set of 10 (Cat. €380), Somalia 1934 Rome-Mogadiscio Flight set of 9 (Cat. €340) & Eritrea similar commem s…
Sold $160
Luxembourg-German Occ 1940-1941 sets, plus Alsace & Lorraine sets of ovpts on Hindenburg. All fine used with neat cds's. Total Cat. £170+ (73)
Sold $170
Malayan Federation/Malaysia 1957-2000 mainly used collection in 2 Senator binders. All defins complete to $10 & $20 with commems & M/S's, the latte…
Sold $60
Malaysia & States BMA, FMS, Straits, Labuan, N. Borneo & Sarawak in 2 slim stockbooks. Majority appear low cat & used but noted Straits KGVI $5 x 5…
Sold $110
Malaysia National issues from 1957 Federation to 2011 in bulging Schaubek album plus 2012-2020 in an Erskine album. Incls a small range of used FMS…
Sold $400
Maldives 2012-2105 Marine life inspired M/S's featuring primarily Island Atolls, corals & fish etc. Fresh MUH & most attractive. Ideal for the them…
Sold $110
Mauritius & Seychelles QV to QEII Postal stationery with majority mint annotated with printing numbers. Signs of ageing & several stained but a wor…
Sold $100
Mauritius QV/QEII modest duplicated used with majority appearing common but finishes with selection of P.O.'s identified on mainly pre-1920's. Aver…
Sold $95
Netherlands 1852-1969 mainly used in mixed cond to 1920's with very few highly catalogued but better from 1927 with later Child Welfare sets MLH/us…
Netherlands 1852-1999 used on leaves approx. 90% complete (missing key items) with cond mixed. Many toned or having other faults hence low reserve.…
Sold $50
Netherlands 1852-2018 in 3 Davo illustrated albums for Airs, booklets, sheetlets, M/S's & personalised stamps. A few "heavyweight" items have been …
Sold $750
Netherlands 1876 to 1990 MLH & used on leaves in binder (800+) plus another (200+) range of Ruanda Urundi with 1942/43 set of 22 MLH (Cat. £60) & …
Sold $50
Netherlands 1971/76 coil strips & defin blocks MUH on Safe "dual" leaves in ring binder with the 1969/72 Queen Juliana blocks to 10g plus 1g, 2g & …
Netherlands Accumulation on Hagners noting 1940 to "500" MLH, a few International Court to 15¢ before late 1940's defins in multiples & 1950's com…
Netherlands Importa illustrated album to 1980 with sparse used earlies while post-WWII is better but some toned. Lighthouse stockbook with several …
Netherlands Indies 1870's-1948 mainly used noting 1915 Red Cross MLH, 1930 Welfare used, 1931 White Cross used, 1933 Salvation Army MLH & 1935 Mili…
Sold $100
New Zealand 1875-1981 MUH, MLH & used accum in 2 stock albums plus SG NZ album to 1979 in good cond with some Hawid mounts neatly in place. Sparse …
Sold $50
New Zealand 1929-2020 Health issues complete extensively written up with MLH & CTO/used issues plus extra MLH from 1929/30 & 1932onwards plus 1946,…
Sold $150
New Zealand 1935 & 1936/38 defin sets on leaves complete used simplified plus extras to 3/- unchecked for perfs. Mix of machine & cds examples but …

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