Lot No |
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Est. |
Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark |
 £1 grey ovptd "SPECIMEN" type B. Fine MLH & well centred MLH. Ceremuga Cert. (2002). Rare seen so fine. ACSC 53Ax, Cat. $4,500 $1800 Archived |
 £1 grey ovptd "SPECIMEN" type B. MLH with several shortish perfs at base but well centres with fresh colour. ACSC Ax, Cat. $4,500 $900 Sold $720 |
 £1 grey ovptd "SPECIMEN" type C. Centred top left but fresh MUH. SG 75s, ACSC 53xb, Cat. $850 $200 Archived |
 £1 grey ovptd "SPECIMEN" type C. Fresh MLH & perfectly centred. ACSC 53xb, Cat. $375 $120 Sold $80 |
 £1 grey ovptd "SPECIMEN" type C. MUH. ACSC 53xb, Cat. $850 $250 Sold $180 |
 £1 grey ovptd "SPECIMEN" type D. MLH centred left with 3 short perfs at left. Fresh appearance. ACSC 53xh, Cat. $375 $50 Sold $40 |
 £1 grey ovptd "SPECIMEN" type D. MLH with tanned gum evident from hinge removal leaving a pale area. Good centring. ACSC 53xh, Cat. $375 $60 Sold $50 |
 £1 grey with large Telegraph puncture. Fine used by neat partial Lismore 1924 cds. One pulled perf at base, otherwise very fine. ACSC 53A var. $70 Sold $75 |
 £1 grey. Fine used with partial Registered cds. ACSC 53A, Cat. $575 $150 Sold $160 |
 £1 grey. MUH but toned gum with light horiz gum bend. Useful "spacefiller" at this reserve & frontally fine. ACSC 53A, Cat. $3750 $500 Archived |
 £1 deep grey with small central Telegraph puncture. Used by bold part "COUNTER…C.T.O.M" cds. ACSC 53B var. $80 Sold $65 |
 £1 deep grey with small Telegraph puncture. Attractively used with partial upright 1931 Receiving Room CETO cds. ACSC 53B var. $100 Sold $80 |
 £1 deep grey ovptd "SPECIMEN" type C. Superb MUH. ACSC 53Bxb, Cat $850 $280 Sold $180 |
 £1 deep grey ovptd "SPECIMEN" type D. Fine MUH, centred top right with slight gum bend. ACSC 53Bxh, Cat. $850 (only 600 issued) $160 Sold $160 |
 £1 deep grey ovptd "SPECIMEN" type D. MLH but thinned & centred high. Useful "spacefiller". ACSC 53Bxh, Cat. $375 (only 600 issued) $30 Sold $25 |
 £2 grey black & crimson ovptd "SPECIMEN" type B. Fine MNG. Well centred with rich colour. ACSC 56Bx, Cat. $600 $120 Sold $95 |
 £2 grey black & crimson ovptd "SPECIMEN" type B. MLH/MH with 2 small part paper hinges. Reasonable centring with "fluffy" perfs. ACSC 56Bx, Cat. $600 $150 Archived |
 £2 grey-black & crimson ovptd "SPECIMEN" type B. A couple of flat perfs at top otherwise fine MUH with good centring. SG 45as, ACSC 56Bx, Cat. $1250 $400 Sold $260 |
 £2 grey-black & crimson ovptd "SPECIMEN" Type B. Flat perf top left corner otherwise fine MLH. ACSC 56Bx, Cat. $600 $150 Sold $120 |
 £2 purple-black & rose ovptd "SPECIMEN" type C. MVLH with good centring. ACSC 56C, Cat. $600 $120 Sold $120 |
 £2 purple-black & rose ovptd "SPECIMEN" type C. Fine MUH with fresh colour, centred a little high. ACSC 56Cxb, Cat. $1,250 $300 Sold $200 |
 £2 purple-black & rose ovptd "SPECIMEN" type C. MLH, centred a little right. Vibrant colour. SG 45s, ACSC 56Cxb, Cat. $500 $150 Sold $120 |
 £2 purple-black & rose ovptd "SPECIMEN" type C. MUH with light even gum toning & centred high reflected in conservative reserve. ACSC 56Cxb, Cat. … $150 Sold $0 |
 £2 purple-black & rose ovptd "SPECIMEN" type C. Very slightly toned MUH but well centred with good perfs & frontally fresh. ACSC 56Cx6, Cat. $1250 $280 Archived |
 £2 purple-black & rose. Fine MUH with good centring & perfs. Two light dealers marks on reverse & Raybaudi Cert. (2008). Vendor paid $7800 in auct… $6000 Sold $6000 |
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 6d chestnut with "retouched top frame with additional scratch from Broome to left frame" variety. MLH, centred hig… $30 Sold $30 |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 6d chestnut in John Ash imprint block of 4. Hinged in gutter & just touching one stamp otherwise MUH. Slightly ton… $50 Archived |
1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 6d chestnut John Ash "N over A" Plate 4 imprint pair. Fine MUH. ACSC 22A(4)za, Cat. $200 as MUH single stamps plus… $70 Archived |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 6d chestnut superb used pair (ACSC 22A) plus 9d violet with "shading breaks over "IA" of AUSTRALIA" (ACSC 28A(3)d)… $75 Archived |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 6d chestnut plus "OS" ovpt, 2/- & 5/-, the latter MVLH with others MLH & well centred. ACSC 22, 22(OS), 39 & 45B, … $180 Sold $140 |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 6d chestnut, Plate 3 John Ash imprint block of 4 with "White hairline from value circle to map" variety. MLH with … $200 Sold $260 |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 6d chestnut, Plate 4 John Ash "N over A" imprint block of 4. Fresh MUH. ACSC 22a(4)z, cat. $400 as MUH singles plu… $120 Sold $120 |
1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 6d pale chestnut. Superb MUH. ACSC 22B, Cat. $100 $30 Sold $30 |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 9d violet. MVLH & well centred with excellent perfs. SG 108, ACSC 28A, Cat. $175 $50 Sold $50 |
1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 9d violet. Superb MUH. ACSC 28A, Cat. $375 $90 Archived |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 9d pale violet in block of 4. Very slightly toned MUH, centred right. Fresh colour. ACSC 28B, Cat. $1500 plus prem… $300 Sold $300 |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 9d pale violet in John Ash imprint block of 4. MH with vertical perfs reinforced with hinges. Slight gum discolour… $280 Archived |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 9d red-violet, Plate 3 John Ash "N over N" imprint pair. MUH/MLH with slightly toned gum but frontally fresh. ACSC… $150 Archived |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 1/- blue-green John Ash "N" over "N" imprint pair. MLH with good centring. ACSC 34A(3)za, Cat. $400 $100 Archived |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 1/- blue-green, Plate 3 John Ash "N over N" imprint block of 4. Superb MVLH in gutter only with stamps MUH. ACSC C… $300 Sold $300 |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 1/- blue-green, Plate 3, "N over A" John Ash imprint block of 4. MLH with superior colour, perfs & centring. Ex Ba… $200 Archived |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 1/- blue-green. Fresh MLH & well centred. ACSC 34A, Cat. $125 $30 Sold $30 |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 1/- emerald. Very fine MUH. ACSC 34C, Cat. $575 $180 Sold $200 |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 2/- maroon with "colour spot off WA coast" variety ACSC 39A(1)g), another with "white flaw in grass behind kangaro… $40 Sold $46 |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 2/- pale maroon John Ash "N over N" imprint pair. MUH. ACSC39Cza, Cat. $1800 plus premium for imprint pair $500 Archived |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 2/- pale maroon with top right selvedge. MUH, hinged in selvedge only. Light even toning & light gum creasing. Fro… $180 Archived |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 5/- grey & yellow-orange with repaired Telegraph puncture & part bold 1931 Qld cds. ACSC 45A $40 Sold $40 |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 5/- grey & yellow-orange with "Spencer's Gulf short" duty plate variety. MLH, centred high. A lovely example. ACSC… $160 Sold $130 |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 5/- grey & yellow-orange with "weeping kangaroo" variety. Superb MVLH. ACSC 45A(V)l, Cat. $950 $260 Sold $290 |
 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 5/- grey & yellow-orange with "Cut grass to right of tail" constant variety. MVLH, centred left. ACSC 45A(d), Cat.… $300 Sold $300 |