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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Turkey MLH & used in random order on 20+ Vario pages. Mixed cond & earlies unchecked so no guarantees hence the conservative reserve. (c1000)
Sold $40
Turkey Majority used in 2 stockbooks, the older with over 600 stamps to 1924 plus "back of the book" PD's & Officials plus Hatay & Thessaly. Later …
Sold $150
Tonga 1886-2000 MLH & used in cat. order on 36 Hagners with better items flagged with cat. numbers & values totalling £2250 for items/sets cat. £…
Sold $380
Tibet 1912-1956 specialised collection written up on leaves with c140 stamps & 50 covers. Incls many forgeries indicated with reference to 2 specia…
Sold $500
Thailand 1883-2012 mainly used arranged in cat. order in quality stockbook. Approx. 90% complete noting 1951 defins to 20b, 1961 to 40b, 1963 to 40…
Sold $200
Switzerland Used to 2018 in 3 stockbooks. Val in first volume with 5r, 10r, 15r, 20r & 40r "Sitting Helvetia" imperfs, the latter F/U, "Standing He…
Sold $200
Switzerland MLH & used in Davo album to 2014 with last 7 years patchy used. Earlier very well represented with many duplicated MLH & used starting …
Sold $460
Switzerland 1882 imperfs to 2015 mixed MUH, MLH & used on 60 Vario sheets in "as new" Lighthouse Vario binder. Many better items incl 1851 5r "Rayo…
Sold $400
Switzerland 1878-92 Postage Dues with type I frame to 500¢ (excl 50¢), type II 10¢ & 50¢ all used, 2¢ "Specimen" ovpt & 1883 bicolour types in…
Sold $60
Switzerland 1854-2018 mainly used in Schaubek peg album with standard & added leaves. Pro Patria, Pro Juventute & Airs well covered with a good ran…
Sold $160
Sweden Lightly dupl MLH & used on 38 Vario sheets in quality Lighthouse binder. Only a general coverage largely used missing all high cat. value it…
Sold $40
Sweden 1989-1993 range of booklets incl 1991-1993 Wildlife issues. Exc cond. Cat. £140+ (8)
Sold $20
Sweden 1974-1991 range of MUH issues in a beautifully illustrated album titled "Images of Sweden - A Collection of Swedish Art & Stamps". MUH sets …
Sold $40
Sweden 1966-1984 range of booklet panes with odd set all on plain covers neatly tied by Kista cds's. Useful for fine used. SG Cat. £250+ (31)
Sweden 1858-1900 mostly used noting 1858 24ö & 30ö good used, 1872/77 1 riksdaler, 1874/77 PD's to 1k mixed MLH/used & 1874/88 Officials (excl 6Å
Sold $65
Suriname 1960-1999 in Davo standard album. Pages are 1873 to 1999 but stamps pre-1960 have been removed. Odd used but mainly MLH to 1990 with MUH a…
Sold $400
Sudan Largely used from the ovpts on Egypt (to 10pi) through to 2005. Incls Camel Postman types to 20pi, "SG" ovpts & perfins, useful Airs incl ovp…
Sold $220
Spanish Colonies MLH & used range on Hagners noting Spanish West Africa 1950 F/U vals to 5p (21), Fernando Poo 1900/07 types with vals to 75¢), Sp…
Sold $55
Spain 1866 & Philippines 1881-1950's on printed leaves. Spain STC US$550 while Philippines with 1948 Macarthur set in blocks MUH & other modest pic…
Spain 1851-1900 mainly used & a good starter lot for these difficult issues but cond is very mixed as is "par for the course" for this period. View…
Spain & Andorra Only a few of the latter with mainly used on 60+ Vario sheets in "as new" Lighthouse Vario binder. Nothing of great value but thous…
Sold $80
South West Africa & Namibia Mainly used to 2010 from 3pf & 10pf ovptd & 3pf to 40pf yachts used before desultory KGV ovpts to 1/- plus various ovpt…
Sold $210
South Africa & "Homelands" 1980-1995 FDC's & packs in 4 Cumberland FDC albums. Incls over 40 packs containing 3 or 4 sets in each. A clean lot with…
Sold $80
South Africa & "Homelands" 1979-2000 range incl SWA/Namibia & Republic issues MUH incl M/S's & a few duplicates in large Lighthouse stockbook & sli…
Sold $60
South Africa Used range in binder & 3 stockbooks starting with CGH 1d x 2, 4d x 2, 6d & 1/- x 2 triangulars all in presentable cond before Union is…
Sold $300
Solomon Islands Range on 9 Vario & a Hagner in padded binder. Not in chronological order & mixed MUH, MLH & used with vals to $5 plus c30 M/S's. Al…
Sold $40
Solomon Islands 1995-2002 Miniature Sheet dealers stock incl 1995 $5 WWII Anniv, 1997 $4 Ghost Crab, 1997 $3 Birds/Christmas, 2002 QEII Jubilee Ann…
Sold $50
Solomon Islands 1908-1994 used in "Favourite" album noting 1908 2/- small canoe (MLH), KGV defins vals incl 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- (26) before KGVI set t…
Sold $140
Solomon Islands 1907-1994 MUH, MLH & used selection on Hagners & leaves in binder. Good starter collection with a few pickings incl 1922 to 5/- (10…
Sold $85
Slovenia & Croatia Used from 1991 & similar period for Bosnia & Herzegovina with odds in slim stockbook. (Slovenia 240 + M/S's, Croatia 179)
Sold $40
Singapore MUH, MLH & used in International Stamp & Coin Co printed album with slipcase. Some stains to outer pages but mostly fine. Sparse in early…
Sold $50
San Marino, Vatican, Italian Colonies & Malta MUH, MLH & used on 55 Vario sheets in "as new" Lighthouse Vario binder. Nothing major noted just lots…
Sold $50
San Marino Used group with 1892 5¢ on 20¢ in 2 ovpts types, 1932 GPO to 1l25, 1933 75¢ on 2l75, 1929/35 20l (Cat. £425), 1949 UPU 200l imperf (…
Samoa 1970-1985 MUH blocks of 4 in 2 stockbooks, one quality German made with black pages & clear interleaving. Noted few early singles & 1967 Bird…
Sold $65
Russia Geographical area incls a few USSR, 1917-1922 White Russia, Armenia, Batum, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Tsarist Pos abroad, Tuva post-1989…
Sold $90
Russia 1949-1984 MLH & used sets, odd vals & M/S's on approx. 50 Hagners in binder. Not in strict issue date order, so highlights listed as they co…
Sold $525
Russia 1866-1889 range on Hagner with numeral postmarks I-XI (??) & 3 with dotted obliterator in circle. Good centrally applied strikes plus 1929/3…
Sold $60
Russia 1865-1884 MUH/MLH/used specialised group on Hagner with value in Michel specialised cat. varieties noting 8k on vertically laid paper used (…
Sold $90
Russia 1858-2000 mixed MLH & CTO in 3 padded binders with 150+ Vario sheets. Set out in chronological order showing that coverage is sparse & missi…
Sold $130
Russia Substantial MLH, used & CTO in 6 vols noting 1858 10k perf. 12½ unused (Cat. £450 MLH) & set used (Cat. £500+), 1865 perf. 14½ x 15 wove…
Sold $1400
Romania Accum on 80+ Vario sheets in 2 binders (one a Lighthouse padded in "as new" cond). Enormous quantity of common material from late 1860's to…
Romania 1862-1900 MLH/used on old printed leaves. Odd serious fault not counted in total cat. value (Scott) of US$795+. Noted 1863 6p, 30p & 1865 5…
Sold $65
Romania Mostly used in 2 stockbooks noting 1890 1½b to 50b perf. 13½ (excl 10b) MLH (Cat. £170), no wmk set used with later defins sorted by wmk…
Sold $150
Rhodesia & Nyasaland Plus the component parts post-independence MLH & used in 3 Lighthouse stockbooks. R & N first defins to £1, second to 5/-, Ka…
Sold $550
Portuguese & Spanish Colonies MLH & used in 4 slim stockbooks, 3 of which cover the Portuguese Colonies. Good range in cat order with Angola (350 C…
Sold $380
Portugal & Colonies 1856-1900 MLH & used range on printed leaves & Hagners. STC US$400 but very mixed cond & reserved accordingly. (c300)
Sold $90
Portugal Kek stockbook starting with 9 imperfs in mixed cond, then perfd Cameos with vals to 150R mainly used, Luiz types to 50R incl "Provisorio" …
Sold $190
Portugal MLH & used accumulation on 20 Vario sheets & double sided Hagners in "Kanga" binder. Mixed cond especially earlies but useful pickings in …
Sold $50
Poland 1918-1992 MLH/used in cat order in 2 Favourite binders & black leaved Lighthouse stockbook. Missing all "key" items, but a good start in all…
Sold $75
Pitcairn Island KGVI-QEII range of MUH sets & singles from a retired dealers stock incl M/S's. All presented on Hagners with SG numbers annotated t…
Sold $110


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