Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Decimal
2015 Charlotte Elizabeth Diana Royal Birth sheetlet from the 2015 Aust Post Yearbook x 20. MUH. Retail $28ea ($560)
Sold $100
2015 Victoria Cross M/S's & WWI Gallipoli M/S's x 25 of each. MUH with a total Face Value of $175. SG 4309 & SG 4355, Cat. £350 (50 M/S's)
Sold $70
2013 World Stamp Expo "Personalised Stamps" sheetlet from the 2013 Aust Post Yearbook x 50. MUH. Retail $35ea ($1750)
Sold $240
2013 $100 Kangaroo & Map sheetlet of 10 x $10 with "Specimen" & "OS" Perfd & ovptd examples in 2 Colonial Heritage packs. Scarce as withdrawn early…
Sold $150
2013 $10 Kangaroo & Map single stamp & perf'd & imperf M/S's in 2 packs. Exc cond. Retail $70 (2 packs)
Sold $30
2013 "Centenary of Kangaroo Stamps FIP World Stamp Exhibition" Official dealers/exhibitors invitation folder with lenticular design Kangaroo cover,…
2012 Olivia Newton-John & ANZUS imperf M/S's only available in the 2012 Yearbook x 10. MUH. Retail $18ea ($180) (10)
Sold $55
2012 Inland Explorers imperforate M/S's x2 in Special Edition Pack from the Impressions Catalogue. One is "Printed on standard wood based gummed pa…
Sold $30
2012 Black Caviar "The Greatest Sprinter in the World", 2013 "A Racing Legend" & "The Wonder from Down Under" 2-3 sheet folders x 2 of each & x 3 o…
Sold $140
2012 Australian Zoos M/S collection incl 7 x imperf M/S's & an special embellished issue with fur effect. From the Aust Post Impressions catalogue.…
2012 Australian Olympic Gold Medallists plus Paralympian of the Year sheetlet from the 2012 Yearbook x 14. Fine MUH. Retail $27ea ($380) with FV $6…
Sold $40
2012 60c Bathurst Racing S/A's x 4 postally used with 3 being imperf on right side, possibly being cut-down but they would have had to be misperfed…
Sold $30
2012 (17th-20th May) PSWA Centennial Exhibition gold overprint on City Transport Imperf Prestige Booklet limited to 250 & numbered "234". Exc cond.
Sold $30
2012 $4 Colonial Heritage - Visualising Australia imperforate M/S's in pres folders x 4. Cost $60 with a retail of $160 (4)
Sold $40
2012 "Road Trip Australia" limited edition pres pack containing 2 M/S's both imperforate with second embellished with tinted reflective ink. Each n…
Sold $40
2011 Flood Relief Appeal sheetlet of 5 from the 2011 Aust Post Yearbook x 14. MUH. Retail $42 ea ($588) with FV $42 (14)
Sold $70
2011 60c Roses/Love S/A used with major perf shift down by 5mm resulting in missing "AUSTRALIA & 60c". Normal for comparison. (2)
Sold $24
2011 $4 Colonial Heritage - Identity imperforate Intaglio M/S's in presentation folders x 3. Cost $45 with a retail of $120+ (3)
Sold $30
2010 Fishes of the Reef sheetlet from the 2010 Australia Post Yearbook x 23. Fine MUH. Retail at $45ea ($1080) with FV $57.60 (24)
Sold $65
2010 Railway Journeys prestige booklets ovptd "Centenary of Kangaroo Stamps" with exhib logo in black. Consecutive numbers 481 & 482 of 500. Exc co…
Sold $70
2010 Kokoda PNG joint issue M/S ovptd "70th Anniversary Bombing of Darwin 19 February 1942" with digger bowing at a makeshift grave in gold. MUH Fi…
Sold $30
2009 Species at Risk M/S overprinted "Congratulations Stamp gallery 30 Years 1979-2009" in black. No. 053 of 100. MUH & rarely seen.
Sold $28
2009 Norfolk Is Parrots sheetlet ex 2009 Aust Post Yearbook x 15. MUH. Retail $45ea ($675) with $33 FV. (15)
Sold $46
2009 & 2019 Eagles AFL packs & the 2011 $6 "Footy Stamps" S/A sheetlet. Reserved at the F.V. One for the fans! (3 items)
2008 Australian Olympic Gold Medallists sheetlet of 14 from Aust Post Yearbook x 17. Fine MUH. Retail $48ea ($800+) with FV $120 (17)
Sold $60
2008 Horoscope Prestige Booklets set of 12 x 2. Excellent cond. FV $240 with a retail of $300+ (24)
Sold $100
2008 Aviation Qantas Airbus A380 Imperforate M/S's in uncut sheets from both right & left panes with 12 M/S's in each pane. Limited Edition nos. 55…
Sold $140
2008 Aviation Qantas Airbus A380 complete imperforate sheets from left pane containing 12 Miniature Sheets. Limited Edition No. 033 of 750 with AP …
Sold $160
2008 "Golden Hero's" Australian Gold Medallists Executive pres folder with sheetlet of 14, the 60c London & 60c, $1.60 & $2.35 Olympic set in gold …
2007 Aust Botanical Gardens sheetlet from the 2007 Aust Post Yearbook x 19. MUH. Retail $45ea ($855) with FV $47.50 (19)
Sold $40
2007 Architecture/Landmarks Imperforate complete sheets from the left & right panes comprising of 24 individual M/S's. Each pane with certificate. …
Sold $180
2007 Architecture/Landmarks Imperforate complete sheet from the right pane comprising 12 individual M/S's. In folder with Cert of Authenticity & nu…
Sold $100
2006 QEII 80th Birthday sheetlet from the 2006 Aust Post Yearbook x 18. MUH. Retail $55ea ($990) with FV $36 (18)
Sold $50
2006 Dangerous Australians Spider packs x 5 containing the semi-imperforate Miniature sheet with $1 Redback. Retail $275 (5 packs)
Sold $90
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne set of 17 Sheetlets in AP Pres albums as above but x 4. All in excellent cond. SG MS2607/23, retail at $180ea & …
Sold $420
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne set of 17 Sheetlets in AP Pres album as above.
Sold $100
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne set of 17 Sheetlets in AP Pres album as above.
Sold $70
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne set of 17 Sheetlets in AP presentation album. Fine MUH. SG MS2607/23 Retails $180.
Sold $80
2005 Australian Parrots Sheetlet from the 2005 Aust Post Yearbook x 24. MUH. Retail $48ea ($1150+) with FV $60 (24)
Sold $80
2005 "POSTAGE PAID AUSTRALIA RWANDA FPO 4" grey on white S/A label on piece tied by F.P.O. 4 cds dated 7 MR 05. First time seen by us.
2005 Australia Post Engraved Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia "Transport & Communication" x 3. Each contains 32 proofs struck from the origi…
Sold $150
2005 50c Globe Personalised SES sheet with Viktor Gorbatko, the Russian astronaut on the 20 tabs & signed by him on the top selvedge during the Pac…
Sold $40
2005 (19th Nov) RAAF Air Show Pearce SES commem sheet singles with aircraft illust tabs each on show cover & pmkd Ellenbrook East. Unusual. (10)
2004 UPU World Congress Bucharest, Romania special presentation folder by Australia Post containing MUH International Post issues to $20.00. Exc co…
Sold $80
2004 Australian Olympic Gold Medallists sheetlet of 17 x 50c from the Aust Post Yearbook x 23. Fine MUH. Retail $40ea ($920) with FV $195 (23)
Sold $100
2003 Australia Post Engraved Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia "Royalty". It contains 32 proofs struck from the original dies in rose-red. In…
Sold $60
2003 Farewell Frama issue Postcode Button set of 15 in 8 presentation packs plus another set in Aust Post unopened packets. Retail $650 (9 sets)
Sold $160
2003 (30th June) Farewell Frama Button State button sets of 15 x 2 sets on FDC's. Exc unaddressed cond & rarely seen. Retail $95 per set (10 covers)
Sold $50
2003 Australia Post Engraved Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia "Royalty". It contains 32 proofs struck from the original dies in rose-red. In…
Sold $50
2003 "Bishop Ivan Prasko First Eparch of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Australia and NZ" SES sheet. Contains 10 x 50c Aust map on globe. Not see…
Sold $60


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