Auction Lots
Auction No. 23 - Categories - Full Lot List - Page Navigation 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | All
Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Miscellaneous: King George V | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine rose with major "Tin Shed" variety. Fine used with Drury Cert. (2018).ACSC 71V "Tin Shed" flaw $50 Sold $45 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine rose with large major "Tin Shed" variety. F/U with Drury Cert. (2018). ACSC 71V "Tin Shed" flaw $100 Sold $90 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine rose dry ink perfined "OS" positional plate block of 4 from pane V with 10 & 11/16 & 17. 1x MUH, 3x MLH. ACSC 7… $1000 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine rose bisect on cover for 1½d War Tax. Stamps tied by Melbourne machine cancel for 20 NO 18 1.30P & addressed t… $200 Sold $200 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d plum G71 on rough paper. MLH & centred low left. Another scarce shade. Drury cert. (2017). ACSC 72L, Cat. $1500 $300 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d plum G71 on rough paper. MUH with little gum irregularities but lovely colour. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 72L Cat. $2750 $800 Sold $550 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d lilac rose on rough paper G70½ perfined OS. MLH & centred right. A scarce shade. Drury cert. (2017). ACSC 72KA, Cat. $… $350 Sold $350 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rosine on rough paper G68. Unused with part original gum & centred low left. Drury cert. (2017). ACSC 72I, Cat. $700 $100 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rosine on rough paper G68. MLH, centred low right. Shortish perf lower right corner otherwise vibrant fresh colour & fi… $150 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d deep scarlet aniline on thin paper. Fresh MLH. Drury Cert. (2018). ACSC 71J, Cat. $150 $60 Sold $60 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d deep red aniline bottom marginal block of 6 with CA monogram. Slight gum disturbance top right stamp & minor crease aff… $700 Sold $550 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine red G31 top selvedge positional plate 4 block of 4. Pane 7 for 1 & 2/7 & 8 with "secret mark" & "weeping pearl"… $60 Sold $60 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine red G31 plate 3 positional plate block of 4. Pane VII with 39 & 40/45 & 46. MLH with excellent colour. Cat. $80… $50 Sold $40 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine red G31 plate 3 positional block of 6 pane V with 10, 11/16 & 17. Fresh MLH. Cat. $40 as unplated singles $30 Sold $25 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine red G31 plate 3 one-line Harrison Imprint block of 8. Top 4 MLH (reinforced) & bottom 4 stamps MUH. Lovely exhi… $700 Sold $800 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine red G31 ovptd "N.W. Pacific Islands." with "ferns" variety. MUH in a deep shade. $30 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine red G31 lower selvedge plate block of 4. Pane VII with 51 & 52/57 & 58. 1 MUH, 3x MLH & nicely centred. Cat. $2… $60 Sold $45 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine red G31 left selvedge positional block of 4 from pane 7 with 13 & 14/19 & 20. MUH/MLH. Cat. $120 as unplated si… $80 Sold $65 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine red G31 right selvedge block of 4 pane, VIII positions 47, 48/53, 54 with "spot SE corner" variety. MLH. ACSC 7… $50 Sold $40 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine rose G30 x 2, both with inverted wmks incl VII 37 with "neck flaw" & VII 54 with "corner dot". MLH. Cat. $75ea … $80 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine rose G30 positional plate 3 block of 4 pane 6 with 5, 6/11, 12 on thin paper. MUH/MLH with minor gum disturbanc… $30 Sold $25 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine rose G30 plate I positional plate corner selvedge block of 6. Pane 2: 5, 6/11, 12/17, 18. MUH, centred right. C… $100 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine rose G30 plate I positional block of 8. Pane 1: 37-40/43-45. MLH, centred left. Cat. $240 as unplated singles. $100 Sold $80 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine rose G30 plate I positional block of 15 overprinted "N.W. Pacific Islands". Pane I stamps 31-35/37-41/43-47. St… $100 Sold $70 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine rose G30 plate 3 positional block of 10. Pane VI, 37-41, 43-47 incl "notch N.W. corner" variety ACSC 71(3)p. MU… $150 Sold $120 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine rose G30 plate 3 pair with "thinned L. frame" variety ACSC 71v(3)o. MLH centred right. Cat. $85 $30 Sold $25 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine rose G30 plate 2 bottom selvedge positional block of 8. Pane II for 41, 42/47, 48/52, 54/59 & 60. 54 has 1 shor… $120 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine rose G30 pane 3 positional block of 4 pane VI 1, 3/7, 8 incl ACSC 71v(3)l. MUH/MLH. Stamp 7 with small tone spo… $100 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d pink G28. MLH. centred left. Drury cert. (2017) ACSC 71T, Cat. $300 $100 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d pink G28. MLH & better centred than previous two. Drury cert. (2017) ACSC 71T, Cat. $300 $120 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d pink G28 MLH, centred right. Drury cert. (2017) ACSC 71T, Cat. $300 $100 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d brick G25. MLH centred left & low. Drury cert. (2017) ACSC 71Q, Cat. $900 $350 Sold $350 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d brownish rose G23½ perfined "OS". Centered high right. MLH. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 71Mb.b Cat. $500 $200 Sold $100 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose carmine "dry ink" pair perfined "OS". Used with light August 1918 machine cancel. Drury Cert. (2018). ACSC 71Lbb.c… $300 Sold $240 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose carmine G22 with inverted wmk, pane VIII with "RA joined" variety. MLH & creased but well centred. Cat. $75 plus p… $40 Sold $40 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose carmine G22 with inverted wmk in positional plate block of 4. Pane VI 31, 32/37 & 38. MUH with light crease. Cat. … $120 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose carmine G22 positional plate block of 4 pane VII for 53/54 & 59/60 with "ferns" & "RA joined" varieties. Very ligh… $90 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose carmine G22 pane V positional plate block of 6 for V 46-48 & 52-54. Bottom right rounded corner & small thin at ba… $100 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose G21 VII 37 x 2 with "wattle line" & "kangaroo's tongue out "varieties. Both MUH. ACSC Cat. $150 (2) $60 Sold $60 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose G21 positional pair, pane VI 23 & 24. MLH. Cat. $40 as unplated singles. $20 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose G21 positional pair with inverted wmk from pane 8. 59 & 60 with "run N" variety. MUH, MLH in selvedge only. Cat. $… $75 Sold $75 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose G21 positional pair pane VII 37 & 38 showing "neck flaw" variety. MLH. Cat. $95 $35 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose G21 positional block of 4 with inverted wmk from pane 8 for 14, 15/20, 21. Small tone spot back of 20 otherwise MU… $180 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose G21 positional block of 4 perfined "OS" with the varieties at "pane VII 53 + 54" (corner dot) & 54, 60 (run "N"). … $80 Sold $80 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d rose G21 block of 4 with wmk margin at right. Attractive MUH/MLH well centred block. Cat. $120 as singles $50 Sold $40 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d scarlet aniline vertical pair pane V positions 1 & 6. MUH/MLH. ACSC 71z(3)d & e, Cat. $150 as singles $70 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d scarlet aniline perfined "OS" positional block of 4, pane VIIL 53 & 54/ 59 & 60 with "ferns" & "RA join" varieties. MUH… $180 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d scarlet aniline G18 perfined "OS" right selvedge pane I positional block of 6. 1: 34, 35, 36/40, 41, 42 with "saddle on… $350 Archived | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d scarlet aniline G18 pane III positional block of 6. III- 31, 32, 33/37, 38 & 39 which incls "four breaks in shading lin… $300 Sold $240 | |||
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d scarlet aniline G18 pane 1 positional plate selvedge block of 12 for positions 1-12. Some reinforcing on selvedge, pull… $400 Sold $320 | |||
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