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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
KGV 1d violet in 3 blocks of 4. with no varieties, plate 3 positions pane V 53, 54/59, 60 perfined "OS" Cat. $450+ & plate 4 pane VII 31, 32/37, 38…
Sold $400
KGV 1d green single wmk with 2 blocks of 4, one with ACSC 77(4)f, g & h varieties, MUH (Cat. $150), 4 pairs, one with ACSC 77(4)k & l varieties, ML…
Sold $140
KGV 1d green Large Mult Wmk with 1 pair having minor variety, 5 singles incl "dot before RT one" variety. 1d green no wmk with 8 singles incl "N-Y …
Sold $30
KGV 1d Small Mult Wmk in various perfs with block of 12 perf. 13½x12½ with "dot before RT 1 re-entry", "thin left frame" & "notch lower left fram…
Sold $320
KGV 1d green CofA wmk with pane 1 strip of 12 MUH/MLH (hinged top 2 stamps only) ACSC 8L(1)df, Cat. $500. Two positional plate blocks of four (i) p…
Sold $150
KGV 1½d black brown single wmk with 2 blocks of 4 (i) perfined "OS" MLH (Cat. $300) & (ii) inverted wmk MUH/MLH (Cat. $420). Also Large Mult Wmk w…
Sold $360
KGV 1½d brown single wmk with 2 pairs incl 1 with inverted wmk (Cat. $150), 2 singles one with "no top to crown" & Large Mult Wmk with 2 blocks of…
Sold $40
KGV 1½d green in 2 blocks of four with one MUH plus a MUH/MLH, 2 pairs MUH & MUH/MLH & 5 singles but no annotated varieties.
Sold $25
KGV 1½d red single wmk in 2 positional plate blocks of four (i) electro (22) with ACSC sa, s, v & w varieties MUH (Cat. $150++), (ii) electro (26)…
Sold $170
KGV 1½d red Die III Small Mult Wmk perf. 14 with perfined "OS" single plus plate 3f (broken crown top) & perf. 13½x12½ 2 imprint blocks, one wit…
Sold $30
KGV 1½d red brown Die II Small Mult Wmk in 3 blocks of four with (i) plate 3 top right corner block ACSC 93(3)z, Cat. $70, MLH crease, (ii) John A…
Sold $40
KGV 2d orange Single Wmk with 3 singles (shades), 2d red with 29 stamps incl top right plate block of 12 1-3/7-9/13-15/19-21, a lower selvedge bloc…
Sold $120
KGV 3d blue single wmk MUH example (off centre), MLH well centred (light even gum toning), a "dry ink" variety MLH but off centre & fluffy perfs. A…
KGV 4d orange with a single MLH, 4d violet x 2 MLH (1 off centre, 1 with fluffy perfs), 4d blue x 2 MLH incl 1 perfined "OS", 4d olive SMW perf. 14…
Sold $100
KGVI used period in bundleware & loose with odd KGV heads & pre-decimal QEII all off paper in shoebox. Possible pmk potential with patience! (1000s)
Sold $30
1913-1936 used selection on 2 Hagners incl 1d kangaroos (34) with 2/- (8) & a few KGV (13) to 5d. 1927-1934 commem odds to 3d & 1931 6d violet MLH.…
Sold $65
1913-1965 in Seven Seas Hingeless album with slipcase (vg cond) with minor odds in kangaroos & KGV but noting 3d Sturt MUH, AIF & Arms MLH before 5…
1913-1965 in springback folder with kangaroos in various wmk to 5/- (CofA) with a few CTO incl nice 1st wmk 2/- brown (no gum) (70). KGV with 5 x E…
Sold $280
1913-1965 mixed MUH/MLH & used on Seven Seas standard leaves, the latter in the majority with a few kangaroos to 2/-, KGV to 1/4d incl perf "OS" va…
Sold $160
1913-1965 MUH/MLH in Seven Seas Hingeless Album noting kangaroos 1st wmk to 2/-, 3rd wmk to 5/- (excl 1/-), small mult to 2/- & ditto CofA with bot…
Sold $1600
1913-1980 in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Predominantly F/U with odd sprinkling of MUH/MLH. Most spaces are filled but some high vals missing. Kanga…
Sold $150
1913-1981 Seven Seas Hingeless album containing used range with kangaroos to 5/- (nice Halls Creek cds) & KGV to 1/4d. Other pickings with a few ne…
Sold $90
1913-1991 mainly used in standard SG one country album. Useful kangaroos to 5/- & KGV to 1/4d (incl Sm.Mult. perf. 14), 1914 6d kookaburra (rounded…
Sold $80
1914-1972 selection of better items on 2 Hagners noting good to fine used 1914 6d kookaburra, 1935 Silver Jubilee (2 sets), 1937 10/- & £1 Robes, …
Sold $120
1927-1982 MLH common in pre-decimal with decimals incl 1971 Christmas & Beef sets x 2 & PM's & FA's in tabbed sets. Total FV $200++ (100s)
1931-1965 in Seven Seas standard album. Very mixed cond & missing major items but the following are all present fine used; 4d & 5d kangaroos, 6d "O…
Sold $50
1937-1965 with duplication on leaves noting couple of 2/3d commems plus 1928-1940 fine MUH/MLH commems noting 9d NSW MUH & 6d AIF MLH with some dec…
Sold $30
1938-1966 ½d kangaroo study written up on leaves plus loose in cigarette tin with nearly all MUH/MLH in multiples showing imprints, retouches & id…
Sold $190
1940's/50's kiloware on paper. WA origin with many postmarks noted as torn widely around the stamps. Potential in the pmks as issues appear common …
Sold $60
1952-1957 MUH singles &/or blocks of 4 plus FDC's for most issues of this period presented on black pages. Noted 1956 3/6d booklet with waxed inter…
1953-1965 MUH sets incl Coronation (10 sets), 1963 2/3d Royal Visit x 50, 1962 2/6d Games (4), 1965 2/6d ICY (4) & 1965 ANZAC x 34 sets all in bloc…
Sold $75
1959-1987 MLH & used range in 2 springback binders incl Navigators to £2 used, AAT to 1966 $1 Mock Sun MLH & decimals to $10 MLH. Decimals mainly …
Sold $90
1961-1965 issues in MUH singles &/or blocks of 4 plus unaddressed FDC's for most all beautifully presented on black pages. Incls 5/- cattle FDC's x…
Sold $80
1966-1975 Seven Seas Optional hingeless pages with MUH issues for $1 Flinders perf. 14¾ x 14, 5c on 4c QEII booklet panes set of 6, 1971 Christmas…
Sold $60
1966-1991 Used stock in 2 large stockbooks with a good coverage of issues. Vast majority selected cds examples & many useful in quantity e.g. 1968 …
1966-1995 decimals on paper with vals to $20 with many useful F/U in album. Odd pre-decimal & world smattering but all appear basic used "packet ma…
Sold $30
1966-2008 range of MUH issues incl reprints, commem gutters, CPS's, S/A's incl reprint logos on backing papers & the advertising label strips, CTO …
Sold $900
1966-2017 MUH random selection noting 2011 Sydney Stamp Expo M/S, $4 Col Heritage M/S through to 2017 $10 Women in War S/A booklet pane. Also some …
Sold $30
1970's-1980's range of small envs all addressed to Perth with a huge variety of decimals used & finely cancelled with odd Reg'd & Certified Mail & …
Sold $130
1996-2001 Seven Seas Hingeless pages with a range of random used issues incl S/A's, Int Post & vals to $10 Kakadu. Some odd AAT at the back. (appro…
Sold $20
Censor Covers 1942-1945 censored mail from Melbourne, Sydney & SW Western Australia to local & overseas destinations. Interesting range of postal m…
Sold $60
Cinderellas-Hutt River Province 1973-1990 range of MUH issues on pages incl blocks, M/S's, sheetlets & early FDC's. Rarely seen later issues with v…
Sold $65
Cinderellas Incls issues from Rainbow Creek (90+), Bumbunga (19), Western Plains Zoo "Horse" booklet, 1970 London to Melbourne return strike mail s…
Sold $230
Counter Printed Stamps 1994 CPS "koala & kangaroo" 45c sets of 6 or 50c for later issues & button sets for odd issues such as Congress. The differe…
Sold $100
First Day Covers 1937-1952 range noting 1940 AIF, 1946 Peace set on plain cover pmkd Midland Junction, 1947 Mitchell on plain cover with "P.I.C.A.O…
Sold $50
First Day Covers 1937-1958 selection incl 1951 3d KGVI, Federation set of 4, 3d Gold pair, 1952 1'0½ KGVI (block of 4), 1953 1d (block) & 3d QEII,…
Sold $210
First Day Covers 1937-1963 range noting 1963 Red Cross cover with a pre-printed address to The Secretary General ARCS Melbourne, 1953 1d QEII Boans…
Sold $110
First Day Covers 1937-1965 range of pre-decimal covers from various cover producers incl Royal, WCS, Guthrie & Challis plus many others unidentifie…
Sold $450
First Day Covers 1938-1963 range in old time album with paper photo corners. Incls Wide World & WCS types plus some unidentified. Noted 1938 1½d K…
Sold $200
First Day Covers 1951-1955 range of Guthrie covers for 1951 3d KGVI, 6½d KGVI x 2, 1953 Produce Food with both strips, 1953 Sesqui set of 3, 1953 …
Sold $150


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