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Lot No Description Est.
Commonwealth & Foreign
Turks & Caicos 1900/04 Island badge set of 9 plus 2d greyish blue shade. Small stain on gum of 3/- otherwise fine MLH. SG 101/09 Cat. £130 (10)
Sold $70
Turks & Caicos 1913/21 ½d to 3/- KGV set of 11 fine used. Attractive genuine cancels with strong colour. A lovely set. SG 129/39 Cat. £110
Sold $85
Turks & Caicos 1938/45 KGVI set of 14 to 10/- incl both 6d & 1/- colours. Fresh MLH. SG 194/205 Cat. £130 for MUH
Sold $50
USA 1840 & 1841 stampless letters to Philadelphia with "12½" & "20" in m/s respectively from York (Pa) & Lancaster (Pa). The last being from Lanca…
Sold $35
USA 1861/62 10¢ blue green Washington used by barred cork obliterator. Well centred with two trimmed perfs lower right & foxed all round. Also 186…
Sold $40
USA 1904 St Louis Expo & Louisiana Purchase set of 5. MLH with 2¢ having small thin at top & 5¢ with gum disturbed. Mixed centring but fresh. SG …
Sold $60
USA 1933 50¢ Zeppelin MUH. SG A732 Cat. £100 + premium MUH
Sold $60
USA 1946-1965 Scripophily group of 10 Railway Company Share Certificates for Pennsylvania Railroad Company & The New York Central Railroad Company.…
USA 1978 Modern Dance strip of 3 blocks of 4 with major perf shift resulting in each stamp having an incorrect dance type. An attractive error. MUH…
USA 2013 $2 Curtiss Jenny Inverted stamp sheetlet of 6…………….or is it!! 100 of the print run were done with the aeroplane "upright". This …
Sold $55
USA 2016 S/A commem issues on large cardboard covers all pmkd with New York stamp show pictorial cancels, some of which are FDI incl "Views of our …
Vatican 1951 300L & 500L Decree of Gratian Airs pair. Slight gum bend on 500L otherwise fine MUH. SG 173/74 Cat. £550
Sold $150
Vatican 1999 Popes (2nd issue) set of 8 in sheetlets of 5 + 5 labels (Cat. £245), Europa gutter pair x 4 (Cat. £30) & 1998 Popes original set of …
Sold $60
Zanzibar 1895/96 ovpts on India 1R with small second "Z" variety (SG 18), 2R, 3R & 5R. All MLH. SG 18/21 Cat. £310+
Sold $150
Zanzibar 1936 Sultan Kalif "cents" & "shillings" defins to 10/- MLH. The 15¢ has light toning but 10/- is MUH. SG 310/22 Cat. £100+
Zanzibar 1894/96 ½d to 2/6d QV. 2/6d with corner crease & aged gum & a couple of toned perfs on 1/- otherwise MLH. Frontally fine & a low reserve.…
Sold $35

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