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Lot No Description Est.
Commonwealth & Foreign: New Guinea
1914 1d on 5pf, 2d on 10pf & 2d on 20pf stamps of Marshall Is surcharged "G.R.I." with values. First mentioned fine MLH but others with horizontal …
Sold $45
1914 2½d on 10pf & on 20pf stamps of German New Guinea surcharged with "G.R.I." & value 5mm apart. Both MLH. SG 5/6 Cat. £200+
Sold $100
1914 5pf Marshall Islands with "G.R.I. 1d." ovpt with 5mm spacing & "1 & "d" wider spaced" variety. MLH & was marginal but this now has separated (…
1914 5pf Marshall Islands with "G.R.I. 1d." ovpt with 5mm spacing used (blunt top left corner) plus 5pf, 10pf & 20pf with "1d" & "2d" surcharges ML…
Sold $70
1914 5pf Marshall Islands with "G.R.I. 1d." ovpt with 6mm spacing with "short 1" var. Ceremuga Cert. MLH SG 2b Cat £350
1914 20pf Marshall Islands with "G.R.I. 2d. " ovpt 5mm spacing on 2 examples. One with minor surface faults at top, the other with light traces of …
1914/15 "G.R.I. 2½d." ovpt with 6mm spacing on German New Guinea 10pf & 20pf (surcharged 2½d) plus "O.S. G.R.I. 1d." with light surface disturban…
Sold $110
1914/15 25pf Yacht with "G.R.I. 1d." ovpt with 5mm spacing x 2, one with thick "3" but unfortunately missing top right corner perfs plus 5d on 50pf…
1915 "Kawieng" black & red registration label in seriffed letters surcharged "G.R.I. 3d.". Mint. SG 42 Cat. £250
Sold $130
1915 "Kawieng" black & red registration labels x 5 examples inscribed "(Deutsche Neuguinea)" & ovptd "G.R.I. 3d.". Regd numbers 220, 548, 607, 654 …
1915 "Manus" black & red registration label in sans-serif type surcharged "G.R.I. 3d.". Mint. SG 39 Cat. £325
Sold $140
1915 "Rabaul" black & red registration label in sans-serif type surcharged "G.R.I. 3d.". SG 33 (Deutsch Neuguinea without hyphen) Cat. £275
1915 "Rabaul" black & red registration label in sans-serif type surcharged "G.R.I. 3d.". Small selvedge at left. MLH with 50% original gum. SG 33 C…
Commonwealth & Foreign: NWPI
1918/23 ½d green KGV, LM wmk with watermark inverted. Fine MLH & well centered. SG 119aw Cat. £130
1918 1/- emerald kangaroo with "One Penny" surcharges on abc strip of 3 fine used/CTO with crisp "NAMATANAI" cds's in violet. Attractive. SG 101 Re…
1918/23 Ovpts on 1d violet, 2d orange, 2d red, 4d violet & 4d ultramarine KGV MLH (SG 120/24, Cat. £45) & 9d vertical strip of 3 (SG 112) MLH with…
Sold $40
Commonwealth & Foreign: Nauru
1916/23 KGV set to 1/- incl both Dies of 2d. MLH, 6d with tone spot & heavy hinge remain. SG 1/12 Cat. £85
Sold $40
1916/23 KGV vals to 1/- missing only 1½d & 2d Die I nut incl thick & thin ovpts on 1/-. Nicely used. Cat. £140 (11)
Sold $70
1916/23 KGV ovpts to 1/- in pairs (2½d, 3d singles only) showing deformed "U" on first unit of each pair, the singles showing break in left arm of…
Sold $100
1916/23 KGV central ovpts set of 4 with 1½d MLH & others fine used. SG 13/16 Cat. £170
Sold $90
1916/23 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- Seahorses, DLR printing. MLH with the 10/- centred to right. Good perfs & fresh appearance. SG 20, 22 & 23 Cat. £420
Sold $220
1924/48 Ships to 2/6d on shiny paper. 1/- centered left with 2d & 2/6d MLH but others MUH. SG 26B/37B Cat. £110 (12)
1924/48 Ships to 10/- on rough surfaced greyish paper. MLH but small tweezer dent on 5/-. SG 26A/39A Cat. £225
Sold $100
1924/48 Ships on greyish paper for ½d, 2d, 2½d, 5d & 9d vals plus white paper to 9d with ½d perf. 14. All fine used. Total cat. £140 (14)
1924/48 10/- yellow Ship on shiny paper fine used on cover addr to Scotland dated 23 AP 54. SG 39B Cat. £100 x6 on cover
Sold $130
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua
1901/05 1d black & red BNG x 2 on piece tied by "ASSISTANT RESIDENT MAGISTRATE KOKODA N.D." circular handstamps dated 1/10/05 in m/s. Mottled with …
Sold $40
1901/05 2½d black & ultramarine bottom selvedge example with vertical wmk plus small "Papua" ovptd on 2/6d black & brown with wmk horizontal. Both…
Sold $10
1906 ½d "large Papua" complete MUH/MLH sheet of 30 ovptd. Selvedge disturbance visible from front at top right & lower left but scarce in full she…
Sold $250
1906 ½d to 1/- "large Papua" ovpt set (excl 4d), the 6d & 1/- wmk horizontal & all MLH plus regd cover Port Moresby to Edinburgh with the registra…
Sold $350
1907 "small Papua" Brisbane ovpts comprising thick paper with horizontal rosettes wmk 2½d & 2/6d (2), vertical 2½d, 4d & 1/- & thin paper with ve…
Sold $150
1907/10 ½d black & green "large Papua" in complete sheet of 30 with all units MUH except reinforced at lower right corner & left selvedge between …
Sold $100
1907/10 ½d black & green "large Papua" in complete sheet of 30 with lower left 3 units detached & MLH. MLH on selvedges with odd light tone spot b…
Sold $40
1907/10 ½d black & green "large Papua" in complete sheet of 30 with wmk inverted. Light overall toning & couple of small disturbance. Unlisted by …
Sold $280
1907/10 ½d block of 4 & 2/6d single "large Papua" MLH plus OHMS Government Gazette wrapper from Port Moresby to Sydney showing correct usage of ½…
Sold $160
1907/10 ½d black & deep green "small Papua" perf. 11 in full sheet of 30 annotated in pencil in margins to locate 6 varieties. Hinged on selvedge …
Sold $250
1907/10 ½d black & deep green, perf. 12½ in top left corner block showing retouch to left of Papua on first stamp. MH but soiling/stains evident.…
Sold $20
1907/10 ½d black & yellow green "small Papua" perf. 12½ top left marginal block of 9 from second printing vignette stone III state 5 with minor f…
Sold $30
1907/10 2d black & purple pair, perf 12½ on piece with central "Daru W.D. 28 Jun 12 Papua" cds & similar alongside. SG 68 if wmk sideways, SG 55 i…
Sold $15
1907/10 2d black & purple pair, perf. 11 wmk sideways with left hand stamp having blotch of colour over 2d & the other showing break in inner frame…
Sold $20
1909/10 6d black & myrtle green, perf 11, wmk upright block of 4 with each stamp showing a minor variety annotated on album page piece. MLH. SG 53 …
Sold $30
1907/10 6d black & myrtle green perf. 11 wmk sideways upper marginal block of 15 (5x3) on album page with write up from Hamilton Croaker detailing …
Sold $100
1907/10 Lakatoi constant flaws from printing stone III comprising "rift in sky" on ½d, 2d, 2½d & 6d vals, "black dot under right hand P of Postag…
Sold $170
1908 2d black & purple, perf. 11, wmk upright, perfined "OS" F/U plus 1930 ½d, 1d, 1½d, 3d, 4d & 6d similarly punctured & all mint without gum. S…
Sold $70
1910/11 ½d to 2/6d (excl 1d) "large Papua" perf. 12½ set on long "OHMS" cover to France with each val having centred Port Moresby cds for 18 JAN …
Sold $300
1910/11 1d black & carmine "large Papua" MUH marginal strip of 3 ovptd "Stamp Duty." plus a Samarai registered piece with similar ovpt on "small Pa…
Sold $80
1910/11 1d black & carmine ovptd "Stamp Duty." Bottom marginal single MLH. SG 67
Sold $30
1910/11 1d black & carmine ovptd "Stamp Duty." Lower right marginal single MUH. SG 67
Sold $40
1911/15 ½d to 2/6d monocolours. MLH with varying hinge remains. SG 84/91 Cat. £60
Sold $30
1911/15 ½d to 2/6d monocolours incl shades of ½d & 2½d plus perf. 14 1d rose pink with the latter & 1/- MUH & 2½d dull ultra mint without gum. …
Sold $40
1911/15 ½d yellow green complete sheet of 40 with third vertical row of perfs double causing separation plus CA/JBC lower selvedge monogram strip …
Sold $100

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