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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Postcards
"Perth W.A., looking West" Falk coloured card with Fremantle 14 SE 1909 cds applied to GB KEVII 1d red. Addressed to Belgium probably posted on boa…
Sold $30
"Perth" b& w "Miles 3.4.08" photographic card. Fine Nannine 3b-b 29 JU 08 cds's on 1d swan. Addressed to Broad Arrow. Areas of photograph faded due…
Sold $40
"Perth, W.A., looking South-West" Falk colour in superb unused cond.
Sold $30
"Perth, WA Looking East" Falk coloured with Boulder 31 MR 08 cds tying ½d & 1s swan pair to North Wales addressed card.
Sold $25
"Perth, WA. Railway Station & Moir's Buildings". German card in colour. Postally used in August 1905 from Melbourne to Gibbsland. Corner crease & w…
Sold $60
"Perth, WA. St Georges Tce & Library Institute". Rare early German colour card with undivided back & small space for message on front. c1905. Repai…
Sold $50
"Perth, Western Australia" showing Hay St in Perth. Colour Robert Jolley, Melbourne card with Melbourne 23 5 03 cds. Addressed to England but taxed…
Sold $50
"Perth, Western Australia" showing St Georges Tce. A Robert Jolly, Melbourne colour card with gold Swan shield top right. "Paquebot" cachet on reve…
Sold $50
"Perth-Fremantle Road at Claremont, W.A." Falk coloured card addressed to Italy. Almost illegible 1908 Malcolm cds's on ½d & 1d swans. Tone spots …
Sold $40
"Prince Street, Busselton". South Western News b&w with complete Bunbury OC 31 06 Duplex cancel DxL-2 in 2 (2). Addressed to Mr H. Watson, Donnybro…
Sold $110
"Queen Street Busselton WA" in pencil m/s on the back of this untitled b&w photographic (Elston Studios) card. Shows Commercial Hotel c1915. Fine u…
Sold $55
"Railway Station, Fremantle WA" Fremantle to England & oval forest path untitled (1903 Subiaco to England) postcards both bearing 1d swan. Also "Ha…
Sold $15
"St George's Cathedral, Perth W.A." colour card from the "Picturesque Perth and Surroundings Series A" by artist T.S. Henry. Fine unused bar a coup…
"Swan River W.A." Roy & Gibson undivided back b&w with New Norcia 3b in 1 cds dated 6 MR 06 tying 1d swan. Addressed to Tumut NSW. Well worn card b…
Sold $30
"Swimming Baths, Freshwater Bay, WA" Austral Store b& w with undivided back. Very good to good unused cond. c1905
Sold $40
"The Avenue, Queen St., Busselton." South-Western News card in violet with Busselton cds's dated 23 JAN 07 tying 1d swan. Addressed to Kalgoorlie. …
Sold $70
"The Jetty, Busselton" South-Western News card in violet. Busselton 14 FE 07 cds tying 1d swan. Message on front. Fine cond.
Sold $130
"The Railway Station, Busselton". South Western News b&w card with bold Bunbury OC 31 06 Duplex cancel DxL-2 in 2 (2). Message on card is to "save …
Sold $130
WA stamps in colour bordering writing space with black & gold swan crest at left. Appears to be a Robert Jolley card because of the latter. "O.S. &…
W.A.T.T. Motor Cycle Race (150 miles), Lord & Excelsior Streets, East Perth. Four b&w postcards by Park's press photos, Perth. One marked 1909. Pin…
Sold $200
"White Feather Main Reefs Mine, Kanowna, WA". Falk & Co colour card in pristine mint cond.
Sold $120
Australia: Pre-decimal
1908/09 1/- & 5/- Postage Dues fine used pair. SG D58/59 Cat. £60 (2)
Sold $20
1909 ½d to 5/- rosine & yellow-green. 1/- toned otherwise MLH & above average centering. SG D63/71 Cat. £350
1911 (15th Sept) 1d KGV Coronation Postcard in sepia uprated with ½d kangaroo & addressed to Frankfurt, Germany. Message on reverse is date 15.9.1…
1913 (1st Aug) ½d green & 2d grey kangaroos bearing the correct rate of 2½d on cover to Germany from Wickepin WA. All tied by neat Wickepin cds's…
Sold $120
1913 1d kangaroo Lettercard with " Cataract Gorge, Launceston Tas" view in blackish brown. Fine mint. ACSC LC16 Cat. $125
1913 1d pale red engraved KGV horiz pair with doubled perfs at base. Fresh MLH. ACSC 59bh Cat. $350
Sold $310
1913 1d red engraved KGV left marginal block of 9 with part imprint. Reasonably centred with MUH x 6 & MLH x 3. Mild bend top row. SG 17
Sold $20
1913 6d kookaburra. MLH with good centering. SG 19 Retails $100+
Sold $40
1914 6d kookaburra horiz pair centred to top. MVLH/MLH. SG 19 Cat. £150
Sold $50
1913 6d kookaburra left marginal fresh MUH example. SG 19 Retails $240
Sold $95
1913 6d kookaburra. Fresh MUH with superb centering. SG 19 Retails $240
Sold $120
1915 (27th Jan) Highland Society of NSW commercial metered cover with "PAID AT SYDNEY NSW JA 27 1915 ½D" roller in red. Addressed locally & with p…
1915 (2nd Aug) "Gepps Aurora Hotel" private illustrated advertising cover sent from Adelaide to Philadelphia USA with censor tape at left. Has the …
1917 (Prisoner of War) outgoing censored "PRISONER OF WAR FREE LETTER" from Liverpool NSW to Hannover, Germany with handstamp of "R. Holman Lieut. …
1924 (14th Jan) "Avis de Reception" postal card used for acknowledgement of receipt of article posted to Germany. Fee of 3d paid by 3d olive Die II…
Sold $220
1927 1½d Parliament selection of MUH/MLH noting single "retouch to top of first "A" plus normal single, 3 pairs, strip of 3 & block of 4. (13)
1927 1½d Parliament block of 40 with selvedge on 3 sides. Some light gum bends otherwise MUH. SG 105
Sold $20
1927 1½d Parliament full sheet of 80 MUH. Stamps are fine but right & lower selvedges with grease stains. Ideal research item. SG 105 (80)
Sold $25
1927 2/- booklet with both panes of 8 x 1½d Parliament fresh MUH. Rusty original staple covered by hinges down booklet spine. SG SB22 Cat. £90
Sold $60
1927 2/- Parliament booklet. Usual odd gum crease. SG SB22 Cat. £90
Sold $70
1928 Kookaburra Miniature Sheet. MUH but toned gum & vertical ironed out crease reflected in conservative reserve. Frontally attractive. SG MS 106a
Sold $50
1928 Kookaburra Miniature Sheet. MUH with minor gum bends. SG MS 106a
Sold $90
1928 Kookaburra Exhibition complete sheet of 15 Miniature Sheets. Staining affecting 1st vertical row of left hand blocks & the selvedge. Also perf…
Sold $600
1928 Kookaburra Miniature Sheet from top of sheet. Fine MVLH in top selvedge with no perf separation. SG MS106a
Sold $75
1928 Kookaburra Miniature Sheet from top of sheet. Fresh MUH from bottom of the sheet. Excellent example. SG MS106a
Sold $170
1928 Kookaburra Miniature Sheet. Fine used by red Exhibition cds. No perf separation. Fine & attractive. SG MS 106a
Sold $160
1928 (31st Oct) Kookaburra M/S's x 2 with the 31 OCT 28 Melbourne Exhibition cancel in blue on one & red on the other together with handwritten not…
Sold $310
1929 3d Airmail, type A, in Plates 1-4 corner blocks. MLH in selvedge only. Plate 3 with grease stain on right hand perfs & plate 4 with creases & …
Sold $70
1929 3d Airmail, type A, Ash imprint block of 4. MUH ACSC 134z Cat. $125
Sold $70

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