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Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1287_sml.jpg) 1910c Leo Quick coloured illustrated cover showing a black entertainer with top hat & prepared for posting to "Frank Wade, D&J Fowler, Fremantle We… $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1288_sml.jpg) 1911 (4th May) OHMS Perth registered long env addressed to "141 Mile Post, Rabbit Proof Fence" with 4d WA swan perfined "OS". DLO Perth 8 JUL 1912 … $80 Sold $170 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1289_sml.jpg) 1911 (19th June) Perth registered long OHMS Land Titles Office env bearing 4d swan perfined "OS". Violet oval LAND TITLES OFFICE 6 NOV 11 & D.L.O. … $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1290_sml.jpg) 1911 (6th July) OHMS Perth registered long cover with 4d swan perfined "OS" to a council employee in Bulong. Single line "NOT KNOWN BY LETTER CARRI… $100 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1291_sml.jpg) 1912 3d brown swans on thin paper x 2. One with wmk crown A sideways & the other upright. Usual roughish perfs. Both MUH. SG 170/a Cat. £260 (2) $100 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1292_sml.jpg) 1912 8d apple-green swan, perf. 12½ x 12 with upright crown A wmk. Superb fine used with Wagin 1 MR 12 cds. This upright wmk is not recorded in ei… $400 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1293_sml.jpg) 1912 9d orange-yellow swan, Crown over A wmk, perf. 11, perfined "OS". Very good used. ACSC W52A Cat. $200 (2004) $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1294_sml.jpg) 1912 9d yellow-orange swan, Crown over A wmk, perf. 11 with wmk upright. Good used by upright bold, slightly smudged, Roebourne cds. ACSC states "a… $350 Sold $280 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1295_sml.jpg) 1912 9d yellow-orange Swan, perf. 11 with crown A wmk upright perf 11. Used with 1912 Parcel Post Perth cancel. Good centering & perfs. A difficult… $400 Sold $320 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1296_sml.jpg) 1914 (28th Oct) OHMS Perth Registered cover to Geraldton bearing 4d kangaroo perfined "OS" & partially overstruck by "Officially Sealed" gummed for… $250 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1297_sml.jpg) 1915 (10th May) Perth registered OHMS long Land Titles Office bearing 4d kangaroo perfined large "OS" & addressed to Gwalia. Land Titles Office ova… $80 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1298_sml.jpg) 1915 (1st May) Ravensthorpe cds cancelled 1911 1d red KGV full face postcard (ACSC P23) plus 1913/15 1d kangaroo postcard original die (ACSC P24 (1… $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1299_sml.jpg) 1915 (25th Aug) Perth registered OHMS long cover to Kunjinn (spelling changed to Kunjin in 1929) bearing pair of 2d grey kangaroos perfined small "… $60 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1300_sml.jpg) 1915 (29th June) Registered OHMS Land Titles Office long cover Perth with 1d red KGV block of 4 perfined small "OS"& tied by Perth reg cds. Address… $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1301_sml.jpg) 1915 (30th July) OHMS Registered Land Titles Office long cover from Perth to Boulder with 4d orange kangaroo perfined large "OS" tied by registered… $150 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1302_sml.jpg) 1915 (31st Aug) Perth registered long OHMS env addressed to Eucla WA with 1d red KGV block of 4 perfined "OS" & tied by Reg Perth cds's. Received E… $60 Sold $95 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1303_sml.jpg) 1916 (2nd Mar) Perth registered OHMS long env bearing 4d kangaroo perfined large "OS" & addressed to a farmer at "Ngewangerup". Redirected to Black… $80 Sold $95 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1304_sml.jpg) 1918 (28th Mar) Perth registered OHMS long env to "Miss Rosina Thanks, Day Dawn" typewritten in red. 4d yellow orange KGV perfined "OS" & tied by o… $80 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1305_sml.jpg) 1920's Claymore, Collie Burn, Greenbushes, Hamelin Pool, Lawlers, Wellard & Winchester postmarks all on KGV. Clean. (7) $25 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1306_sml.jpg) 1921 (12th July) OHMS Perth registered long env to a farmer in Nangeenan bearing a pair of 2d orange & 1d red KGV all perfined "OS". Marked "UNCLAI… $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1307_sml.jpg) 1927 (9th May) OHMS Perth registered long env to Northam bearing 1½d & 3d ultramarine KGV perfined "OS" with Northam 10 MAY 27 receival cds on rev… $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1308_sml.jpg) 1927 (8th Sept) Perth registered OHMS long cover addressed to Nungarin with 1½d & 3d ultramarine KGV perfined "OS". Nungarin b/s for 12 SE 27 & ma… $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1309_sml.jpg) 1929 (30th Mar) OHMS Narrogin Registered (red R6 label) cover with 1½d red & 3d ultramarine KGV both perfined "OS" tied by Narrogin B29-a (2-3) cd… $60 Sold $220 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1310_sml.jpg) 1930 (7th April) OHMS env with 1½d & 3d KGV perfined OS addressed to York tied by Registered Perth cds's. Perth R6 Reg label tied by "UNKNOWN BY L… $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1311_sml.jpg) 1933 & 1935 OHMS covers from accounts branch of W.A. Govt Railways addressed to Controller of Accounts & Audit W.A. Govt Railways, Perth. The 1933 … $100 Sold $240 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1312_sml.jpg) 1933 (14th Jan) Whim Creek to Carnarvon airmail cover with 5d KGV x 2 & 3d KGV tied by crisp Whim Creek 14 JA 33 cds's in violet. Ex Gary Watson. $280 Sold $280 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1313_sml.jpg) 1933 (8th Apr) Referendum Day Mitchell cover with ONE PENNY surcharge on 2d yellow tied by Perth machine cancel. Addressed to S. Mitchell, 376a Mur… $30 Sold $65 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1314_sml.jpg) 1933 (10th May) Secession Mitchell Souvenir cover with ½d green KGV pair tied by Perth machine cancel. Semi-circular "Secession Victor Celebration… $30 Sold $65 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1315_sml.jpg) 1934 (13th Jan) Postmaster General's Department form N.O.O. No.7. "Transfer Statement - Departmental Office Equipment, etc" sent by the Moojebing o… $500 Sold $600 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1316_sml.jpg) 1935 (16th Mar) Telegram with Cue 3 ring cds. Details death from Wiluna Gold Mine blast - fifth incident! Good cond. $20 Sold $45 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1317_sml.jpg) 1935 (19th July) 2d Silver Jubilee tied to Perth addressed cover by crisp Nanga Brook D27 (2) cds. Vertical crease but away from stamp & postmark. $30 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1318_sml.jpg) 1935 (12th Sept) "Dwellingup No.2 Mill" R6 Reg label on cover with 5d KGV tied by "No. 2 State Mill Dwellingup" cds. Addressed to Cox Bros., 98 Wil… $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1319_sml.jpg) 1936 (20th June) Welbungin Registered Albert & Son, University, Educational and General Bookseller, Music, Musical Instruments and Magazines addres… $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1320_sml.jpg) 1936 Municipality of Cottesloe window envs with "Paid Claremont 1D 3-DE 36" cds on one & "Paid at Cottesloe WA ? DE 49" on the other. (2) $10 Sold $10 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1321_sml.jpg) 1938 (20th Sept) "Commonwealth Railways Lounge Car" printed env with 2d KGVI tied by Rawlinna D26 (2-3) cds. Addressed to Victoria. Very good cond. $50 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1322_sml.jpg) 1940 Local Government Debenture coupons for varying amounts ranging from £49/15/6 to £275/15/5 from the following road boards; Canning, Claremont… $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1323_sml.jpg) 1941 (15th July) OHMS cover with "Lend to Defend Buy War Savings Certificates" & logo on flap. 1d QM perfined WA tied by Cue c28a cds with neighbou… $80 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1324_sml.jpg) 1941 (15th Oct) OHMS Kalgoorlie Registered long env with 5d Merino (perfined "WA") tied by Kalgoorlie cds. Agnew E30 (2-3) receival cds on front wi… $50 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1325_sml.jpg) 1942 (29th Oct) Censored & registered cover from Rottnest Island with Provisional R6 label (No. 150). Addressed to Sydney NSW with "Compensation" i… $100 Sold $220 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1326_sml.jpg) 1944 (18th May) Perth to NZ Censored airmail cover with 1d red & blue Lady Gowrie Red Cross Appeal label tied by Perth machine cancel with neighbou… $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1327_sml.jpg) 1945 Fremantle D27 cancelled 5½d emu on Commonwealth Bank reg cover with "FREMANTLE" provisional R6 label No. 47. Fremantle b/s's with 3 Commonwea… $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1328_sml.jpg) 1947 (26th May) Telegram with Post & Telegraph Office Ors 2 in violet at top right. Not recorded in PMI or PMC. Very good cond with only filing folds. $60 Sold $260 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1329_sml.jpg) 1948 (22nd Oct) Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia long printed env with Marradong in m/s Provisional Registered R6 label with 5½d emu tied by… $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1330_sml.jpg) 1948 (25th Oct) Commonwealth Savings Bank pre-printed reg env with strip of 3 x 2½d Mueller pmkd East Cannington (B27) but with "CANNINGTON EAST" … $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1331_sml.jpg) 1949 (9th Jan) Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia printed env with 5½d emu tied by Scarborough East E31-9 (2) c ds. "Scarb East" in m/s on R6 … $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1332_sml.jpg) 1949 (18th Jan) 1½d QM & 6d kookaburra tied by Como cds on Commonwealth Savings Bank Reg printed env with "Como Beach" provisional label in hand. … $20 Sold $15 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1333_sml.jpg) 1949 (20th Jan) Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia printed env with ½d kangaroo & pair of 2½d Jamboree tied by Waterman's Bay C30 (2) cds's. … $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1334_sml.jpg) 1949 (13th Dec) Postmaster-General's Department form G.O.43 "Statement of incoming calls from other offices…" from Dardadine to Bunbury 1st to 28… $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1335_sml.jpg) 1949 Motor Spirit Ration ticket block of 4 & 2 singles all valid until 31st July 1949 for 2 gallons printed in black on greenish paper. The block s… $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/19/lots/1336_sml.jpg) 1953 (22nd Dec) Registered cover with 1/7d QEII tied by crisp, clear No.18 relief cancel E31-b (1) with "PINEDALE" h/s Provisional R6 Reg label. Pi… $70 Sold $70 |