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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: PNC Covers
2000 (21st Jan) Australian Legends - ANZACS PNC Coin First Day Cover. Exc cond. Retails $110
Sold $40
2000 (24th July) Victoria Cross - Valour $1 PNC Coin First Day Cover. Exc cond. Retails $250
Sold $100
2000 (17th August) Olympic Sports PNC Coin First Day Covers. Contains two $5 coins & both stamp issues. Marks at left on both from ring binder but …
Sold $25
2002 (6th Feb) QEII Accession Golden Jubilee PNC 50c Coin First Day Cover. Exc cond. Retails $320+
Sold $110
2012 (August) Olympic Gold Medallists set of 7 PNC's in Official AP album. All with the $1 Olympic coins & covers pmkd on day of medal awarded. No.…
Sold $100
Western Australia: Collections
1854-1912 MUH, MLH & used collection on leaves in peg binder. Incls 1854 1d black (pinhole, 2 margins), 1854/55 1/- pale brown x 2 (3 margin exampl…
Sold $340
1854-1912 Balance of consignment previously priced to sell at approx. $600 on Hagners. Incls 1855 1/- grey-brown swan (damaged), 1890 2d bluish-gre…
Sold $50
1854-1912 Duplicated range starting with 1854 1d black (cut into at sides), 1860 2d pale orange (close margins) & 1861 2d blue intermediate perf. 1…
Sold $100
1861-1906 Seven Seas pages with 1884 "½" on 1d CA wmk used, 1872 3d, 1885 5d & 6d all MLH, 1893 surcharges (2) MLH, 1902 1d, 2d & 10d MLH with oth…
Sold $340
1861-1912 Used dupl range noting "1d" & "ONE PENNY" (5) surcharges on 3d brown shades with others to 1/- recess & typo. Also noted 17 cut-outs from…
Sold $80
1861-1912 An extensive good to fine used "stock" with useful duplication all on Hagner sheets by SG number. Vals to 5/- with multiples, "OS" & "WA"…
1898-1907 swan selection with W crown A wmks comprising 1d (4), 2d (2), 2½d (3), 6d (2) & 1/- (3, incl pair). Mostly fine MLH. Cat £360+ (14)
1900-1910 Leo Quick personal portfolio & sketch book of remaining items drawn or collected by him during his time in the Merchant Navy travelling t…
1905-1912 Swan selection with Crown over A wmks, perf. 11 comprising 1d (3), 2d (3), 3d (3, one perf "OS"), 5d (12, incl pair) & 9d (6). A few diff…
1937-1957 Covers to & from other states & overseas incl WWI On Active Service formular envelope with 3RD LIGHT HORSE FIELD POST OFFICE cds of 1917.…
Sold $100
"Bussell" The original "school girl" collection belonging to "Lady Betty Bussell" containing a range of swans, kangaroos to 10/- & GB amongst other…
Sold $80
Forgeries Range of different values & colours with both rouletted, perforated & imperforate examples. Some with barred numeral cancels, others conc…
Sold $160
Forgeries Spiro Fournier 2d orange imperf swan forgery cancelled with "3" void grid cancel plus other perforated/rouletted examples with concentric…
Sold $65
Picture Postcards featuring young ladies comprising 1906 (colour) & 1907 x 6 B&W all locally used to Perth & Fremantle addresses with 1d swans. Onl…
Sold $30
Postal Stationary ½d brown, 1d blue & 1½d green overstamped "1½d" in violet Swan unused postcards. The 1d has pre-printed "Natural History and S…
Postmarks Approx. 200 on swans with little duplication. Most part strikes with about 15% complete or almost complete. Useful starter collection. So…
Sold $85
Postmarks "A-W" range on 1d & 2d swans both on & off paper on 2 Lindner pages. Many fine strikes. Useful pickings. (200+)
Sold $80
Postmarks various on approx. 170 stamps incl numerals, barred letters, duplexes, Loose Ship Letters, duplexes, Ship Mail Room, parcel post & mail r…
Sold $85
Postmarks on piece & off paper from kangaroos & KGV through to decimals in 6 albums/stockbooks. Noted odd WA swan plus a Hearson (N.W.Camp for cons…
Sold $120
Postmarks on swans all annotated on Hagners. Some duplication & quality of strikes vary but noted the following on a quick run through: Lennonville…
Sold $140
Postmarks on WA & Australian stamps. Mainly WA usage with some nice complete strikes. Nothing scarce sighted. (100s)
Sold $55
Perfins 1885-1912 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d, 4d, 1/- & 5/- swan & QV group with "WA" perfins, good to fine used. (7)
Private perfins with 12 of the 16 known incl D&J Fowler, Courthorpe & Drummond (commercial agents), Foy & Gibson (department store), Millars Karri …
Sold $65
Revenues Collection typed up on leaves with examples on bank cheques, receipts, 1932 Bill of Exchange & bank deposit stub. No "long swans" but "sma…
Sold $4000
Revenues "long swan" duty stamps 1906-1927 comprehensive collection with vals ranging from 1d to £10 (11) arranged by printings with most stamps i…
Sold $800
Revenues "long swan" duty stamps collection typed up on leaves in quality binder. Sorted by wmk & perf varieties with many perforating errors ident…
Sold $2400
Stamp Duty Range on 3 Hagners with one comprising perf. 14½ x 13½ vals from 1d to 10/- off paper (8), the other two Hagners with on paper range s…
Sold $70
Swans on/off paper mixture of 1d reds & 2d yellows. Some complete cds's & "OS" perfins noted. (1500+)
Sold $85
Swans in cigar box with majority 1d & 2d vals. Some in multiples with pmk potential. (1000s)
Sold $90
Swans accumulation on piece in old tin with variety of cancels. Mainly 1d & 2d vals. Odd other State has slipped in! (1700+)
Sold $85
Swans Largely 1d & 2d vals heavily duplicated with duplex or cds cancels sorted by face value. Nothing scarce but many attractive strikes from the …
Sold $75
Swans 1d, 2d, 5d & 8d vals in used bundleware neatly stacked in plastic box plus a few WA 1d lilac (vertical) internal revenue & 1d red stamp duty …
Sold $1500
Swans range on stockcard, most with faults. Vals to 10d & incl two "½" surcharges. Mixed MLH & mint no gum. Cat. £340+ (18)
Swans with mainly 1d & 2d vals. Mixed on & off paper with possible pmk potential with time. Noted multiples & some full cds's but common. (2000+)
Sold $75
Underpaid & Taxed Mail. A comprehensive mounted display with covers from 1956-1990. Written up with date ranges & illust cancels with measurements …
Sold $500
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1854 1d black fine used by light 15 bar 2 cancel. 3 generous margins but base cut into. SG 1 Cat. £275
Sold $60
1854 1d black swan fine used with void grid cancel. 4 generous margins. A lovely example. SG 1 Cat. £275
Sold $130
1854 1d black swan with 4 margins. Fine used by void grid obliterator. SG 1 Cat. £275
Sold $160
1854 1d black with double tailed swan variety (R 10/2) partly obscured by post mark. Fine used by 15 bar 1 cancel with 4 full margins. SG 1 Cat. £…
Sold $80
1854 1d black swan unused with small part o.g. 4 margins. Minute thin at base under "E" of penny. SG 1 Cat. £1300
Sold $330
1854 4d pale blue swan fine used with 15 bar 6 cancel. 4 large margins. A beautiful stamp. SG 3 Cat. £200
Sold $140
1854 4d pale blue swan with 4 large to close, just touching at top left, margins. Lightly used. SG 3 Cat. £200
1854 4d pale blue swan with "no outer line above "GE" of Postage & coloured line under "FOU" of Four" varieties. Fine used with void grid cancel. 3…
Sold $150
1854 4d pale blue swan with "swan & water above "ENCE" damaged" variety. Fine used with 15 bar 2 cancel in blue. Close to touching margins however …
Sold $400
1854 4d pale blue swan with a spectacular paper fold void at right. Fine used by light barred cancel. A striking stamp of exhibition quality. SG 3var.

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