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Lot No Description Est.
Box Lots
World in stockbooks, retired circuit sheets & old printed albums noting Indonesia, Canada & old Europe but in mixed condition, Egypt used incl a Ce…
Sold $130
Harris world albums x 2 reasonably filled, drawing book with cheap oddments used, mixed 1990's Aust incl some MUH (FV $80+), etc.
Sold $50
World "P-Z" countries used range in 10 large Chinese stockbooks. Majority common packet material. (1000s)
Sold $50
Massive accumulation with some pre-sorting attempted into packets of thematics & World countries. Stockbooks with more plus Aust basic used. Odd su…
Sold $170
Suitcase packed with Aust & GB mint & used incl covers. World range is mainly used in variety of albums. Noted GB 1948 RSW MUH pair, Tristan da Cun…
Sold $390
World FDC's, Maxicards & few M/S's noting China 1984 Year of the Rat & 1985 Year of the Ox medallion covers, various 1977-1997 (45) items, PNG PSE'…
Sold $120
Australia, GB & Ireland on/off paper lot in glassines, large envelopes & other receptacles. Various periods with modern Aust on paper in 1 bag. Sma…
Sold $45
"Hundreds & Thousands" World & Aust in large foam container. No obvious highlights but only hours of patient sorting will tell!
Sold $75
World FDC's, Maxicards, M/S's, PSE's, etc plus "1984 Russian Collection" in printed album, other PO presentations from USA, Gibraltar & other count…
Sold $30
Packet mixture in quantity loose in bags, on retired circuit pages, in stockbooks, containers, etc. Another requiring patience & optimism! (1000s)
Sold $65
An unusual lot containing Freemasonry regalia, books, cards plus a 1915 tube to Mt Morgan with Brisbane cds tying 1d & 3d containing various member…
Sold $200
Deceased estate suitcase crammed full, briefly noting small tins of stamps, old world albums & stockbooks, used on/off paper with useful high val F…
Sold $370
Ships & Boats thematic collection in 16 vols. with World issues arranged by country of issue. Noted Singapore 1970 & 1972 Shipping FDC's, mixed ran…
Sold $160
Australia & others on/off paper in bags, envs, etc. Noted an "Instanta" perf gauge, 1977 Silver Jubilee covers in large album, Australia 1950's-198…
Sold $70
World circuit sheet accumulation noting modern Netherlands MUH sheetlets, a few early 1900's Iceland MUH with later used, middle period France MLH …
Old schoolboy albums, UN FDC's, stockbooks of Aust & British Commonwealth, world "floor sweepings". Noted Tuvalu random in albums, Hagner of intere…
Sold $70
Collectors "Autumn" clean-out. Packets of used stamps with World & Aust on/off paper plus in stockbooks. Odd philatelic cover plus 2000's Aust comm…
Sold $50
On/off paper world issues in large flat box. Mostly Australia from odd KGV to 1970's & also sighted useful GB. Light the fire & settle down to an e…
Sold $45
Australia, NZ, Germany, Finland, Austria, other European & Asian countries arranged in 11 large stockbooks. Value in sheer quantity with no gems sp…
Sold $95
Netherlands & Colonies in stockbooks, album, bags on/off paper & approval books. Also FDC's & commercial covers from 1852 to 1970's but middle peri…
Sold $250
14 Chinese stockbooks with USA, Hong Kong, Malta, Japan, Chile, Pacific Is, GB, PNG, NZ, British Guiana & others in leverarch file. Also some Europ…
Sold $120
Australia, NZ, Canada, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Czech & others in 11 large stockbooks plus 3 small. Various periods with majorit…
Sold $50
Great Britain presentation packs in 3 cover albums plus box of addressed FDC's & envs of loose stamps & stockbook with decimal Machins used. Over 1…
Sold $260
Various pickings in this mixed lot with stockbook of East Germany/Berlin 1960's-1970's MUH/MLH incl M/S's with majority of later in pairs incl vals…
Sold $490
Australian decimals used in glassines, small boxes & bags plus a few covers. Other all World on/off paper loose in box with more covers. Noted SAA …
Sold $30
Very mixed group from USA 1876 Centennial Photographic Exhibition & similar age postcard pair to 1987 America's Cup Gift Pack to 1949 UPU French Co…
Sold $50
Covers, Aust PSE's & FDC's plus a few stamps in 12 ring binders of display sleeves & large Chinese stockbooks. Incls 4 binders of Australian PSE's …
Sold $60
Old suitcase that still opens & shuts & is almost collectable in its own right! Balance of a vendors consignment with junior albums, envelope of 19…
Sold $400
Great Britain, Germany, Greece & other "G" countries in 4 stockbooks plus another of Hong Kong & Hungary. Also "I-N" (excl K,L) countries all used …
Sold $200
Huge World & Aust accumulation packed tightly in box consisting of stamps on/off paper in containers with more on album pages & more in stockbooks …
Sold $65
Large accumulation of on/off paper duplicated used from various countries. All common & largely "middle period". A good lot to keeping you going un…
Sold $50
Great Britain lot with 2 albums of addressed FDC's, one with 1948-1974 (23 pre-decimal & 60 decimal), the second with 2000-2003 (70). Also empty co…
Sold $230
Australia 1966-1981 Seven Seas hingeless album & 1913-1986 Lighthouse hingeless album with slipcase, junior albums, mailing box of loose used Aust,…
Sold $20
Balance of vendors consignment with a mixed group incl Aust Post 1988 Bicentennial packs, stockbooks with sundry used GB, India & others. Sri Lanka…
Sold $50
Stamps in stockbooks, glassines, box & Hagners. Mostly lot with signs of toning. Two large stockbooks have cheap used from various countries with m…
Sold $80
World pre-1980 in very mixed cond in 5 foolscap notebooks, boxes, old albums & glassine bags. Noting 1937 Coronation album with odd stain or other …
Sold $270
Australia duplicated used incl AAT in 7 stockbooks plus other "A" countries in another then "B"-"F" countries also used arranged in Chinese stockbo…
Sold $210
World covers with largely commercial mail to 1960's. Many useful items incl plain GB Regd FDC of 1955 to South Africa bearing 2/6d & 5/- castles, m…
Sold $660
Literature group incl SG GB Concise (2010), GB QV Specialist (2006), Canada Unitrade (2007), ACSC - Brusden White Kangaroos (1999), Corinphila hard…
Sold $50
Australia with mainly 1980's-2000's accumulation of covers, Airmail commem covers, Maxicards plus special cachets on FDC's & PSE's. Also large enve…
Sold $290
Suitcase on wheels which is fortunate as very heavy! Crammed with World stamps on/off paper from all periods plus some world coins. Incls 4 albums …
Sold $330
World & Australia in a variety of stockbooks, little plastic containers & envs. Europe pickings in 3 large "Timbes Poste" albums but majority commo…
Sold $170
Australia, NZ, USA, Germany, Austria, Romania & other European presented in 10 large & 1 small stockbooks. Majority used & common with "packet" typ…
Sold $150
Three small format Lighthouse cover albums (empty bit in good cond), ACSC KGV Brusden White (1994 edition), stockbook with untidy GB Machins used …
Sold $50
A very mixed lot in both contents & cond. A mix of stamps, Aust & World, random covers (noting Qantas 1959 flown cover) & odd better MUH issues e.g…
Sold $70
Australia plus a few GB & others. This "balance of consignment lot" has many loose FDC's & PSE's, postcards, commercial mail, AUSIPEX 84, CUP-PEX 8…
Sold $100
Massive A-Z World collection/accumulation on Hagner pages in 42 files. With a very quick glance (as an eleventh hour lot!), there appears to be not…
Sold $320
Commercial mail from various countries with better noted being odd early Aust incl 1889 WA ½d brown swan postcard with Albany duplex, three OHMS e…
Sold $300
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Aden & States 1939 & 1951 KGVI sets MUH/MLH on Hagner with 1942 States sets MLH plus Seiyun 1954 & 1964 sets MLH, 1966 Olympics & World Cup …
Sold $120
Aden & States Good lot with 1937 Dhows to 5R MLH plus extra set to 1R, 1939 to 10R & to 5R & used (ex 2R MLH), 1951 surcharges MLH & used to 10/- &…
Sold $300


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