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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Germany-West on 25 Hagners. Incls Heuss fluoro & non-fluoro, se-tenants, booklet & se-tenants with wmk 4Y, 1964 Martyrs M/S MUH, 1975 defins & near…
Sold $100
Germany-West & Berlin 1945-1995 used collection in Davo album. Noted in West 1949 Parliament, 20pf & 30pf Stamp Cent, UPU plus a good range thereaf…
Gibraltar 1886-2008 MUH, MLH & used range on 32 Hagners. Plenty of pickings incl 1889 75¢ surcharge MLH (cat. £55), 1898 1/- bistre & carmine MLH…
Sold $210
Gibraltar 1886-93 MUH & MLH collection in Schaubek hingeless album. Useful QV range incls 1889 50¢ MLH & 75¢ (MLH) surcharges, 1889 2pi MLH plus …
Sold $230
Gibraltar QV to QEII used. Noted Silver Jubilee 3d & 1/-, various perfs of KGVI to 1/-, UPU set, Ships defins to £1 Mary Celeste (ex 10/-), 1977 d…
Sold $90
Gilbert & Ellice/Kiribati MUH & used with modest range 1911 Palms, KGV, then 1939 to 5/- MLH (2 sets), 1956 to 5/- MLH (1/- used) & 1949 RSW. Then …
Sold $65
Gold Coast & Ghana 1876-2009 on approx. 60 Hagners in binder. Noted 1889/94 5/-, 10/- & 20/- (cheaper one) used, 1898/1902 2/-, 1913/21 20/- (fisc…
Sold $120
Great Britain 1815-1840 pre-stamp entires x 26 in good cond with minor value in a few postcards of Germany, Hungary plus other oddments incl Argent…
Sold $80
Great Britain QV selection on Hagners & cards with 1840 1d intense black with 4 margins & 2d blue with close to touching margins. Also 1841 1d impe…
Sold $220
Great Britain 1840-1951 substantial collection in quality Lighthouse stockbook. Starts with 1840 1d black x 2 in average cond then excellent range …
Sold $3000
Great Britain 1840-1968 used collection written up on leaves in old style British binder. QV useful incl 1840 1d black (3, one with 4 margins, othe…
Sold $560
Great Britain 1840-1970 incl 1840 1d black with 4 margins, 1847 10d embossed (cut to shape), 1/- (2, incl one cut square), other imperfs plus usefu…
Sold $600
Great Britain 1840-1970's mainly used in Scott "British Europe" album. Noted 1840 2d blue (spacefiller) plus other QV (90) incl 5/- & some Official…
Great Britain 1840-1990 neatly arranged MUH, MUH & used collection in black-leaved quality Lighthouse stockbook. Incls 1840 1d black (faults), 1841…
Sold $280
Great Britain 1841-1958 used collection on SG printed leaves. Cond. above average incl 1841 1d & 2d, 1847/54 1/- green embossed (discoloured), 1862…
Sold $350
Great Britain 1841-1978 used collection on leaves in binder with a few 1841/79 engraved in average cond then good surface printed incl 1856/57 4d p…
Sold $200
Great Britain 1841-1984 collection on Hagners in 2 binders with some QV/KGV mounted used on leaves with few 1d imperfs, surface printed to 1/-, KEV…
Sold $150
Great Britain 1847-1985 solid used collection in binder with a couple of imperf & c75 1d red QV in mixed cond., useful surface printed incl 8d, 10d…
Sold $160
Great Britain 1854-1883 QV used selection on stockcards incl 2d blue letters lower corners (2) & all corners (3), 1873/80 6d grey, plate 14, 1880/8…
Sold $40
Great Britain 1858/79 1d reds in plate number order in large peg album set out for plate reconstruction. Quantities vary from nil to 110 (pl. 156) …
Sold $360
Great Britain 1858-1975 used duplicated range on leaves. Mainly poor to average cond with some 1965-1970 MLH. QV to 10d, KEVII & KGV to 1/-, KGVI t…
Sold $20
Great Britain 1880-1958 used on leaves & cards noting 1883 6d on 6d, 1883/84 2/6d with nice cds, 5/- good used & 10/- perfin. KGV defins to 1/-, UP…
Sold $60
Great Britain 1881-1993 Used collection on illustrated Windsor leaves in 4 boxed binders with pages to 1995, stamps to 1993, but from 1881 only. No…
Great Britain 1902-2001 MUH/MLH oddments on Hagners noting 1924 BEE & 1925 1d, 1951 10/- & 1952 Tudor Crown to 1/6d all MLH. Others are common but …
Sold $70
Great Britain 1948-1981 range of plain & illustrated addressed FDC's & special event covers in display sleeves in 2 ring binders. (185)
Sold $30
Great Britain 1950's-2000 MUH & used sets plus oddments in no particular order. Heavy duplicated in Wildings used, ditto Castles & commems with Mac…
Sold $40
Great Britain 1952-1970 duplicated used defins & commems on c25 Hagners in padded binder. Heavy duplicated of cheap items but some better commems i…
Sold $30
Great Britain 1952-1970 MUH, MLH & used collection. Comprehensive with 1952 Tudor crown set MUH plus all vals used with useful duplication. Noted 1…
Sold $220
Great Britain 1957-2009 used collection approx. 80% complete incl M/S's on printed SG leaves. Pre-decimal incls phosphor graphites & all phosphor c…
Sold $60
Great Britain 1969-1996 FDC's with approx. half with typed addresses the rest hand written. (130+) Also other FDC's from NZ plus odd other countr…
Sold $30
Great Britain 1969-1998 FDC & commem cover range incl booklet panes & Machins. Majority typed addressed or unaddressed. Useful pickings incl Stua…
Great Britain 1970-1995 range of sets & odds values MLH/MUH in black-leaved stockbook. Some duplicated & odd earlier included. Approx. 60 sets MUH.…
Sold $25
Great Britain 1970-2003 collection of 280 addressed FDC's in 3 large binders. Appears to be commem issues & M/S's only. High degree of completeness…
Sold $80
Great Britain 1970's booklets, packs & covers on Hagners in 4 ring file. All in good cond. Total cat. value €110+
Sold $30
Great Britain 1971-1975 British Military Uniform cover collection complete with info cards for each. 60 illust covers with a range of special pmks,…
Great Britain 1971-1993 MUH & used collection with duplication in Lighthouse stockbook. Many sets MUH x 2 plus used sets up to 1980 then a set of e…
Sold $120
Great Britain 1974-1990 addressed FDC's in 4 cover albums plus 1979-1981 "extras". Incls high val defins, prestige booklet panes & M/S's. (250 diff…
Sold $120
Great Britain 1985-1995 pres packs x 51 diff in FDC album plus a few regional FDC's & others in envelopes on/off paper.
Sold $80
Great Britain 1988-2002 range of 43 diff pres packs in cover album. Useful lot incl "Timekeeper" M/S, "Just So" stories S/A block, Castles pack, "M…
Sold $130
Great Britain 1990-2009 with strength in MUH with Greetings booklet panes, M/S's & approx. 150 commem sets. Some defins used incl £10 Castles x 6.…
Sold $280
Great Britain 1994-2004 MUH & used collection in quality Prinz stockbook. Where issues appear in blocks & strips they are also here as singles. Inc…
Sold $300
Great Britain 1998-2003 MUH range of sets incl some blocks, M/S's (13) & prestige booklets (6) on Hagners in folder. Useful with a FV £90+ ($160+)
Sold $100
Great Britain 2000-2012 Smilers Sheets incl Stamp Show 2000, Special Moments S/A, "We Will Remember Them" & "Letters from the Front", 2008 Air Disp…
Sold $400
Great Britain 2005-2010 MUH & used collection in Lighthouse stockbook. Generally one MUH & used set of each with occasional extras. M/S's, S/A's, P…
Sold $620
Great Britain 2008-2009 range of MUH issues on Lindner sheets in binder. Incls M/S's, Regionals & booklets (1st & 2nd Class Pantomime) Vals to £5 …
Sold $150
Great Britain 2010-2013 commems & M/S's all MUH on Hagners in binder. Approx. 45 sets in pairs (i.e. 90 sets) & over 20 M/S's. Not in strictly c…
Sold $580
Great Britain QV to 2005 used collection on leaves in 2 Senator binders, one "as new". Sparse to KGV then over 90% complete to 2000's & then patchy…
Sold $140
Great Britain QV to early 2000's used plus odd Jersey & Guernsey. Noted 1870 1½d engraved, a few surface printed to 10d, 1934 re-engraved Seah…
Sold $65
Great Britain QV to QEII MUH & used sets with odd strips plus oddments in Lighthouse stockbook. Random order but several complete MUH sets & strips…
Sold $50
Great Britain QV to QEII noting 1840 1d black (no margins), 2d blue with light M/C pmk (3½ margins), 1841 1d red imperf on blued paper with "7" in…
Sold $400


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