Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Postmarks
Posted In Late Fee Bag complete framed handstamp on strip of 3 x 1d red swans. Lovely clear strike
Western Australia: Postmarks
Trafalgar 3b-a in nil. 90% strike on 5d olive swan Perf. 11. Latest PMI date 1-08-06 (1). This strike dated JY 20 09.
Sold $60
Western Australia: Postmarks
White Flag 3b 65% strike on ½d green swan AP 21 97
Sold $150
Western Australia: Postmarks
Wolwolling 3b 80% strike for JA 10 06 on Pair 1d red swans
Sold $50
States and Territories: Western Australia
1890's-early 1900's Frank Stamps for General Post Office (2 types), The Museum & Woods & Forests Department. Full strikes on piece. (4)
Australia: Decimal
2000 Olympic Gold Medallists set of 16 sheetlets of 10. MUH. FV $72 (16)
Sold $25
Australia: Decimal
2007 AFL Prestige Medal & Stamp booklets for Dockers, Hawthorn, St Kilda, Crows, Geelong, Melbourne & Sydney. FV $70 (7)
Sold $35
Australia: Decimal
2008 Rugby League presentation packs x 9. SG 2935/50 FV $72 (9)
Sold $40
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Andorra-French 1944/51 pictorials. Missing 2f50 & 25f ultramarine, otherwise complete. MUH/MLH SG F97/F142 (ex F110 & F139) Cat. £90
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Cayman Islands 1962/64 ½d to £1 QEII Defins. MLH. SG 165/79 Cat. £80 (MUH)
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
French Polynesia 1978 Discovery of Hawaii/Capt. Cook set in embossed gutter blocks of 4. MVLH on selvedge only with stamps MUH. SG 266/67 Cat. £65+
Sold $35
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Germany 1942 b/w postcard showing profile of Hitler, the address side showing 1941 6pf Mozart pair & single, tied by 11.1.42 special cachets (2 dif…
Sold $35
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Grenada 1899 2d mauve & brown QV. MLH SG 50 Cat. £40
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Leeward Islands 1942 £1 purple & black on carmine. F/U with 1943 cds. SG 114a Cat. £55
Sold $40
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Netherlands 1898 2½g dull lilac perf. 11½x11 MLH. Nice appearance but has hinge remnant & horizontal bend. SG 195 Cat. £140
Sold $35
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Sierra Leone 1956 ½d to £1 QEII Defins. Fresh MUH. SG 210/22 Cat. £55
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Solomon Islands 1965 QEII Pictorials set of 15 to £1. Fresh MUH SG 112/26 Cat. £55
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Southern Rhodesia 1953 ½d to £1 QEII Defins. MLH. SG 78/91 Cat. £75 (MUH)
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
St Helena 1953 ½d to 10/- QEII Defins. Fresh MVLH. SG 153/65 Cat. £80 (MUH)
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Swaziland 1956 QEII Defins ½d to £1. Fresh MUH with only £1 MVLH. SG 53/64 Cat. £90
Australia: Commonwealth & Foreign
Tristan Da Cunha 1960 ½d to 10/- QEII Defins. Fresh MLH with 2/- & 5/- MUH. SG 28/41 Cat. £75 (MUH)
Australia: Box Lots
Collector's cleanout incl loose mainly decimal Australia used in bag, c30 Australian 1947/64 covers, binder with 1964/68 MUH, MLH & F/U odds incl b…
Sold $95
Australia: Box Lots
Empty Hagners, albums incl Seven Seas hingeless pre-decimal & Warwick 22 ring, Vario leaves & stocksheets on bed of loose Australia & NZ decimal us…
Sold $90
Australia: Box Lots
Australia PSE's mint & FDI plus 1970's & 1980's AP FDC's, postcards & lettercards in 7 binders. Also one of incoming commercial mail & a smaller on…
Sold $220
Australia: Box Lots
Huge World lot in 20 stockbooks of various sizes containing common used ranges of NZ, Portugal, Hong Kong, GB, Ireland, Liberia, Switzerland, Belgi…
Sold $110
Australia: Box Lots
World assortment in shoebox containing packs, loose used USA, Christmas Is MUH 1970s, Canada used in approval book & others. Odd useful item incl G…
Sold $100
Australia: Box Lots
Envelopes all with recent cds postmarks with majority being WA. As collected by charity & unchecked. (1000s) This lot is been sold commission free …
Sold $140
Australia: Box Lots
Collectors spring clean with some better noted incl GB 1870 ½d plates 3-6, 10-15 (+ extra 15), 19-20 in average condition, 1960 Turkey Olympics sh…
Sold $65
Australia: Box Lots
Europe & World in 7 small/medium stockbooks of mainly cheaper but noting USA 1976 Bicentennial sheetlets set of 4 MUH & 1972 ESSO calendar where a …
Sold $50
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Antigua & Barbuda Not in chronological order, but noted QV to 6d used, later part defin sets incl 1970 mixed MLH & used to $5, commem sets incl uni…
Sold $50
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Argentina MLH & used selection on over 50 Hagners in padded 4 ring binder. Haphazard & not many sets, but a clean lot with half of value in the Hag…
Sold $45
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Bulgaria Odd early, but nearly all post war with some late 1970's-1980's commem sets MUH. Predominantly CTO sets, part sets & oddments. All on 80 "…
Sold $40
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Canada-Newfoundland 1880-1941 MLH & used on 3 Hagners incl 1937 "Long" Coronation set & 1941 perf 12½ pictorials to 48c plus 1946 "TWO CENTS" surc…
Sold $40
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Ceylon/Sri Lanka Light duplicated throughout from a few late QV & KEVII to KGV to 2R. Incls 1936 set used, KGVI incl some perf varieties, later set…
Sold $55
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Cuba Predominantly 1960's-1990's part sets CTO with strong thematic appeal. Some of estimate put towards the approx. 100 Hagners. (100s)
Sold $60
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Ethiopia MUH, MLH & used oddments in Lighthouse stockbook. Patchy coverage to 2005 with 1952 $1, $2 & $3 (latter x 4) used are the best plus many s…
Sold $40
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Falkland Islands 1981-1983 Falklands War era collection of letters plus mint & used postal stationery. Rarely seen. (11 items)
Sold $55
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
French Colonies on Hagners. Best representations are Reunion, St Pierre & Miquelon, French Equatorial Africa & smaller ranges of Middle Congo, Inin…
Sold $60
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Germany 1943/44 registered internal covers. Earliest 29.4.43 registered Planitz (Arno Keller & Co) & one of 5.7.44 from Kirchanschoring (Hermann Ge…
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Germany WWII scenes of devastation on 15 photographs printed on Fujicolor Crystal Archive Paper from wartime negatives (?) in black & white. Most s…
Sold $40
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain 1858/79 1d red plate numbers arranged in plate no. order in stockbook. Very mixed cond with minority fine, some duplicated, but over …
Sold $60
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain 1982-1986 Presentation Packs presented on 45 Hagners. Appears complete in commems. (no Machins). FV £44 ($65+) (45)
Sold $40
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Jamaica 1880-1921 heavily duplicated MLH range incl Red Cross "biplane" label x 67 MLH, 1900 Llanduvery Falls bicolour (60+), monocolour (c20), KGV…
Sold $70
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Laos Noted 1983 Fish, 1984 Ausipex & M/S, 1986 Snakes & Butterflies all MUH. However mainly CTO sets/part sets to 1996. Very little pre-1970. Odd d…
Sold $60
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Latvia Modest MLH & used range in stockbook with some better incl 1932 imperf charity airs 5, 10, 15 values only, few 1920/21 ovpts MLH, defins in …
Sold $45
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Monaco MLH & used selection in small stockbook. Noted 1885 1, 2, 5¢ MLH (gum faults, 5, 15, 25¢ good to F/U (Cat. £150), few 1891 to 50¢ incl 2…
Sold $40
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Netherlands 1852-1985 collection in DAVO standard album with mounts added. Nearly all used to 1974 then mainly MUH. Missing nearly all to 1937 but …
Sold $40
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Netherlands 1960s-1990s sets & oddments in random order in large stockbook. Strong in MUH commem sets plus few MLH & used. Netherlands Colonies at …
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
New Zealand 1873-1980 collection on Seven Seas leaves used to 1940 then mostly MUH. Good basic lot to build on, with nothing highly catalogued pres…
Sold $40
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
New Zealand 1920-1965 sparse MUH range in black leaved Lighthouse stockbook. Noted few low value KGV, 1931 7d Air, 1936 Commerce, 2/- Cook, KGVI de…
Sold $120

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