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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World | |||
New Zealand Postmarks on piece in stockbook. Nearly all are bold, clear & complete strikes, arranged in alphabetical order. Pre-decimal are largely… $50 Sold $90 | |||
New Zealand Range in 2 large stockbooks. Noted 3/- Mt Egmont x 14 used, 1½d purple brown KGVI x 7, 2/- KGVI x 8 & lots of Christmas issues in qty … $30 Sold $30 | |||
New Zealand Range of MLH &used on stockcards from 2nd sideface to 1960 plus counter roll leader with 2 x 8¢ flag. Noted 1935 Airs x 2, S. Jubilee,… $80 Archived | |||
New Zealand with mainly unaddressed FDC's, noting 1969 Cook M/S (4), 1972 Lakes, few earlier Healths, but strength in 1970's & 1980's to 1994 incl … $100 Sold $100 | |||
New Zealand, Ross Dep, Niue & Tokelau Small MLH & used range incl few KGVI with 2d violet, 8d blue used, 9d & 1/- duplicated "OFFICIAL", 1969 I.R.C… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Norway 1856-1993 Majority used (a few earlier mint). Skilling values mixed cond. (Sk Cat. £430+, poor to fine). Useful reasonable coverage. Cat. … $120 Archived | |||
Pacific Islands lightly duplicated MUH, MLH & used range on Hagners. Useful pre-war Niue to 3/-, few Aitutaki, Penrhyn, larger quantities of Cook I… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Pakistan 1976-88 array of MUH commems sets & issued singles with good thematic content including se-tenant format. (215) $60 Sold $75 | |||
Pitcairn Is 1940-1981 MUH & MLH (Victory pair used) complete in hingeless Seven Seas album. Also duplicated & later to 1989 on Hagners. 1948 10/- R… $60 Sold $100 | |||
Pitcairn Is 1967-1989 accumulation on 60 Hagners in 2 volumes with majority 1970 onwards & MUH. Usual high duplication in late 1970's but gutter & … $150 Sold $150 | |||
Poland 1919-1973 duplicated largely used & CTO range in 2 stockbooks. Not many sets but a clean lot with value in quantity. (1000s) $30 Archived | |||
Poland 1962-1971 MUH accumulation of complete sets in large Chinese stockbook. Strong thematic content & useful for resale or swapping. (100s of sets) $80 Archived | |||
Poland (Dachau) 1943 picture postcard from SS guard showing mess hall for guards, with official "eagle" cachet, plus 4 M/S's of 2nd Army Corps 1/11… $120 Archived | |||
Poland (General Govt) WWII collection of 11 x 1940 Krakau cancelled envelopes with ovpts on Poland (unaddressed) plus legal document franked 2 Rare… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Portugal MLH & used range with much common used plus few MLH/used colonies, but definite pickings incl 1945 Navigators M/S (MLH) with surface thins… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Qatar Accumulation of commercially used with some odd MUH blocks plus some Bahrain & Oman at back. Noted 1957/59 MUH to 10R, 1966 Gold & Silver coi… $80 Sold $100 | |||
Rhodesia 1965-1980 (UDI period) MLH & used on Vario leaves incl 1965 5/- on 1/3d Churchill CTO, 1966 RHOPEX & 1972 RHOPHIL M/S's, 1967 "Dual Curren… $80 Archived | |||
Rhodesia incl North & South & Nyasaland. Incls Double Heads 3d (5), 4d (2), 8d (1), 12½d (Perf 15) used. South-Admirals to 1/- (used), North - KGV… $140 Sold $140 | |||
Rhodesia & Nyasaland Range on stockcards with 1954/56 to £1, 1959/62 to 5/-, few commems (2/6d Kariba MLH others used), plus 6d airletter unused &… $20 Sold $20 | |||
Romania Accum in 40 well filled pages of mainly CTO Communist period commems & thematics. (1000+) $25 Sold $25 | |||
Russia 1921 (odd earlier) to 1964 collection remnants in heavy old Soviet printed album. Mainly oddments but does incl 1937 Air set of 7 & 1945 Sta… $30 Sold $45 | |||
Russia All different range with thematic appeal in brown stockbook. Nearly all MUH with c20 pre 1960, rest 1960-1991 with sets, M/S's & imperfs. ST… $100 Sold $170 | |||
Russia Collection of MUH, MLH, used & CTO on over 100 Hagners in 4 ring binders, plus Romania mainly post-1950 on at least 50 Hagners in binder. Ma… $600 Sold $600 | |||
South East Asia Small range with Myanmar 1993 SG 334/35 2002/04 SG 376/81 all MUH. Pakistan 1948/56 vals to 5R MLH & 1961 local surcharges (5). Tha… $120 Archived | |||
Samoa 1970s range of FDC’s, 69 unaddressed all different incl defins to $5 & some M/Ss $45 Archived | |||
Samoa Mainly post-war on stock leaves & Hagners with strength in 1960's & 1970's incl Birds to $1 MUH. Some pre-decimal to 2/- used. Modest, but a … $25 Sold $25 | |||
Samoa Official covers 1980's-1990's, parcel tags from Samoa (3), letter/parcel bills of 1980's, airmail letters to NZ & 1890 Apia to Germany use of… $20 Sold $30 | |||
Scandinavia Range in 2 stockbooks. Mainly Denmark, Sweden & Norway used cheaper to 2000, but highlight is Finland 1962 Railways set of 3 in MUH blo… $40 Sold $55 | |||
Scandinavia Modest used range in large stockbook, but noted Faroes 1987 Hafnia M/S MUH. Over 50 stamps mainly "packet material" with odd duplicate.… $20 Archived | |||
Seychelles 1892-1952 MUH, MLH & used range. KGVI vals to 5R MUH/MLH, some duplication (incl higher cat). Small collection of Mauritius (40) 1859 1/… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Sierra Leone 1876-1938 mainly MLH with a few MUH. 1896 vals to 1/-, KEVII to 1/- (3), 2/-, 5/- & KGV to 1/-. A nice lot (minor coloured gum) Cat. Â… $120 Archived | |||
Sierra Leone 1964 Airmail covers incl one Reg all with "Map" self adhesives pmkd Freetown on album pages with used & MLH examples also noted. (3 co… $30 Archived | |||
Somaliland Protectorate 1903-1951 QV to 1R, KEVII to 8a, KGV to 1R MLH & KGVI 3R. SG 103 MUH. Cat. £180 (33) $50 Sold $50 | |||
South Africa 1910-1961 MLH & used collection in boxed Lindner "T" album with KGV to 10/- used, 1925 Airs to 6d & 1929 pair MLH. 1933 to 1939 commem… $260 Archived | |||
South Africa 1910-1979 MUH & MLH in chronological order in 2 large stockbooks. Sparse early but incl 1933 Veortrekker set of 4 pairs MUH, 1935 Silv… $150 Archived | |||
South Africa 1910-1990 duplication in 2 large stockbooks. Noted 10/- KGV, 1933 Voortrekker 3d pair, 1935 Silver Jubilee set in vertical pairs, 1936… $80 Sold $80 | |||
South Africa 1940's-1970's duplicated used (strong in pre-decimal defins) in envelopes & glassines. (100s) $20 Sold $20 | |||
South Africa 1961-1987 About 80% complete used in boxed South African PO illust albums with slipcases. one of which is empty with pages duplicating… $40 Archived | |||
South Africa 1961-1990 duplicated in 2 large stockbooks with some CTO incl 1975 se-tenant block & other sets in pairs & 3 booklets. Odd 1960's 12½… $35 Archived | |||
South Africa 1970's-1980's FDC's in box all unaddressed & apparently all different (except where different cachets have been applied to same issue)… $30 Sold $45 | |||
South Africa 1974-1990 FDC's unaddressed & official. Would appear all different. (162) $50 Sold $50 | |||
South Africa 1977-1990 Date Stamp cards (over 180) with one stamp per card. Where issue is duplicated, each pictorial cachet is different. Not see… $30 Archived | |||
South Africa 1979-1982 FDC's in boxed "Safe" album, each page containing 2 cover pockets. Estimate is based on album being worth more than the cove… $50 Archived | |||
South Africa 1979-1987 control blocks (& strips of 5 as appropriate) & M/S's in 2 superb boxed Lindner hingeless albums. One contains a study of 19… $150 Archived | |||
South Africa 1987-1990 issues but noted 1974 & 1977 defins. Comprehensive in control blocks/strips MUH plus M/S's. Many extras in pairs, strips, et… $120 Archived | |||
South Africa 1988-1997 range of MUH sheets & sheetlets. Lovely thematics incl aircrafts, animals, etc. Fine cond. FV 240r $35 Sold $35 | |||
South Africa Range of covers in shoebox with 1939-1961(24 & 2 airletters & 2 postcards in variable cond), 1962/5 (9), 1964-1973 (24 in fine cond) g… $40 Sold $40 | |||
South Africa Useful oddments incl pairs with vals to 1/- (used), 2/6- (MLH) War Effort Bantam set (MUH). SWA incl War Effort set (Bantams) MUH, 193… $100 Sold $75 | |||
South Africa - Natal, O.F.S. (both very good ranges) & C.G.H. (minor value) but no Transvaal. Noted Natal Chalon types (c70) unchecked for perf & w… $200 Sold $200 | |||
South Africa & SWA 1942/44 Bantam War Effort sets x 2 each & SWA 2 extra sets. MUH SG 97/104. SWA SG 123/130. Cat. £180 $50 Sold $50 | |||
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