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Auction No. 35   - Categories - Full Lot List - Page Navigation 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | All

Limiting To: Unsold Lots x

The following unsold lots from Sale No. 35 are available for direct purchase at the reserve price listed. They are offered on a "first come, first serve" basis. Offers may be submitted but are with the approval of the vendor. Please do not submit offers less than 75% of this figure.

Please contact us to purchase an unsold lot. Thank you.


Lot No Description Est.
States and Territories: New South Wales
1913 3d pale olive-green Die I, 1st wmk perfined "OS/NSW". Fine MUH, centred low. ACSC 12E var.
Sold $40
1913 4d orange, 1st wmk perfined "OS/NSW". MLH, small ink spot on front. Fresh colour. ACSC 15A var.
Sold $40
States and Territories: Queensland
1900 Patriotic Fund pair fine used. SG 263/4, Cat. £465 (2)
Sold $210
Yungaburra "712" type 2A bar numeral clear strikes on 1d red KGV x 4. Rated RRR. (4)
States and Territories: South Australia
1855 6d deep blue with 3 margins used & 1856/58 2d orange red pair fine used with neat BN "25" lozenge cancel. Good margins. SG 3, Cat. £180 & SG …
1858/59 1d yellow-green with clear margins, rouletted at top & one side. Large part o.g. with adherence near hinge. SG 13, Cat. £1000
1860/69 4d QV Second roulette imperforate plate proof horiz strip of 4 in black on ungummed, unwmkd paper. Fine cond.
1886/96 £1 blue, perf. 11½-12½ "Postage and Revenue". Fine used F/U with MR ? 01" cds. SG 199a, Cat. £200
Sold $60
1891/93 2½d on 4d pale green, perf.10 on 3 sides & perf. 12 on right side. Good to fine used. Unlisted by SG as a compound perf. SG 229 var.
Sold $30
1891/93 5d on 6d deep brown, perf.10, Plate 1 in bottom selvedge block of 6. Lower 3 stamps MUH & MLH on top row. SG 230a, Cat. £120 + MUH premium
Sold $30
1902/04 2/6d bright violet & 10/- green thin "Postage". Used pair. SG 276a/78, Cat. £120 (2)
Sold $30
1904/11 £1 blue, perf.12½ (small holes). Fresh MLH, SG 292c, Cat. £275
Sold $90
States and Territories: Tasmania
1853 4d bright brownish-orange with 3 clear margins, touching at right & showing plate 1 characteristics of all lines in network with thin, clear &…
Sold $180
1855 2d deep green Chalon, wmk large star with 3 large margins, close at right. F/U with light cancel. SG 15, Cat. £550
1860/67 6d reddish-mauve Chalon imperf pair without gum. Clear margins showing part of adjacent stamp top right. Brownish paper but scarce multiple…
1871/91 1/- brown-red perf. 11½ horiz pair , wmk "12" showing clearly through to front. MLH with good gum, uneven perfs. SG 140, Cat. £350 x 2
Sold $45
1892 ½d, 2½d & 5d in MUH blocks of 4 with extra MUH/MLH incl 1903 V/Cr 1/- perf. 12½ (5), 1906/09 11/- Cr/A perf. 12½ (13), perf.11, perf. 12½…
1914 (19th Sept) "Military Camp" rubber cds impression on 1d KGV in violet. Based on this date & its origin, it is thought to be from the recently …
1933/34 Accounts with 3d, 4d & 1/- (3) Stamp Duty affixed to 1934 & 1/- x 6 & 2/6d on 1933 account both items from the Municipality of Hamilton wit…
Sold $30
States and Territories: Victoria
1854 (9th Oct) Melbourne to Leicester, England cover with 1/- blue QV imperf (SG 25) tied by neat "pie crust" cancel with neighbouring Melbourne cr…
Sold $200
1863/73 8d orange laureate. MLH, centred to right. Good perfs & bright colour. SG 112, Cat. £850
Sold $320
1884/96 10/- brown on rose on glazed paper, perf 12 from Stamp Duty . F/U with "socked on the nose" 1887 Melbourne JE 15 87 cds. Unpriced in SG.
Sold $85
1884/96 Stamp Duty group with 3/- drab postally used by bold duplex plus fiscally used 1/-, 2/6d, 4/-, 5/-vals & Commonwealth period 1d olive & 6d …
Sold $40
1897 Diamond Jubilee & Hospital Charity pair. Fine used with Yarraville, Vic cds's. Pair sold in Linke 2008 auction for $190. SG 353/54, Cat. £130…
Sold $110
1900 Empire Patriotic Fund - Anglo-Boer War pair. MH with small hinge thin on reverse of 1d. Frontally fine. SG 374/75, Cat. £460 (2)
Sold $120
Armadale "1422" type 14-16 barred numeral 85% strike on 1d red KGV. Rated RR & a bold impression.
Outerlying Territories: Australian Antartic Territory
1995 Whales & Dolphins M/S's ovptd "Singapore 95 World Stamp Exhibition" & "CAPEX '96 World Philatelic Exhibition" in gold with 10 of each. Fine MU…
Sold $200
2009 South Magnetic Pole translucent pearl foiled, imperforate M/S in presentation folder with $5 silver proof coin (Royal Australian Mint) & Pole …
Sold $75
Outerlying Territories: Christmas Island
2018 - 2021 Year of the Dog, Pig, Rat & Ox M/S's all ovptd "OPBCC Overprint Booklets Collectors Club Anniversary" in gold with the relevant year & …
Outerlying Territories: Norfolk Island
1903c "Bishop Patterson Memorial Chapel, Norfolk Island" captioned b&w postcard from the "Melanesian Mission Pastoral" Series I. Postally used loca…
1947 (2nd Jan) Mitchell set of 3 Registered FDC with set & NI Regd label tied by Norfolk Island cds's. Neighbouring yellow & blue Airmail vignette …
1947/59 3d green Ball Bay "By Authority" imprint block of 4 & single & 2/- blue single. All MUH. SG 6a/12a, Cat. £90+
2010 $4.15 Fungi M/S's ovptd "Beijing 2010" in gold with Exhib logo x 100. Fine MUH. Similar sold in Ace Auctions Sale 34 for $260+BP. SG MS1099a, …
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua
1911/12 ½d, 2d, 1/- & 2/6d Lakatoi Officials perfined "OS". 1d & 4d MLH (aged gum) otherwise F/U. SG Cat. £275
Sold $70
1916/31 Lakatoi bicolours to 10/- incl low val shades to 2/6d MLH & 1932 Pictorials to £1 MUH. Both sets with light gum ageing reflected in conser…
Sold $260
1931/32 1/3d & 2/6d Lakatoi, the latter with both cat. Shades ovptd "OS". All fresh MLH. SG O65, 66 & 66a x 2, Cat. £190 (4)
Sold $50
1931/32 Lakatoi Officials set of 12 with "OS" ovpts. MLH. SG O55/O66, Cat. £130 (12)
Sold $50
1932 ½d to 1/3d Pictorials bar 4d, 5d & 6d vals in matching John Ash imprint blocks. MVLH on top units. SG 130/34 & 138/40, Cat. £300 (8 blocks)
Sold $140
1934 Jubilee blocks of 1d (20), 2d (25), 3d & 5d (15 ea.), all MUH. SG Cat. £270 for 15 sets plus extras & premium for MUH.
Sold $110
Commonwealth & Foreign: NWPI
1915/16 10/- grey & pink MVLH (SG 84) plus 2d to 5/- (SG 86/92 excl 87) complete MLH & used, the 5/- with fluffy perfs & Radio Station cancel, othe…
Sold $230
1918/20 ½d green KGV with inverted LMW. Single MLH & vertical strip of 3 with 2 MUH. All slightly aged gum & centred right but useful at this rese…
Sold $95
1915/28 2d grey, 3rd wmk block of 9 with R60 having "shading break under "W" of "TWO" variety. MUH with some light toning on reverse. ACSC 7(2)j
Sold $50
1918/22 selection of type II ovpts with "P" over space between "I" & "S" of "Islands" incl narrow crown wmk 2d (Die I & IIA) to 10/- Die I & II of …
Sold $130
1921 2d orange KGV single wmk irregular block of 11. Fine MUH. SG 121, Cat. £110
Sold $45
Commonwealth & Foreign: New Guinea
1914/15 1d on 5pf ovpt MLH & used, 2d on 10pf used, 2½d on 10pf MLH (aged gum) & 4d on 40pf black & carmine MVLH with light gum ageing. SG 17, 18,…
Sold $320
1915 "G.R.I. 3d." Surcharge on "Manus" registration label in vert left marginal joined pair, the top with "no bracket before Deutsch" variety. Fine…
Sold $850
1931 ½d to £1 "Dated Airmails". Fine MLH. SG 163/76, Cat. £300 (14)
Sold $110
1935 £2 bright violet Bulolo Goldfields Airmail. Minor gum aging but MVLH & frontally fresh. SG 204, Cat. £350
Sold $55
1935 £5 emerald-green Bulolo Goldfields Airmail. Very slight trimmed perfs at left otherwise fine used & well centred. SG 205, Cat. £450
Sold $230
1939 ½d to £1 Bulolo Goldfields Airmails set of 14. 1/- & 10/- vals MUH while £1 is MVLH. Others MLH or MUH. SG 212/25, Cat. £1100 for MUH set …
Sold $220

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