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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Postal Stationery
1908 1d blue American Fleet Postcard (PC 16). Fine unused.
Sold $160
1911 Official Service envelope with 1d red facsimile "OS" swan (ENO 1) cut out. The May 2002 Postal Stationery Catalogue… Part 1 WA compiled by B…
Sold $70
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1888 (2nd Apr) ½d Post Card tied by Fremantle "F" Dx-1 with printed "AUSTRALIAN NATIVES' ASSOCIATION, FREMANTLE BRANCH NO. 2." on reverse with loc…
Sold $550
1888 (13th Sept) OHMS postcard with boxed "Fremantle Rifle Volunteers" imprint at lower left & signed in m/s with fine "Fremantle AU 16 88 W.A. - F…
Sold $400
1893 "1½d." on 3d green swan Post Card addressed to Germany tied by "Fremantle 4 SP 29 1893 Western Australia 12 bar F obliterator" (Dx L-2(a)) wi…
Sold $130
1895 (25th Oct) Cover to Hobart with 1d Internal Revenue stamps used for postage & tied by Fremantle 12 bar "F" obliterator (Dx L -2(b)). Reverse e…
Sold $210
1895 (6th Sept) Receipt for £23 issued by the "Clerk to the Magistrates, Kalgoorlie" with s/l h/s in violet being for the "deposit at sale of Kalg…
1897 (11th Dec) ½d brown swan Post Card tied by indistinct cds in blue with printed "EAST FREMANTLE MUNICIPAL ELECTION" & signed off "Yours, W.C. …
Sold $90
1899 (27th June) Fremantle addressed cover with Tasmania 2d QV tied by Hobart 1899 cds with neighbouring "NOT KNOWN BY LETTER CARRIER" 2 line h/s p…
Sold $50
1899 (2nd Dec) OHMS envelope with "Public Works Department MEJ " Frank Stamp in blue cancelled by Fremantle Railway Station PO duplex. "TOO LATE" h…
Sold $270
1901 1d blue Post Card to Fremantle merchants regarding the sailing of S.S.Meunderry to Geraldton with "Fremantle MY 21 04 Western Australia" (Dx P…
Sold $100
1901 Egyptian Postcard (Port Said) addressed to the Isle of Wight with GB 1d lilac put ashore in Fremantle & tied by barred "F" with Fremantle SP 1…
Sold $60
1901 (31st July) Paquebot proving cover for 11 bar "F" letter obliterator with neighbouring Fremantle cds 3b-f in 6. This cover from Fremantle to S…
Sold $200
1901 (3rd Aug) "Ross & Co., Fremantle" printed env addressed to Cossack with 1d red swans pair tied by 2 strikes of Fremantle Town Hall duplex (PO(…
Sold $46
1901 (25th Nov) cover to Hobart with 2d yellow swan tied by Fremantle Town Hall duplex with Fremantle (year date reversed), Launceston & Hobart b/s…
Sold $50
1903 Egyptian Postcard with numerous datestamps added on its journey to Fremantle & ultimate forwarding to England incl Fremantle Railway Station d…
Sold $32
1904 (9th Aug) cover with 2d yellow swan tied by Fremantle Town Hall 12 bar "PO" duplex (PO(a)) with Fremantle, Launceston & Hobart b/s's & 1904 (2…
Sold $110
1904 (15th Nov) Registered cover to Hobart with 1d red & 2x 2d yellow swans cancelled by large "R" in oval h/s's with crisp "Town Hall Fremantle" i…
Sold $50
1904 (29th Nov) 2d yellow swan tied by variable East Fremantle cds with East Fremantle, Launceston & Hobart b/s's & 1904 (5th Dec) cover with 1d re…
Sold $60
1908 (8th Sept) Goomalling pmkd 1d swan on "At the edge of the still unconquered bush...." postcard addressed to Colombo with SP 16 08 receival cds…
Sold $40
1912 "ONE PENNY" ovpt on 2d red swan Post Card addressed to Hon. H. Briggs, Fremantle tied by part machine cancel. Printed reverse for Peet & Co. L…
Sold $60
1912 (16th Jul) 2d yellow swans pair perfined "OS" tied to long OHMS Perth Regd cover locally addressed & tied by 2 bold Registered Perth cds's inc…
Sold $40
1914 (15th July) GB 1d KGV tied by Norwood cds on cover addressed to GPO Fremantle with address crossed out & replaced with "c/o RMS Osterley" in m…
Sold $40
1915 (July) 1d red KGV tied to locally addressed env by neat Broome cds endorsed "Reference Red Cross Australia Day" complete with original enclosu…
Sold $50
1927 (6th Apr) OHMS Registered cover with red Narrogin R6 (S.S. 86) label & KGV 1½d scarlet & 3d Die I franking, both perfined "OS". Yilliminning …
Sold $55
1935 (2nd Mar) OHMS long env with 5d KGV tied by neat bullseye Geraldton cds with matching R6 Regd label & addressed to Latham. Readdressed to Kalg…
Sold $24
1936 (3rd Oct) "The West Australian Trustee Executor and Agency: printed env with 6d large kookaburra tied by Fremantle cds & addressed to Kisumu, …
1946 (5th June) 1½d QM tied by Perth slogan on "Independent Order of Odd Fellows, 224 St George's Terrace" illust entire with pre-printed account …
Sold $40
1950 (11th Aug) "The R.S.L. Trading Co. Ltd" printed env with badge below & Perth paid slogan in red addressed to Narrogin. The highlight being the…
Sold $50
1981/82 Coolgardie/Kalgoorlie Camel Mail & Cycle Express Co Postcards carried on Re-enactments with PSWA imperf cinderellas tied by s/l cachets. VG…
Sold $25
Western Australia: Postmarks
Paid "Crown" type on 6d lilac swan Cr/Ca, perf.14 & "Crown Registered" on 1d carmine swan, W Crown A wmk. Both fine used. (2)
Sold $80
Paid "Crown" clear double strike on vertical pair of 1d yellow-ochre wmk Cr CC, perf. 14, overstruck by Perth duplex plus a 1d carmine swan pair, C…
Sold $100
Paid "Crown" in violet ink on 6d lilac IR (narrow) Cr over Ca wmk plus Registered "Crown" on 2d yellow W Cr A wmk swan. Useful pair. (2)
Sold $80
Paid "Crown" on 6d lilac swan, Cr/Ca perf.14 & Registered "Crown" on 1d carmine swan on small piece. Quality pair. (2)
Sold $90
Registered "Crown" 2 different types with different shaped Crowns & "REGISTERED" fonts. Both on 2½d blue swans, wmk Cr/Ca & fine used with one in …
Sold $140
Arthur River Telegraph Office ORS type 2. An almost complete light strike on 2d yellow swan on piece dated 1 MAY 1908. Rated "rare" by Goulder.
Sold $40
Burbanks 3b Complete strike on 1d red swan for JU 15 04. Fine.
Collie Savings Bank Sbii Fine complete strike on 5d bistre swan dated JA 31 08. Late date. (1-2)
Sold $38
Cookernup DxPO complete strike tying 1d swan to Perth addressed "Binngarra" - Manly Ferry" titled colour tinted postcard. Exc cond.
Sold $42
Coonanalion Post Office ORS 2 An approx. 40% impression on 1d red swan with no visible date. Only one or two strikes known. Incls Goulder backgroun…
Sold $100
Cuddingwarra 3b on 2d yellow swan with indistinct date. 60% strike, rated "rare" by Goulder.
Sold $30
Dongara Savings Bank Sbi complete & part strikes on 1d rose-pink pair with C/A wmk. Dated MY 19 08. PMI dates 11-03-08 to 18-07-08. Due to this sho…
Sold $30
Fimiston Post & Telegraph Office ORS 2. Partial strike showing "MISTON" & dated ? DEC.1905. Rare with only 1 date in PMI shown as 16 DEC 1905.
Sold $30
Fremantle Dx L-2(a) Complete strike with the previously unrecorded index "4" tying 2d grey swan to New Zealand addressed env dated Au 2 1893. A stu…
Sold $180
Fremantle Railway Station Dx PO(a) with 6 complete strikes cancelling block of 12 x 1/- green swans (SG 102). Superb strikes dated SP 9 1899.
Sold $230
Hamel 3b Two individual strikes on 1d red swans pair for JA 22 07. (1)
Sold $40
Hay St West Complete on 6d blue kangaroo, 2nd wmk (faults) dated NO 4 16. 3b index NIL. (1)
Jitarning B28 Bold 90% upright strike on 2d Vic Cent dated 16 JL 34. Superb impression.
Kellerberrin Post & Telegraph Office 90% ORS 3 backstamp on OHMS Land Titles Office Registered cover from Perth to Kellerberrin & "UNCLAIMED". KGV …
Sold $100
Kojonup Savings Bank Sbi 2 Part variable strike but complete strikes on 2d yellow swan pair. (1-2)

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