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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Singapore 1948-1991 MUH, MLH & used range in Hagner album with value in MUH/MLH incl KGVI Perf. 17½x18 set MLH (Cat. £475), 1955/59 to $5 MLH, 19…
Sold $270
Singapore 1970's-1980's lightly duplicated mixed CTO/MLH on c30 Vario sheets in 4 ring binder plus FDC's for similar period with commem sets & M/S'…
Sold $50
Solomon Islands 1937-1986 MUH & MLH in Hagner album with KGVI to 10/- MUH/MLH (no RSW or UPU), 1956/63 to £1 MUH/MLH, 1963/64 wmk change MUH, 1965…
Sold $120
Solomon Islands 2012-2018 range of 200 different M/S's with a varied cross section of thematic subjects. All fine MUH. Total FV is SBD $7400 (A$123…
Sold $210
South Africa-Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 used GB & CGH (½d) with "Army P.O. 50" cds on 1/- GB & CGH ½d with Orange River Colony ovpt plus other GB i…
Sold $70
South Africa-Cape of Good Hope 1864-1910 "balance of consignment" MLH & used written up on leaves by Barratt-Lennard. The MLH incl 1876/77 "ONE PEN…
Sold $1000
South West Africa 1923-1987 with MLH/used duplicated in Lighthouse stockbook with KGV ovptd bilingual pairs to 1/3d MLH & singles to 2/6d before la…
Sold $200
Spain 1937-1940 selection of covers & cards all with Censor markings noting 1937 (Sept) to Western Australia with Red Cross label on flap, 1938 upr…
Sold $40
St Helena 1937-1997 MUH with a few CTO on Hagners in matching binder. No RSW or UPU but otherwise a comprehensive lot in fine condition noting 1938…
Sold $120
Switzerland 1850-1989 MLH/used in old Davo album with 1850 2p & 10p, 1852 15rp imperfs (cut close), imperf Helvetias incl 45rp green before later d…
Sold $200
Switzerland 1862-1991 used on leaves with "Seated Helvetia" odds to 50¢, "Standing Helvetia" simplified to 3f, 1908/40 Type to 3f, 1914/18 & 1928/…
Thailand 1883-1979 used on leaves in binder noting 1883 1att & 1sik & 1889 1a or 1sio red before a good range of 1889/1905 surcharges plus 1905/09 …
Sold $210
Tristan da Cunha FDC range in "Collecta" cover album with those unaddressed comprising 1982 Sharks, 1984 Sharks, Livestock 1995 Transport, WWII set…
Sold $42
Tristan da Cunha 1952-1997 comprehensive collection with MUH, MLH & CTO on Hagner pages in green matching binder. Noted 1952 ovpts to 10/- with 195…
Sold $270
Turks & Caicos Islands 1882-1960 MUH/MLH on Hagners with 1882/85 ½d in 2 shades, 1887/89 6d & 1/-, 1889/93 1d shades x 3, 2½d, 1893/95 ½d Die II…
Sold $210
USA 1851-1965 with majority used at first while issues from 1950 are mostly fine MLH. Incls 1862/66 2¢, 1869 2¢ to 10¢ plus 15¢, 1893 Columbus …
Sold $200
USA 1864-1871 group of documents incl Fire Insurance policy, Land Contract & Indenture plus various receipts in good cond with copperplate writing …
Sold $30
USA 1939-1944 Censored mail to England or India on 20 covers from New York, Port Chester & Pittsburgh, all with "Examiner" or "Opened by Examiner" …
Sold $30
USA 1976 Bicentennial PO book containing set of 4 M/S's & other issues MUH (hard cover) plus Hagners with "Farley's Follies" imperf ungummed sheetl…
Sold $30
Vietnam 1951-2008 range of sets, part sets & many odds priced on sheets. Mainly fine with some modest duplication. Majority used with a few MUH. Ca…
Sold $60
Vietnam 1999-2010 MUH range with some duplication incl 2005 60th Anniv of Republic folders with sheets of 54 Provincial Costumes x 18 (total cat. Â…
Sold $75
Zimbabwe Range of MUH & used in cat order in large Lighthouse stockbook starting with 1980 set to $2 MUH & F/U, 1985 to $5 MUH & used & 1995 to $10…
Sold $40
Americas Useful early to middle period ranges of most Central & South American countries plus USA incl 1873 12¢ blackish-purple used (SG 164, Cat.…
Sold $200
Antarctica KA-BE Hingeless album with slipcase. Range of MUH issues starting with AAT 1957-1999 incl "Capex" M/S (retails $50), BAT 1993 defins to …
Sold $250
Antarctica Postcards in small album noting b&w "Rotary Photo" showing Capt. Scott & his Exploration ship "Terra Nova" & "Ponies on Arrival in Antar…
Sold $110
Antarctica Ross Dependency FDC's x 14 plus 6 maxicards incl 3 signed & a 1958 Registered with 1957 set. Also South Africa (2), TAAF 1962-1999 range…
Sold $120
British Commonwealth QV to KGV MLH & used range on old New Imperial pages in binder. Incls a few 1935 Silver Jubilee sets MLH but defins are genera…
British Commonwealth QV-KGV selection on 3 Hagners with QV/KEVII Revenues incl CGH QV 2/6d, Sierra Leone QV 1d, 3d, 6d & 1/- MLH & St Vincent QV (6…
Sold $65
British Commonwealth QV-KGVI with the majority from the latter period. MLH in 48pp stockbook noting Ceylon KEVII to 75¢, KGV to 2R, Falklands QV 1…
British Commonwealth "A-F" countries 1953-1981 MLH & used on album leaves in 4 ring binder. Despite many part/ broken sets highlights abound incl A…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth "B-N" countries in large black-leaved Lindner stockbook. Duplicated used noting Cape of Good Hope triangulars x 16 plus a forg…
Sold $380
British Commonwealth "G" Countries noting Gilbert & Ellice Islands 1937-1975 (excl RSW, UPU) with majority MUH, Gilbert Is ovpts to $1 plus 9 comme…
Sold $160
British Commonwealth 1945-1964 "N" countries in MUH/MLH cond on double-sided Hagners in matching binder. Main value in North Borneo defin MLH sets …
Sold $300
British Commonwealth 1840-1936 SG New Imperial printed albums in 2 vols. Starts with GB 1d black x 2 (3 margins), 1858/79 1d reds (c90 to pl.217), …
Sold $270
British Commonwealth 1890's-1940's commems & short defin sets on black leaves in springback album. Noted Ascension KGV to 1/- F/U, Bermuda KGVI Pic…
Sold $190
British Commonwealth 1937 KGVI (202) & 1953 QEII Coronation (106) omnibus collections neatly MLH mounted on black leaves in springback album. Fresh…
Sold $50
British Commonwealth 1946 Victory complete issues in corner blocks of 4 MUH/MLH plus most issues used loose between pages. Also 1947 Royal Visit is…
Sold $40
British Commonwealth 1949 UPU complete omnibus set of 310 stamps in small stockbook. Fresh MLH throughout. SG £450 for MUH (310)
Sold $120
British Commonwealth 1990's MUH range in Lighthouse stockbook with highlights being AAT "Singapore 95" ovptd M/S (retails $50), Hong Kong "Skyline"…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth 1993-1999 selected countries with MUH in illustrated Lighthouse Hingeless album comprising Falklands (80 + 7 M/S's), Dependenc…
Sold $170
British Commonwealth Assortment mounted on leaves & stockcards. Most appear to have been priced for club auctions. Better incl S. Aust 2/- carmine …
Sold $70
British Commonwealth Ex-dealer stock on small white & standard black stockcards in long box. Cond varies but plenty of fine MUH to 1980's with stre…
Sold $65
British Commonwealth 1937-1999 Falkland Deps FDCs in SG Malvern cover album incl 1937 Coronation set with South Georgia cds, 1953 Coronation, 1993 …
Sold $100
British Commonwealth Group of 3 varieties incl Br. Honduras QV 5¢ on 3¢ on 3d MLH showing wide space between "I" & "V" (SG 49B, Cat. £60), Malta…
Sold $60
British Commonwealth KGV mixed MLH & used collection in Cumberland album with mounts added. Noted a few 2/6d vals & Ceylon to R5. Pickings in the l…
British Commonwealth King George VI green SG album with MLH & used. Noted a few RSW high vals incl Bahrain F/U but defins are generally missing top…
Sold $300
British Commonwealth MUH/MLH collection with some better in "as new" Davo 64 page stockbook. Sets from Solomon Is, Cocos, Manibia, Mauru, Vanuatu, …
Sold $300
British Commonwealth QEII to 1970 MLH in matching Kensington albums & slipcases with mounts added. Noted many defin sets to the top val incl Aden (…
British Commonwealth Selection in "as new" Lighthouse stockbook. Incls Princess Di's 21st b'day sets in alpha order plus most 1946 Victory sets wit…
Sold $50
British Commonwealth Range of covers in FDC album with various KGVI FDC's plus some Censored & Exhib commem covers incl 1939 "London Stamp Exhibiti…
Sold $55

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