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Western Australia: Postmarks |
 Wyalcatchem B28 on "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow swan for 20 FE 13. PMI dates 26-03-12 to renaming Wyalkatchem ?-03-20. Scarce on swans. Very … $50 Sold $40 |
 Wyndham 2a on 2d yellow swan for 9 AU 06. PMI dates 30-08-86 to 19-07-06. Rated 1-2 by Goulder. $30 Archived |
 Wyndham 3b index 1 in green with 2 complete impressions on 2d yellow swans pair on piece 10 JA 05 plus a black strike on 2d yellow swan on piece fo… $60 Sold $50 |
 Wyndham 3b with index 1 in black on 1d red swans pair for NO 25 02 & an index 2 in blue ink on 1d swan on piece dated 8 JU 04. PMI dates 23-08-00 t… $50 Sold $40 |
 Xantippe B29 Complete strike on piece, possibly a backstamp on blue lined envelope. Dated 5 AU 38. (First digit in year blacked out). PMI dates 7-0… $60 Sold $160 |
 Yalgoo Postmaster ORS1 with 6635 postcode in violet on piece signed above by the postmaster with 2 neighbouring F331 impressions which could be the… $60 Sold $60 |
 Yalgoo Postmaster ORS2 Variable at top otherwise fine & complete on brown env piece dated 1 FEB 1945. Not listed in PMI or PMC. $60 Sold $50 |
 Yalgoo Savings Bank Sbii 70% strike on 1d carmine-rose for JA 1 ?. (1-2) $20 Sold $20 |
 Yalgoo Savings Bank Sbii on 2d yellow swan on piece dated JE 4 06. PMI dates 25-07-99 to 5-0208. An almost complete strike. (1-2) $40 Sold $30 |
 Yallingup A25 Superb complete strike on 4d red-brown swan for 13 JUL 11. PMI dates 10-09-06 to 8-05-39. Lovely example. $30 Sold $55 |
 Yaloginda A27 95% clear strike dated 17 APR 1908. PMI dates 11-08-08 to close. (1) $30 Sold $36 |
 Yalup Brook C28 Patchy almost complete strike in blue ink on 1½ red KGV dated 17 OCT 25. PMI dates ? To 20-01-26. PMC date c 1926. This is the bes… $80 Sold $260 |
 Yandyarra B29 85% strike on 9d violet 1st wmk kangaroo for 23 SE 15, possibly ERD. PMI dates 25-09-15 to 6-10-28. (1) $50 Sold $525 |
 Yarling D25 80% strike plus a variable overlapping second strike on 1d red swans pair for 16 NOV 09. Renamed Wickepin on 1-10-09 thus late usage. P… $60 Sold $60 |
 Yarri A28 on 1d red swan dated 12 AUG 12. PMI dates ?-08-07 to 14-10-13. Neat 80% strike. $30 Sold $46 |
 Yelam C30 Clear complete strike on 1½d green KGV on piece dated 10 AP 24. Group settlement No.10 & rated "rare" by Goulder. Recorded in PMI withou… $200 Sold $420 |
 Yellowdine 50% strike on 2d NSW for 13 NO 37. (1-2) $30 Archived |
 Yillminning B29 Complete strike dated 29 JA 37 on AR card with 3d blue KGV perfined "WA" tied by originating Narrogin cds's. Additional complete Yi… $50 Sold $40 |
 York 3a on 1d red swan for JY 23 06. PMI dates 7-01-85 to 26-07-06 plus a 2b on 2d yellow swan dated JY 27 ? PMI dates 15-07-89 to 16-06-08. Fine p… $40 Archived |
 York Dx L2-c duplexes for Index 1 on strip of 4 x ½d green swans dated MY 26 1898 in violet ink plus index 4 on 1d red swans pair for JA 1 ? Both … $50 Archived |
 York Post Office Type PA PO 1c complete light strike with "1853" date in m/s. (1). $100 Sold $50 |
 York Post Office Type PA PO 1c with 8/6/51 manuscript date. Fine & rated "rare" by Goulder. $100 Sold $50 |
 York Postmaster ORS 2 on piece from PMG stationary & dated 10 FEB 1956. Not recorded in PMI or PMC. Fine & complete. $60 Archived |
 York Savings Bank Sbii 65% part strike on 3d brown swan (SG 141) for MR 20 06. (1) $50 Sold $30 |
 York Savings Bank Sbii 95% almost full bullseye strike on 1d red swan dated DE 5 04. An early date with PMI dates being 18-01-05 to 7-07-06. Excell… $50 Sold $50 |
 Yornaning ORS 75% transit oval rubber stamp dated 2 JAN 1906 on 1905 (26th Dec) Sydney to Cuballing inward postcard. Scarce (1) $90 Sold $70 |
 Youanme B28a on 1d red swan for 15 NO 12. PMI dates 23-01-12 to 28-09-16. (1) $40 Sold $60 |
 Yuin D30 on 1d red swan for 17 OCT 12, the earliest recorded date in PMI. PMI dates 17-10-12 to rnaming Yuin Reef on 9-05-25. 60% strike but rarely… $40 Sold $48 |
Western Australia: Postcards |
 "A New Settlers First Crop Western Australia" Govt litho Perth WA publisher b&w. Postally used in Kent, England in 1910. Light corner crease but ra… $40 Archived |
 "Boan Bros Manufacturers Boan Brothers Importers" signage on their central Perth shop. Colour card printed in Germany & numbered "D971 12". Unused … $60 Sold $65 |
 "Breakwater and Jetty, Bunbury W.A." Anderson's Central News Agency, Bunbury b&w. Superb unused. A difficult card. $60 Sold $60 |
 "Cattle at Northam Western Australia" Govt litho Perth WA b&w showing a cattle by dam scene with text highlighting the lack of settlers resulting i… $50 Archived |
 "Esplanade Hotel Busselton" b&w Kodak photo card. Exc unused cond. $40 Sold $95 |
 "Freshwater Bay, Claremont" Bon Marche Stores, Perth colour with 1d swan tied by neat Subiaco 3 MY 10 cds & addressed locally. VG cond. $30 Archived |
 "General Post Office, Perth W.A." No shown publisher. Addressed to Bridgetown with 1d red swan tied by Perth duplex DxF-4 GPO/R index 3 (rated "rar… $30 Sold $110 |
 "General Post Office, Perth." Austral Stores b&w. Fine unused. $40 Sold $95 |
 "How We Are Located in Beautiful Western Australia with Seasonable Greeting from Your Friends (Peet & Co Ltd) Under the Southern Cross" b&w adverti… $150 Sold $260 |
 "Interior of the Bunbury Butter Factory" brown & white ppc without publisher. Postally used Bunbury to Cowaramup with SP 29 1908 Bunbury duplex DxL… $75 Sold $180 |
 "Kellerberrin Western Australia" b&w Kodak Australia photographic type published by J.V.Tolerton) c1920. Very good cond. $60 Sold $60 |
 "Osborne Steps, Cottesloe, W.A." Austral Stores colour card with 1d swan tied by Mundijong DE 17 07 cds. Addressed to West Devonport with Christmas… $30 Archived |
 "Part Panorama of Fremantle No. 5" Robinsons' Ltd, Bristol, Eng with blue tint. Unused, small paper adhesion scuff on reverse but frontally fine. $25 Sold $60 |
 "Recreation Ground, Kalgoorlie, W.A." Falk & Co. colour card with 1d swan tied by South Kalgoorlie cds for 9 SEP 19. Some faults but frontally fine… $40 Sold $75 |
 "Stirling Terrace, Albany, W.A." b&w with no publisher shown. Superb Albany 22 DEC upright strike on 1d red kangaroo & addressed to Coolgardie. $30 Sold $30 |
 "Suspension Bridge, York, W.A." b&w "Real Photograph" card with divided back. Unused in VG cond. $30 Sold $30 |
 "The Value of Jarrah Timber Western Australia" with text highlighting £501,393 was exported the previous year. Published by Govt litho Perth WA in… $50 Sold $50 |
 "Tudhoe St Wagin, WA" & "Stateschool Wagin, WA" double oval photo card in b&w with "WAGIN" in between scenes. $50 Sold $50 |
 "Tudhoe St, Wagin WA" (different to the Tudhoe St scene on previous lot) & "Tudor St, Wagin WA" double oval photo card also in b&w. Another previou… $60 Sold $60 |
 "Stubbs & Jeffrey Timber & Iron Yard" signposted in town panoramic view with "Wagin WA" in red print in border. Good cond, a few minor stains on re… $40 Sold $55 |
 "Stubbs & Jeffrey Timber & Iron Yard" similar to the card above but from a different angle. Very good cond with a few peripheral light stains. Text… $40 Sold $40 |
 "Wagin, W.A." with another panoramic scene of Wagin & the main street. Good cond & another unseen by us before. $60 Sold $60 |