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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World | |||
Switzerland 1936-1960 Pro Patria complete MUH/MLH on Hagners, the 1938 with grilled gum (elusive thus). Fine throughout. (96) $75 Sold $75 | |||
Switzerland 1936-1956 Pro Patria complete fine used/CTO. The 1938 is on ordinary ungrilled paper . (72) $70 Archived | |||
Switzerland 1923-1963 Airmail selection with majority MUH on 2 Hagners incl 1923 to 1f MLH, F/U (2) & grilled gum (5) to 1f, 1932 set of 3 & surcha… $50 Sold $85 | |||
Switzerland 1912-1934 covers x 9 incl 2 registered, one of which (1918) has been censored. All bearing tete-beche pairs, most with other extra fran… $150 Archived | |||
Switzerland 1862-1960 MUH, MLH & used remnants on plain leaves in old German springback. Duplicated & missing significant items thus priced to clea… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Switzerland 1854-2000 MUH, MLH & used on printed leaves in Abria & Schaubek binders. Average to 1920 before a very good coverage of Pro Juventute i… $200 Sold $160 | |||
Switzerland 1854-1960 MLH & used with some duplication in Davo album. Noted 1855/62 imperfs used to 40r x 13 (fair to good used), 1862 types to 1f … $200 Sold $200 | |||
Switzerland Duplicated range on leaves & Hagners. Mostly used from 1839 pre-stamp entire Lugano-Cevio, 1850 10Rp imperf (cut into) with BPA cert. (… $100 Sold $160 | |||
Sudan Range on leaves with 1897 1m, 2m & 3m written up with study of different types illustrated in vertical MUH/MLH strips of 6, blocks of 4 & 2 s… $120 Sold $150 | |||
Spain & France Accum in large disintegrating Lighthouse stockbook starting with Hagner of modern MUH plus loose "Euro" period sets, singles & sheet… $200 Sold $200 | |||
Spain Range on leaves comprising used from imperfs to 1980 in mixed cond with a few MLH incl 1926 Catacombs to 25¢ (12), 1930 Goya to 1p & 1916 Pa… $40 Sold $75 | |||
Spain 1922-1946 MLH & used odds on album leaves noting 1930 Columbus Ships triangulars used, 1931 1st National Philatelic Exhib 10¢ & 15¢ imperfs… $60 Sold $100 | |||
South Africa- Provinces Lighthouse stockbook with Cape of Good Hope triangulars 1d x 3, 4d x 4, 6d & 1/- in average cond before perfd issues to 5/-… $60 Sold $220 | |||
Southern Rhodesia/Zimbabwe "Rhodesia Railways" labels x 33 diff, KGVI receipts (10), Zimbabwe "Certificate of Posting" receipts (4) & 1976 commerci… $40 Sold $40 | |||
San Marino & Vatican in 2 stockbooks. The former to 1990 is a colourful mix of MLH & used short sets & oddments (c460) with no high cat. value issu… $50 Sold $75 | |||
San Marino Used group with 1892 5¢ on 20¢ in 2 ovpts types, 1932 GPO to 1l25, 1933 75¢ on 2l75, 1929/35 20l (Cat. £425), 1949 UPU 200l imperf (… $240 Withdrawn | |||
Samoa 1877-1988 MLH near complete. Missing "Long Tom" ovpts on NZ & 1932 Arms missing £1. Clean lot from 1877 "Express" reprints, incl ovpts on NZ… $60 Sold $110 | |||
Russia Massive quantity on 70+ Hagners with the Tsarist period well worth checking & later 1990's MUH sets incl M/S's & sheetlets up to 2000 Polar … $100 Sold $300 | |||
Russia 1990-2001 mixed MUH & used/CTO incl M/S's with some earlier noting 1977 pre-Olympic publicity 1r + 50k charity stamps MUH. Useful thematics … $60 Sold $85 | |||
Russia 1970-1979 sets appearing to be complete incl M/S's in Schaubek hingeless album. Mixed MUH/CTO as are the 83 M/S's which incl all those which… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Russia 1879-1995 largely CTO on album leaves in protector sleeves housed in 2 ring binders. Sparse to 1950 with stronger later representation but w… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Romania Accum on 80+ Vario sheets in 2 binders (one a Lighthouse padded in "as new" cond). Enormous quantity of common material from late 1860's to… $50 Sold $110 | |||
Qatar MVLH group of sets comprising 1961 Defins to 10r, 1965 Scouts, ITU & ovpts, 1965 Fishes set of 17 imperf & 1966 Games plus Gold & Silver Coin… $90 Sold $110 | |||
Philippines MLH & used from Spanish colonial period to 2012 in thick stockbook. Incls Jap Occ with good late 1940's to early 1950's sets with later… $60 Sold $150 | |||
North Borneo 1886-1961 range with 1886 10¢ MLH, 1891/92 6¢ on 8¢ yellow-green & 1892 1¢ on 5¢ slate MLH before extensive Pictorials & ovpts ma… $90 Sold $150 | |||
New Zealand MLH & used in cat. order with duplication from imperf Chalons (7) to 1960. Noted perfd Chalons to 1/- incl 4d rose, yellow, 6d red-brow… $400 Sold $950 | |||
New Zealand & Tokelau Islands 1983-1992 FDC's in 2 Cumberland albums. Appear all different lot with vals to $10 Kiwi & many commem sets of 4 or 6. … $50 Sold $60 | |||
New Zealand Selection comprising 1909 KEVII defins to 1/- MLH (Cat. £165), 1920 Victory MLH (Cat. £60) & Healths from 1929 incl Smiling Boys MLH … $160 Sold $160 | |||
New Zealand Framas Range of MUH & covers in binder with slipcase housing 27 Hagners. Covers all 5 issues from 1984 (trial issue) to 1990 (Māori de… $120 Sold $300 | |||
New Zealand Oddments with majority used arranged on Hagners from 1857/63 6d pale brown, no wmk with 3 margins lightly used, 1862/64 6d black-brown,… $100 Sold $100 | |||
New Zealand MLH & used in "Collector de Luxe" peg album starting with 9 imperf & 8 perfd Chalons, the former incl no wmk 6d pale brown (SG 14, Cat.… $250 Sold $420 | |||
New Zealand Various oddments on leaves & Hagners noting QV 1½d letter card unused, a few 1980-1990 M/S's incl 1990 Health, KGV MUH Official ovpts … $250 Sold $250 | |||
New Zealand MLH & used accumulation on 60+ Hagners, part Hagners & stockcards. About 60% are 1967-1990 used with earlier modest pickings incl 1935 … $50 Sold $100 | |||
New Zealand Large Posthorn stockbook with black leaves starting with 6d blue Chalon (SG 135) before ½d Newspaper & SSF issues "flagged" with SG ca… $50 Sold $90 | |||
New Zealand Seven Seas albums x 3 with slipcases. Pre-QEII is a modest mounted range on standard pages with QEII to 2001 on hingeless leaves with v… $200 Sold $250 | |||
New Zealand 2009-2016 Customised Advertising Labels (CALs) FDC's with Wanganui cds's & FV's up to NZ$12 per cover. First we have seen of this promo… $100 Sold $140 | |||
New Zealand 2000 Millennium, 2010 Matariki - Kites, 2011 Kapa Haka & "Hei Matau" plus 2014 Matariki pres packs all containing the sets of 6, M/S & … $50 Sold $65 | |||
New Zealand 1981-1990 MUH selection with sets & over 20 M/S's in "New Age" binder. Main value follows with pre-decimal Arms to 10/- incl 3/6d & 5/6… $80 Sold $95 | |||
New Zealand 1967-2019 FDC's in 9 "as new" Lighthouse FDC albums, 4 with matching slipcases. High degree of completeness in the later issues incl hi… $300 Sold $525 | |||
New Zealand 1960-1981 MUH Pictorial blocks etc in Imperial black leaved large stockbook with slipcase. Noted 1960 to £1 in blocks of 4, 6 or more … $200 Sold $270 | |||
New Zealand 1953-1984 MUH in Seven Seas hingeless album. Complete simplified to 1993 (1957 Health M/S with sideways wmk only). Incls 1954 Officials… $200 Sold $200 | |||
New Hebrides Pre-1950 part sets in stockbook with later useful incl 1957 & 1963 to 5f. French New Hebrides incls 1965 ITU pair F/U (Cat. £48), ovp… $75 Sold $170 | |||
New Zealand 1935-1941 Pictorials study on 42 Hagners with "flagged" annotations starting with basic single wmk set MUH (2/- is Plate 1 but MLH), mu… $380 Sold $380 | |||
New Zealand 1935 Pictorials with MLH & used remnants on exhibition pages comprising 1½d perf. 13½x14 block used & single with retouch, perf. 14x1… $360 Sold $360 | |||
New Zealand 1935 Pictorials study written up on Frank Godden leaves in 4 ring binder with slipcase. CP numbers shown & comprehensive with catalogue… $300 Sold $300 | |||
New Zealand 1899-1989 in "Premier" albums in 2 vols with value in Healths from 1929 MLH complete to 1964 & 1931 & 1940 sets used. Thereafter mostly… $300 Sold $420 | |||
New Zealand 1898-1967 MUH/MLH neatly presented on leaves in 4 ring binder. Noted 1898 simplified (14) to 5/- (latter light crease) plus 2/- & 5/- o… $500 Sold $550 | |||
New Zealand 1857-1985 used range in springback binder with useful Chalons in respectable cond incl 1857/63 6d pale brown no wmk, 1862/64 star wmk 6… $400 Sold $600 | |||
New Zealand 1855-1988 Seven Seas standard album with modest MLH/used noting 4 perfd Chalons (mixed cond), 1874 4d, 1898 to 5/- mixed cond (latter a… $150 Sold $480 | |||
New Zealand 1855-1967 in "Premier" leaves in binder with slipcase. Impressive page of imperf Chalons with 1d (SG 8, 33, 35), 2d (SG 5, 38a), 3d (SG… $1200 Sold $2100 | |||
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