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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia | |||
KGV 4d violet & 4d blues with former in shades (PTSA $310) & 4 varieties (PTSA $190) & 4d blue MUH/MLH & used shades (PTSA $330) & 5 varieties (PTS… $200 Sold $250 | |||
KGV 4d olive with single wmk shades MUH, MLH & used (PTSA $285) with 3 varieties (PTSA $165), SMW perf. 14 shades MLH & used (PTSA $290) & SMW perf… $150 Sold $150 | |||
KGV 4½d violet single wmk MUH, MLH & used shades (PTSA $235) plus 4 varieties (PTSA $115), 4½d violet SMW perf. 14 shades & 4 varieties plus 4½d… $100 Sold $140 | |||
KGV 5d vals with chestnut single wmk SLP shades MLH & used plus 3 varieties & 3 x rough paper perfined "OS" good used ($240) before 5d chestnut sin… $350 Sold $350 | |||
KGV 1/4d turquoise-blue in single wmk shades MLH & fine used (PTSA $265), SMW perf. 14 shades used & SMW perf 13½x12½ shades MLH & used ($225) be… $90 Sold $200 | |||
Pre-decimal covers incl both addressed/unaddressed noting 11/8/1941 censored cover to USA, 1940 AIF FDC, 1951 Exhib cover with cachets in royal blu… $150 Sold $230 | |||
Pre-decimal MUH/MLH singles & multiples on Hagners in padded binder. Noted 1935 2/- Silver Jubilee MUH (pulled perf at left), many low val KGVI blo… $50 Sold $130 | |||
Pre-Decimals Quality Street tin of duplicated used off paper pre-decimals noting kangaroos & KGV heads. A pleasant evenings sort! (1000s) $30 Sold $75 | |||
Pre-Decimals MUH/MLH & used dealers stock (ex the late Joe Crum) all in chronological order with SG & ACSC numbers shown throughout in large Lighth… $400 Sold $625 | |||
Pre-decimals Range of low val defin panes of 80 MUH comprising 1d Princess, KGVI 2½d red left & right panes, 1951 Gold left pane, 1959 1d x 4, 2d,… $60 Sold $80 | |||
Pre-decimals Varieties on Hagner comprising South Aust 4d "OS" with sliced "O" at left, KGVI 2d red F/U with "medallion flaw" (ACSC cat. $250), 5/-… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Pre-decimal & Decimal Unsold auction lot selection with previous reserves of $95 noting WA postmarks, 1947 (8th Sept) Newcastle exhibition Regd cov… $30 Sold $55 | |||
Pre-decimals, AAT & States plus GB. A disorganised lot on Hagners/Vario sheets noting a few AAT covers 1957-1982 (excl 1966 & 1973 defins), 2001 Ex… $40 Sold $40 | |||
1907-1937 group of cards & covers with Paquebot strikes with 6 items to USA & 4 to England incl 1907 ppc using SA 1d struck with Port Said cds & bo… $80 Sold $80 | |||
1913-1938 MLH, used & CTO on leaves noting used kangaroos to 5/- incl 6d "OS" ovpt (2), KGV to 1/4d used (46 incl 4d, 5d "OS" ovpt, 1/4d perf "OS" … $200 Sold $360 | |||
1913-1965 basic MUH/MLH in Seven Seas Hingeless album with slipcase. Smattering of kangaroos & KGV low vals, later defins incl 5/- & £1 thick pape… $100 Sold $130 | |||
1913-1965 dupl MLH, used & CTO in 3 stockbooks. Sparse range of kangaroos with 4d large "OS" used, a few CTO "OS" incl 3rd wmk 9d, 2/- maroon & Sm … $100 Sold $170 | |||
1913-1965 in quality Dutch stockbook with black leaves. Starts with page of mainly used kangaroos x 18 to 2/- & KGV x 59 to 1/4d with many MUH/MLH … $200 Sold $400 | |||
1913-1965 MLH/used in 2 old stockbooks in chronological order from kangaroos to 5/- (incl 1st wmk to 1/-) & KGV single crown wmk to 1/4d, SM perf. … $200 Sold $230 | |||
1913-1965 MUH, MLH & used to 1930 then MUH to end. Kangaroos 1st wmk to 2/- F/U, 2nd wmk to 2/- (latter faded/cleaned), 3rd wmk to 5/-, Sm Mult to … $900 Sold $1150 | |||
1913-1965 Patchy MUH/MLH coverage with few duplicates in old "Boots" stockbook. Incls 10/- CofA wmk "SPECIMEN" kangaroo MUH with a few 1930's comme… $70 Sold $170 | |||
1913-1965 range of good to fine used commems & defins on 3 Hagners all with annotated ACSC varieties incl KGVI 2d scarlet "medallion" flaw F/U. STC… $200 Sold $200 | |||
1913-1965 range on foolscap leaves sorted by wmk noting kangaroos 1st wmk to 1/- (3) incl 4d orange & orange-yellow, 3rd wmk to 2/- brown (3) with … $450 Sold $580 | |||
1913-1966 MLH & used on Hagners with better incl 1931 2d & 3d Kingsford Smith "OS" CTO, 1934 1/- Vic Cent MLH, 1935 1/- Anzac CTO, Silver Jubilee M… $150 Sold $220 | |||
1913-1966 range on mixed album pages noting used Officials for 1st wmk kangaroos for ½d, 1d, 2d, 4d in large "OS" & ½d, 1d, 2d (2), 4d & 1/- smal… $400 Sold $650 | |||
1913-1969 MLH/used on 36 Hagners in no particular order but with many pickings incl 1959 5/- cattle white paper MUH, BCOF 5/- used, kangaroos used … $700 Sold $1150 | |||
1913-1971 SG 22 Written up collection from kangaroos to 5/- (no 1d or 5d) which are mainly 3rd wmk in mixed cond but incls 3d inverted wmk. KGV use… $500 Sold $500 | |||
1913-1974 range on SG leaves with mixed MUH/MLH & used to KGVI before QEII MUH/MLH issues. Noted 1913 ½d, 1d, 2d & 9d kangaroos MLH with other val… $500 Sold $725 | |||
1913-1977 in random order in Lighthouse stockbook. Useful MLH noted incl 1937/39 Robes on thick paper (MUH, light spot on 10/-), 7/6d Cook MUH, Cof… $160 Sold $420 | |||
1913-1979 in 3 vols with being 1966-1979 used on Seven Seas leaves missing 1971 Xmas & few others, second a stockbook with heavily duplicated decim… $200 Sold $360 | |||
1913-1981 Schaubek hingeless album with good to fine used range incl kangaroos to 2/- vals & KGV to 1/4d simplified, Kingsford Smith with both 6d's… $80 Sold $120 | |||
1913-1982 MUH, MLH & used on Seven Seas standard leaves with mounts added. Very mixed cond but noted neat KGV Cr/A 1/4d with King Street cds, 1914 … $200 Sold $420 | |||
1913-1983 MUH/MLH & used in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Basic lot with kangaroos & KGV odds MUH/used, 1930s commems average, 1940 AIF MLH/used with… $60 Sold $120 | |||
1913-1988 Random range in quality stockbook noting 1935 1/- ANZAC, 1931 6d brown KS Airmail & 1963/64 7/6d Cook used. Also 1959 5/- cattle MUH & a … $50 Sold $75 | |||
1913-1990 & States. Used on leaves in springback binder. Modest lot in chronological order with pencilled cat. numbers. A few kangaroos to 2/- with… $50 Sold $85 | |||
1913-1992 used accum in slim Lighthouse stockbook & on Hagners. Starts with c80 dupl kangaroos incl 3rd wmk 2/- (both) & 5/- plus a few low val KGV… $50 Sold $90 | |||
1913-1997 on Schaubek leaves in appearing mostly used with 1913 kangaroos to 6d (excl 4d) & 2/-, later in mixed cond with 2nd wmk 2d, 2½d (2 shade… $400 Sold $575 | |||
1913-1999 mainly used in mixed cond plus some NUH/MLH decimal on 100+ Hagners in 2 AP binders. Starts with common dupl "States" range incl a few re… $80 Sold $100 | |||
1913-2009 Used in "Meteor" album to 1992 thereafter on leaves in ring binder. Pre-WWII simplified in very mixed cond but noted respectable 1934 1/-… $140 Sold $140 | |||
1913-2010 on leaves in peg album & ring binder. Pre-WWII mainly used noting kangaroos 1st wmk to 5/- incl very F/U 1/- pair, a few 2nd wmk with fau… $250 Sold $500 | |||
1913-2014 random range from duplicated kangaroos (to 5/-) mainly used but incl 1st wmk 2½d, 3rd wmk 6d in both colours MLH & a few 1d engraved KGV… $200 Sold $270 | |||
1914-1934 range of covers many with pencilled indications of varieties incl 1d red (1917 with unlocated white line flaw in NE corner), 1929 1½d sc… $120 Sold $120 | |||
1914-1945 CTO issues mounted on leaves noting 1914 6d engraved kookaburra, CofA KGVI to 1/4d & kangaroos 1d to 10/- plus all commems simplified fro… $600 Sold $600 | |||
1914-1946 Kangaroos in all wmks & vals represented from ½d green to 2/- maroon plus 5/- CofA (26 MLH, 107 good to F/U), KGV 1d engraved (5 MLH & F… $700 Sold $850 | |||
1914-1965 KGV used selection to 5d before a mainly MUH/MLH selection on 7 Hagners noting 1935 Silver Jubilee & used with many 1951-1965 but no high… $40 Sold $75 | |||
1918-1938 postcards & covers with ½d to 9d kangaroo vals. Addresses showing internal & external use to USA, German & England. Two are airmailed, o… $150 Sold $150 | |||
1927-1965 massive used "dealers" working stock neatly arrange in large Lindner stockbook with many cds examples. Minimal high cat items but noted n… $100 Sold $190 | |||
1927-1965 MUH/MLH in Hawid strips on black leaves in binder. Missing 1928 M/S, 1932 5/- SHB, Robes, Arms & Navigator sets otherwise near complete w… $250 Sold $250 | |||
1927-1980 mixed lot on Hagners noting mint 1934 Vic Cent, 1937/48 £1 Robes with light toning & thick paper set used plus £1 Arms MLH. Also 1963/6… $75 Sold $95 | |||
1929-1937 Ash imprint blocks with nearly all MUH (odd MLH) comprising 1929 3d Air types A & B (2 blocks of each), 1934 Vic Cent perf. 10½ set fold… $300 Sold $420 | |||
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