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Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
World Lovely old Rapkin Challenge album still with "Philatelic Atlas" maps in in the inside cover. Sparse in places but useful items remain e.g.: B…
Sold $60
World Miniature Sheets from various countries both MUH/MLH & used with over 230 sheets plus odd strip & block. A few pre-1960 but mostly 1980's-200…
Sold $150
World Covers & Cards in old cigar box with much of interest incl GB 25 Nov 1840 stampless entire with tombstone-framed "E Paid 25 Nov 1840" in red,…
Sold $200
World MLH & used to 1980's in 7 Senator & Simplex binders. A clean "budget" lot with many short sets MLH but odd complete set from Persian Gulf are…
Sold $550
World to early 1950's in sparsely filled "Globe" album. Odd better incl NZ 1906 ½d Christchurch Exhib, Australia 1934 1/- Vic Cent perf. 10½ cds …
Sold $20
World on Hagners noting Egypt 1969-1979 MLH (25), Bulgaria, Romania on 6 Hagners with mixed MLH & CTO, Vietnam, Korea, Colombia & UNO 20th Anniv fr…
World Range in ancient (1887) Schaubek album smelling of moth balls. Nearly all are pre-1990 with useful Denmark & odd pickings like GB 1883 5/- pe…
Sold $40
World Covers from Australia, GB, Oman, India & a few others with mixed unaddressed/addressed & majority from 1970's-1980's however some earlier inc…
World Returned & uncirculated club sheets with mainly British Commonwealth. Odd better noting QV 1863 & 1868 entires, 1899 uprated PSE with 1½d ti…
Sold $120
World Stockcards & Hagners noting Kangaroos & KGV common used range, KGV 1½d scarlet MLH pair showing "Halepence" flaw, 1966 Navigator Specimen se…
Sold $80
World USA, UN & various common European mounted on black leaves in springback binder. Mixed MUH/MLH/used majority packet material. Cond varies from…
Sold $25

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