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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Germany - WWII Occupation Forgeries noting 20pf Hans Frank in deep green & 3 x deep brown with selvedge incl one toned paper, Tunis x 2, Guernsey &…
Germany (Occupation of Czechoslavkia) 1938 (Sept-Oct) MUH ovpts on Czech stamps incl gutter & tabbed items plus Sudeten Lowlands "map" design set o…
Sold $360
Germany (Occupation of Czechoslovakia) 1938 (Sept-Oct) range of ovpts on Czech stamps all on piece tied by cancellations in black, blue or violet. …
Gibraltar 1991-2008 MUH complete (excl 1991 £1.05 butterfly) incl all M/S's in quality Davo Hingeless binder with slipcase. Faultless. Total face …
Sold $360
Great Britain Queen Victoria selection with used (odd low value mint) in black quality Lighthouse stockbook. Incls 1840 1d black 4 margins (tiny te…
Sold $240
Great Britain QV to QEII with various Official ovpts on QV/KEVII incl 1d KEVII "O.W. Official" (Cat. £180), "Board of Education" ½d & 1d (Cat. £…
Sold $120
Great Britain QV-1990's chaotic accum of retired dealer's auction & circuit sheet purchases on old leaves, Hagners, in glassines & loose plus cover…
Sold $200
Great Britain QV-KGVI used assortment with QV (39) to 5/-, KEVII (19) to 5/- mainly fine & KGV (55) incl re-engraved seahorses to 10/- with crisp c…
Sold $150
Great Britain 1840 1d blacks & 2d blues fine used selection from vendors "investment" portfolio. Reserve close to his purchase prices. Incls 14 x 1…
Sold $3850
Great Britain 1840-1970 MUH, MLH & used collection in three SG "Oriel" albums with faced interleaves & slipcases. Noted 1840 1d black x 3 good to f…
Sold $1000
Great Britain 1840-1970 MUH/MLH/used collection in three SG "Facile Oriel" albums with faced interleaves & slipcases. Noted 1840 1d black good/F/U …
Great Britain 1840-1973 in SG Simplex album with QV ½d brown p/c (1896 CDS), 1840 1d black x 2 (damaged), 1d red imperfs (7 used), perfd "star" (1…
Sold $140
Great Britain 1841-1986 in thick album with over half being general British Commonwealth. The GB starts with 1841 1d red imperfs (245) with barred …
Sold $1050
Great Britain 1841-2000 mixed MLH & used range on leaves in 2 binders. QV to KEVII is basic & sparse with KGV & KGVI average & in mixed cond. QEII …
Sold $130
Great Britain 1843-1967 used range. Only a few QV noting 1883 2½d (2) & 3d & 1887 1/- dull green cds example. Bland later range with a few KGV def…
Sold $100
Great Britain 1843-1984 covers & fronts starting with 1843 QV PSE struck with black M/C over 1d pink embossed before jumping to 1948 2½d RSW pair …
Great Britain 1858/79 1d reds with approx. 370 good to fine used. Unsorted by plate number but individually housed in mounts closely overlapping. C…
Sold $100
Great Britain 1895-1947 selection of mail items to Germany with majority pre-1916 & comprising pre-stamped postcards, wrapper & covers. Mixed range…
Great Britain 1902-1953 mainly used on leaves with duplication of shades throughout. Incls KEVII x 5 each to 6d with 2 or 3 of higher vals to 1/-, …
Sold $180
Great Britain 1932-1972 FDC & special cacheted covers incl special events noting a taxed 1932 cover bearing 1½d addressed to George V Hotel in Par…
Sold $25
Great Britain 1937-1951 KGVI incl 1937/47 1d & 2d with sideways wmks MH, 1939/48 2/6d green, 5/-, 10/- & £1 MLH & 1948 £1 RSW MUH plus 1951 high …
Sold $140
Great Britain 1953-1988 MUH collection in mounts on leaves in "Senator" binder. No Wildings, Castles or better phosphor commems & only an incomplet…
Sold $150
Great Britain 1972-1980 gutter MUH pairs on Gustamps Hingeless pages. Commems only with no traffic light pairs noted. Fine cond. (186 pairs)
Sold $40
Great Britain 1975-2015 Commem covers & FDC's diverse selection incl 1975 Inter-Parliamentary signed James Callaghan & 1979 Parliamentary Elections…
Sold $60
Great Britain 1979-1999 Benham silk covers in their commem album incl 1990 "Gibbons Stamp Monthly 75th Anniversary" & "125th Anniversary Stanley Gi…
Great Britain 1980-1984 British FDC's with encapsulated 22ct golden replica ingots. Incls British Army, Heraldry, Fishing etc. One stamp per cover …
Sold $100
Great Britain 1980-1994 Benham silk FDC's for a range of issues with the majority having a single cover for each stamp in the set. Usual high quali…
Great Britain 1980's range of PO packs with a total face value of £75+ ($120). Over 80 plus a few extra MUH sets in envs.
Sold $60
Great Britain 1982-1983 Benham silk covers incl 1982 Maritime England, 1983 British Regiments with additional set of silk maxicards, Commonwealth D…
Sold $18
Great Britain 1984-2002 FDC's & packs in large FDC album. Noted 1984-1986 Benham silk sets of Christmas (1984), the Royal Mail (1985) & Nature Cons…
Sold $70
Great Britain 1984-2004 Royal Mail Yearbooks complete. Exc cond. Cat. £1500+ with a total FV £350+ ($580). Opening at this figure. (21)
Sold $460
Great Britain 1988-1997 range of 44 commem sets & 4 greeting booklets incl "smilers" on Hagners All fine MUH. (200+)
Sold $45
Great Britain 1988-1999 addressed FDC's with 188 different incl 4 with "greetings" blocks of 10 & 3 with M/S's incl 1999 "Timekeeper". Useful for F…
Sold $40
Great Britain 1989-2011 range of PNC's noting 7 x £5 & many £1 & £2 coins plus range of medallions. Incls 1989 Bill of Rights, 1992 Accession, 1…
Sold $160
Great Britain 1991-1997 NVI "Greetings" booklets with 1991 Laughing Pillar box, 1992 Memories, 1996 "More" (5), 1997 Flowers (5), 1996 Punch & Judy…
Sold $120
Great Britain 1994 D-Day Anniv, 1995 Mitchell Spitfire, 1995 Wyon, 1996 KEVIII, 1996 QEII b'day, 1997 Diana & 2006 Bobby Moore coin & stamp PNC's c…
Sold $100
Great Britain 1994-2006 prestige booklets with Brunel, Trafalgar, Bronte, Letters by Night, Microcosmos, Across the Universe, Coronation, Accession…
Sold $150
Great Britain 1995-2009 comprehensive commems plus 1995 Castles to £5 (3) & other Machins to £5 all MUH in Hawids on leaves. Appears close to com…
Sold $600
Great Britain 1998-1999 Benham silk standard covers for Endangered Species, Diana, Richard III, Lighthouses, Speed, Wilding essay, Heroes of Comedy…
Sold $60
Great Britain 2008-2011 range of PNC's incl 2011 Spitfire 75th Anniv flown & pilot signed PNC, 2011 Centenary of "Landings at Sea" (Aircraft carrie…
Sold $140
Great Britain-Guernsey 1969-1985 (Feb) complete fine used or CTO incl all postage dues housed in SG multi-ring album. SG Cat. £580 (720 stamps, 25…
Sold $120
Great Britain-Isle of Man 1973-1997 (Nov) complete MUH in SG multi-ring album. Incls all Postage Dues. Cat. £1100+ (906 stamps, 35 M/S, 39 booklet…
Sold $180
Great Britain-Jersey 1969-1996 (Dec) complete MUH in SG hingeless album. Incls booklet panes & sheetlets. Comprises 884 stamps, 14 M/S's, 70 bookle…
Sold $200
Great Britain-Jersey 1984-1988 RAF commem covers each featuring a military medal & flown in aircraft/route relevant to the award & recipient. Each …
Sold $65
Great Britain-Jersey, Guernsey & Isle of Man 1973-1982 issues in SG "Collecta" albums. IOM is mainly used (c170), Guernsey (257 MUH plus M/S's with…
Sold $50
Great Britain-Channel Islands 1971-1978 mainly used in illust SG album. Approx. 90% complete for period incl PD's but missing high vals. Good start…
Great Britain & Malta 1968-2003 FDCs addressed/unaddressed in 4 small FDC albums. Majority pre 1990 incl £6 Tolkien prestige booklet & two Machin …
Sold $70
Hong Kong 1862-1992 MLH/used on leaves in ring-22 Cumberland album. Noted QV 16¢ on 18¢ (SG 20, Cat. £150), 1891 Jubilee with cds cancel (Cat. …
Sold $230
Hungary 1940-1960 selection of MLH M/S's comprising 1940 Flood relief plus a CTO example, 1945 Roosevelt postage & air (4 diff vals each M/S), 1955…
Sold $30
India 1931-2000 MUH, MLH & used range on leaves. Average to 1990 with strength in the last 10 years MUH incl 1994 birds block (Cat. £42) with many…
Sold $160

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