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Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1893 (27th May) Perth to Guildford cover with 2d swan tied by Perth duplex DxB-8 index 4 (1). Indistinct backstamp. Torn flap but a well preserved …
Sold $40
1893 (23rd Nov) Cover from Southern Cross to Adelaide which really has only one thing going for it, the lovely bold complete Great Southern Railway…
Sold $85
1897 ½d chestnut on salmon stock Post Card (PC1) plus 1892 ½d chestnut on white stock (PC6) & 1892 ½d sepia on white stock (PC7). All cards in f…
1897 (5th Nov) West Australian Agency, Sun Insurance office of London cover to a local city address with 1d IR tied by Perth duplex Dxf-3 GPO/R ind…
Sold $65
1898 (23rd April) ½d brown Post Card (ACSC PC1) tied by Boulder duplex in violet. Pre-printed advertising card from HC Mott & Co, Piesse Street, B…
Sold $190
1898 (11th May) 1d & 2d swans (DLR) on London addressed cover tied by light, indistinct bars with neighbouring Gilgerring in violet cds. York duple…
Sold $180
1898 2d yellow imperforate horizontal plate proof pair on gummed W crown A paper from the imprimatur sheet. Fresh MLH.
Sold $210
1899 (19th Mar) Albany to America cover with New York arrival b/s dated 21st June. 2d & ½d stamps tied by Albany 3b-c index F (1-2). Good cond.
Sold $25
1901 (17th Apr) A. Mayrhofer & Co printed env from Perth to Sydney with 5d swan tied by oval "R" handstamp. "Perth Registered" RRS-3b (1-2), partia…
Sold $30
1901 (4th Feb) Orient Line "RMS Ortona" cover Guildford to America with2 x 1d & ½d swans tied by Guildford duplex DxPO index "E". Ship Mail Room P…
Sold $65
1901 (15th Aug) Bircher & Tatham Electrical Engineers, Kalgoorlie cover from Boulder to England with ½d swans strip of 5 tied by Boulder duplex Dx…
Sold $95
1902 ½d green & 1d red Newspaper wrappers with double line borders. Both unused, folded & in good cond. ACSC WR 1 & 2 Total Cat. $450 (2)
Sold $120
1902 2d brown-red QV Letter Card with text on back. Scarce as only 5760 delivered. Unused however slight creasing top right & with a couple of tann…
Sold $80
1902 2d Paris blue QV Letter Cards with one unused & one fine used from Perth to Germany in 1905 & uprated by 1d swan. Also an unused ultramarine s…
Sold $100
1902-1911 swan selection of V crown watermark, perf 11 with 1d pairs x 2 (1 stamp damaged), 2d yellow & 5d bistre. The latter two are F/U. SG 129, …
Sold $40
1902/12 5/- & 10/- CTO with 4 concentric rings cancels from PO presentation pack. SG 126/27 Cat. £148
Sold $80
1903 3d Registered envelope with stamp & text in red-brown & UPU 4 ring cancel. Slight scuff mark on front & gum disturbance on back of flap but ot…
1903 (5th Nov) 1d swan & Ceylon QV 6¢ tied by Colombo cds combination cover addressed to London on "Baptist Union of West Australia" envelope. Int…
Sold $40
1903 (7th Dec) Yalgoo to Hobart cover with 1d swans pair tied by Yalgoo duplex DxPO (1-2). Hobart arrival b/s. Some creasing & crinkling but attrac…
Sold $85
1903-1907 Tatts covers x 2 with Mornington SP 5 04 & Tambellup AU 20 04 plus 2d PSE (ACSC EN3) with Cottesloe AP 20 03 to France (stamp added to up…
Sold $85
1904 1d to £25 "Stamp Duty" bicolours perf. 15 in fine fiscally used cond. Barefoot Cat. £220 (14) (see plate 6)
Sold $280
1904 (14th July) Israelite Bay to Tasmania cover with 2d swan tied by crisp cds's type 3b (1-2). Hobart arrival b/s. Well preserved with closed pun…
Sold $50
1904 (1st Aug) cover to Tasmania with Hobart arrival backstamp. Pair of 1d stamps tied by Grass Valley 3h in NIL (1-2) clean cover with 2 closed pu…
Sold $40
1904 (9th Aug) Weld Club, Perth cover with 2d swan tied by Ship Mail Room DxHT (1-2) in use for only 4 months. Addressed to Tasmania with Hobart ar…
Sold $65
1904 (27th Aug) Registered cover from Wyndham to Tasmania with 5d swan tied by Wyndham cds 3b index 1 (1) & Registered Perth RRS 4-a (1 with oval "…
Sold $90
1904 (28th Sept) Perth to Hobart cover with 1d swan pair tied by GPO mail room cds 5 index 2 (2) with Hobart arrival b/s. Spike hole not affecting …
Sold $25
1904 (6th Oct) Mt Sir Samuel cds 3b (1) tying 1d swan pair to Hobart addressed cover. Ship Mail Room 5e index "10" (2) transit & Hobart b/s's. Good…
Sold $50
1904 (20th Oct) Registered Envelope (ACSC RE 1, cat. $200 used) used from Onslow to Hobart with 5d swan pair tied by Onslow 3-b (1-2). Perth Regist…
Sold $75
1904/40 "Stamp Duty" Swan bicolours mint incl 1d black & carmine x 2 (plus 1d pink x 10), 2d black & blue pairs & single in diff shades x 5, 3d bla…
Sold $100
1905 2d yellow swan, wmk crown A in block of 9 (3x3). MUH/MLH. SG 140 Cat. £75
1905 9d red-orange, perf 11. F/U. SG 157a Cat. £200
Sold $65
1905 (17th Jan) Mt Morgan 3b-c no stops at base or side (1) tying 2 2d yellow swans on cover to Tasmania with Hobart b/s. Good cond but closed spik…
Sold $45
1905 (26th Jun) German "Brevkort" Postcard from Perth to Denmark with ½d & 1s swans & Copenhagen arrival b/s. Crease but unusual.
1905 (29th Jun) 2d blue QV Letter Card (LC3) used from Perth to Germany with added 1d swan stamp tied by Perth Ship Room cancels A27T-a. Ulm Bahnho…
Sold $60
1905 (12th July) Bombay b&w postcard from Broome to East Fremantle with Fremantle transit. 1d swan tied by E.T.O. Broome cds 5 (2) & Fremantle 3b-b…
Sold $30
1905 (19th July) Mt Leonora to USA with Springfield, Mass arrival. ½d & 2d swans tied by Mt Leonora 3b-a (2). Good cond.
1905 (25th Sept) Kookynie to Hobart re-addressed cover with 2d swan tied by cds 3b in NIL with neighbouring complete strike (2). Spike hole & stain.
1905 (27th Nov) Claremont to USA with Fremantle transit & Chicago arrival b/s's. 2½d swan tied by light Claremont 2b without index (not recorded i…
Sold $60
1905 (26th Dec) Sydney to Cuballing inward cover with Yornaning transit oval rubber stamp dated 2 Jan 1906 (1). Scarce.
1906 (21st Sept) 1d blue swan Post Card (ACSC PC2) tied by 2 crisp Coolgardie cds's with clear Brown Hill 3b in 2 (1) b/s. Good cond.
Sold $200
1906 (21st Nov) "Botanic Gardens, Brisbane, Queensland" (Art series) postcards from Albany with duplex cancel DxPO-1c (1-2) to Fremantle. VG cond.
1907 (1st Oct) Burtville to Tasmania with 2d yellow swan tied by Burtville 3b (1-2). Laverton transit & Hobart b/s's. Usual spike holes.
Sold $20
1908 (3rd June) 1d swan tied by Boulder A25 cds on Florence Baines - "The Girl Who Set London Laughing" b&w postcard. Used to Donnybrook with handw…
Sold $20
1908 (24th Sept) S.S.Istran Ship's Master declaration before Public Notary relating to "featuring damage from stress of weather" on this cargo of "…
Sold $40
1908 (7th Dec) 1d blue swan Post Card (ACSC PC2) tied by crisp Katanning cds. Addr to Malvern, Sth Aust. Good cond.
Sold $40
1908 Visit of the American Fleet "Australians Welcome Americans" mint postcard with imprint of 2d blue swan & pre-stamped with rectangular red stri…
Sold $130
1910 OHMS env (small tear at base) to Wiluna from Mines Dept. & returned unclaimed bearing oval cachet of "Mining Registrar's Office, Wiluna, W.A."…
Sold $100
1911 1½d blue on green stock Postcard unused with 2 small light surface creases (PC19, cat. $800) & similar with UPU Specimen UPU Perth cds dated …
Sold $160
1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on two MUH blocks of 4 & 6 with wmks both sideways & upright. All MUH. SG 172/a Cat. £100+ (4 blocks)
Sold $40
1912 3d brown on thin ready gummed paper with wmk sideways & wmk upright examples. F/U with rough perfs characteristic of this issue. SG 170/a Cat.…
Sold $200

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