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Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1166_sml.jpg) 1902/12 5/- emerald-green QV. Fine MLH. SG 126 Cat. £80 $40 Sold $55 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1167_sml.jpg) 1902/12 10/- deep mauve QV. MLH with good centering. SG 127 Cat. £170 $80 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1168_sml.jpg) 1902/12 £1 orange-brown fine used with light Perth oval registered cancel. SG 128 Cat. £190 $100 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1169_sml.jpg) 1902/12 £1 orange-brown QV, V/Crown wmk, Perf. 12½ or 12½x12. Right marginal example with the flaw below "ND" of "POUNDS" variety. Fresh MLH. SG… $300 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1170_sml.jpg) 1902/12 £1 orange QV, V/Crown wmk, Perf. 12½ or 12½x12. MLH horiz pair with toned top perfs accounted for in reserve. SG128a Cat. £1400 ACSC W6… $400 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1171_sml.jpg) 1902/1911 swan selection of V crown wmk, perf 11 with 1d pairs x 2 (1 stamp damaged), 2d yellow & 5d bistre. The latter two are F/U. SG 129, 130 & … $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1172_sml.jpg) 1903 2d yellow swan, perf. 11, with upright wmk. Superb used with Mt Leonora FE 15 05 cds. A few nibbled perfs upper right. ACS states "A very scar… $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1173_sml.jpg) 1903 (23rd Jul) Laverton 3b (2-3) cds tying 2d yellow swan to cover addressed to Hobart with three b/s's incl SMR Perth 5-c index 10 (1-2). Very go… $30 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1174_sml.jpg) 1903 (12th Oct) Bulong to Hobart env with 2d swan tied by Bulong Duplex DxPO index 2 (1) with Hobart arrival. Cover in worn cond but rare Bulong du… $50 Sold $95 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1175_sml.jpg) 1903 (5th Nov) 1d swan & Ceylon QV 6¢ tied by Colombo cds combination cover addressed to London on "Baptist Union of West Australia" envelope. Int… $75 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1176_sml.jpg) 1903 (16th Nov) Postcard (Victoria GPO & Crown Law Offices) from Boulder addressed to Mrs Holmes, Banksia, Cottesloe Beach, WA with 1d swan tied by… $30 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1177_sml.jpg) 1903 (21st Nov) Kookynie regd cover to Hobart with 1d swans x 5 tied by Kookynie 3b index Nil (2). B/s removed from back of cover otherwise sound. $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1178_sml.jpg) 1904 (8th July) 1d & 2d x2 swans tied by cogged "R" registration handstamp with Pingelly 3b (2-3) also on front of cover. Perth regd rectangular ha… $20 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1179_sml.jpg) 1904 (10th July) Unclaimed Mining Act 1904 OHMS postcard "Notice of Intention to Forfeit Leases for Non-Payment of Rent and Fines Due" with local S… $100 Sold $220 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1180_sml.jpg) 1904 (4th Oct) Boulder to Hobart cover with 2d swan tied by Boulder duplex DxF-a (1-2) with Hobart b/s. Good cond with 2 spike holes & staining. $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1181_sml.jpg) 1904 (20th Oct) "Sydney, Customhouse, Circular Quay" b&w postcard with 1d swan on front tied by Fremantle duplex DxPO-d (1-2) but with the full str… $25 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1182_sml.jpg) 1905 1½d on 3d blue green swan Postcard with 12-bar "25" cancelling stamp area & neighbouring light Lockeville cds. Light tone spotting & bent cor… $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1183_sml.jpg) 1905 Revenue Duty stamps (tombstones) on small document pieces. Incls multiples & singles with vals from 1/- to £20. (41 impressions) $60 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1184_sml.jpg) 1905 (13th May) "Shawls, Yallingup Cave, Western Australia" (Publisher unknown) b&w postcard with 1d swan tied by Perth machine cancel taxed with "… $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1185_sml.jpg) 1905 (5th Jul) Japanese (Geisha) postcard sent from Brownhill to Melbourne with 1d swan tied by Brownhill 3b index 3 cds. (1). Corner crease not af… $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1186_sml.jpg) 1905 (2nd Oct) Coolgardie to Hobart Tatts cover with 2d swan tied by Coolgardie duplex DxL2 in NIL (1) with Hobart arrival on back. Spiked but stam… $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1187_sml.jpg) 1905 (3rd Oct) 2d QV orange postal stationery envelope with Kookynie 3b in NIL cds's x 2 cancelling profile plus neighbouring strike. (2) Kalgoorli… $30 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1188_sml.jpg) 1905 (12th Oct) Kalgoorlie duplex DxPO-g index 12 (1) tying 1d swan to a "Miss Grace Palotta" Art Series colour postcard addressed to Southern Cros… $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1189_sml.jpg) 1905 (25th Oct) ½d & 1d swans tied by Kalgoorlie duplex on colour "Elf" comic postcard addressed to "Pekin" China with Victoria, Hong Kong, Shangh… $30 Sold $35 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1190_sml.jpg) 1905 (15th Nov) "Serpentine Falls W.A." (Foy & Gibson) b&w postcard addressed to South Australia with one 1d swan tied by Condon 3b cds. (1-2) Ligh… $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1191_sml.jpg) 1905/12 3d brown, Crown A wmk. Fine used with a doubling of design at the top of the stamps particularly in "West". SG 141var. $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1192_sml.jpg) 1905/12 4d pale chestnut swan perfined OS. Good to fine used. SG 154 Cat £400 as normal $200 Archived |
1905/12 4d pale chestnut swan, Crown A wmk, perf 11. Fine used with Fremantle 11 JA 09 cds. Shortish perf at left. SG 154a Cat. £400 $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1194_sml.jpg) 1905/12 9d orange swan perfined OS. Good to fine used with Perth cds's. SG 157 Cat. £200 as normal $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1195_sml.jpg) 1906 (3rd Jan) 5d swan tied by oval R registered handstamp with Boulder registered CDS 5 - reg (2) adjacent on Tatts cover to Hobart. Perth registe… $30 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1196_sml.jpg) 1906 (15th Jun) "Entrance to Harbour, Fremantle, WA" (Austral Stores) b&w with blue sky with Donnybrook 3b index 1 arrival stamp alongside a 1d swa… $20 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1197_sml.jpg) 1906 (23rd Feb) "Shawls, Yallingup Cave WA" (Foy & Gibson) b&w postcard with ½d & 1d swans tied by Fremantle Town Hall cds 5 index 5 (1-2) & Frema… $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1198_sml.jpg) 1906 (30th Nov) "Northam" (Bon Marche Stores) postcard with ½d & 1d swans tied by Broome 3b-b (2) cds's & addressed to South Africa. Scarce used c… $40 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1199_sml.jpg) 1907 (14th Apr) 2d yellow swans x 2 on Hobart Tatts cover with bold complete IDA.H cds A28 (2) with Laverton &Hobart b/s. $40 Sold $220 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1200_sml.jpg) 1907 (24th Jul) "Queens Gardens Perth, WA" postcard to Kalgoorlie WA with 1d swan tied by Higginsville A25 cds (2-3). Scarce cancel on swans. Very … $40 Sold $65 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1201_sml.jpg) 1907 (27th Aug) Coolgardie to Broad Arrow postcard with 1d swan tied by Coolgardie A25T (3) with Broad Arrow arrival 3b-a (1-2) alongside. Attracti… $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1202_sml.jpg) 1907 (14th Oct) "Rapids above Serpentine Falls" (publisher unknown) colour postcard with 1d swan tied by full Serpentine 3b (1-2) cds. Addressed to… $25 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1203_sml.jpg) 1907 (9th Dec) "Aboriginals and White Man, N.Q." (Art series) colour postcard with 1d swan tied by Canning 3b cds (1). Addressed to Spain but taxed… $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1204_sml.jpg) 1907 (24th Dec) Postcard to Broad Arrow with Newcastle 3b (2) cds tying 1d swan with neighbouring Broad Arrow A28T cds. (2-3) Very good cond. $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1205_sml.jpg) 1907/08 bank cheques drawn on Boulder WA branch of The Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd with "paid" bank stamps & rubber stamps of "John W.Shackloc… $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1206_sml.jpg) 1908-1925 range of mastheads from country newspapers. Papers incl The Bunbury Herald, The Narrogin Observer, Geraldton Express & South West Times. … $20 Sold $25 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1207_sml.jpg) 1908 "The Commercial Bank of Australia Limited" bank cheques drawn on the Boulder branch, each with rubber stamp of "United Friendly Societies Inst… $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1208_sml.jpg) 1908 (15th Jan) Postcard with Dumb Obliterator D0-10 (1) tying 1d swan. Message indicating that the postcard was probably written in Kamballie but … $80 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1209_sml.jpg) 1908 (27th Jul) Postcard (romantic in colour) addressed to Broad Arrow with 1d swan tied by Nannine 3b-b cds. (2) Card with edge cut down but not o… $20 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1210_sml.jpg) 1908 (6th Aug) Floral coloured postcard addressed to Albany with Brownhill 3b index 3 tying 1d swan which has been folded around top right corner o… $20 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1211_sml.jpg) 1908 (17th Aug) "Wellington Street Looking East, Perth, WA" (Falk) coloured postcard with ½d & 1d swans tied by Perth Ship Room A27T-a cds's. (2-3… $30 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1212_sml.jpg) 1908 (10th Sept) WA visit of the American "Great White Fleet" 1d swan colour postcard (PC 16) addressed to Subiaco with light Subiaco 10 SEP 1908 c… $500 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1213_sml.jpg) 1908 (11th Nov) Art Series "Papa, Mama & the Baby" sepia postcard with 1d swan tied by two Hopetoun D27 cds's side by side. (3) Addressed to Kalgoo… $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1214_sml.jpg) 1908c "The Golden West" set of 12 illustrated envelopes featuring scenes of Perth incl "Holidaying on the Swan River", "WA Blacks at Breakfast", "W… $600 Sold $600 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/20/lots/1215_sml.jpg) 1909 "Messrs Burns, Philp & Co Lt Box 125 Post office, Fremantle" printed to private order 1d swan Postcard (PC17). Superb mint cond. A similar sol… $180 Sold $100 |