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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain | |||
1840 2d blue unplated. Very fine used with distinctive black Maltese Cross. Lettered BC with 4 touching to large margins. SG 5 Cat. £675+ $250 Archived | |||
1840 2d blue. Plate 2. Good used with indistinct black Maltese Cross. Lettered CF with 4 clear margins. SG 5 Cat. £800 $400 Sold $400 | |||
1840 2d deep full blue Plate 1. Very fine used with neat black Maltese Cross. Lettered NI with 4 close to good margins. SG 4 Cat. £900 $400 Archived | |||
1840 2d pale blue. Plate 1. Superb used with crisp black Maltese Cross. Lettered LG with 4 close to touching margins. SG 6 Cat. £800 $450 Archived | |||
1841 2d blues with white lines added. Selection of 5 with both pale & deep shades included. Touching to huge margins good to fine used with numeral… $200 Archived | |||
1845 (22nd July) entire from Leith to Carn, Ireland with inperf 1d red cancelled by a crisp impression of 540 single duplex. Backstamped "Waterford… $50 Archived | |||
1858/79 1d reds presented in plate number order. Good to fine used. (80) $10 Archived | |||
1860 (4th Dec) entire with 1858 2d blue & 1857 4d rose-carmine cancelled by Cardiff 62 duplex. Addressed to Hamburg with Red "P" in oval on front … $75 Archived | |||
1861 (12th March) entire with 4d rose-carmine large garter wmk tied by Liverpool 466 duplex cancel. Addressed to Bordeaux, France with receiving ba… $100 Archived | |||
1861 (21st May) entire with 6 x 1d reds postmarked Cardiff with oval "P" in red. Addressed to Hamburg it is backstamped accordingly on the 24th. Th… $75 Archived | |||
1868 (11th Aug) entire with 1d red plate 111 tied to cover with London 18 duplex cancel. Addressed to Piccadilly it is backstamped same day on reve… $50 Archived | |||
1870 ½d rose-red plate 5 lettered PB. Unused without gum & centred low. Fresh. SG 48 $40 Archived | |||
1872 6d deep chestnut Plate 11 lettered AG fine used with duplex cancel. Strong deep colour. Shaved perfs to left but still presentable. SG 122. Ca… $30 Archived | |||
1880 4d grey-brown plate 18 block of 4 lettered CK/DK overprinted SPECIMEN. Fresh & well centred MUH/MLH with ink line running diagonally across bl… $250 Archived | |||
1881 2½d blue plate 22 fine used lettered PA SG 157 Cat. £35+ $14 Archived | |||
1881 5d QV indigo. Fine used with strong colour. Most attractive. SG169 Cat. £110+ $70 Archived | |||
1883 3d on 3d & 6d on 6d lilac QV pair good u with duplex cancels. SG 159 & 162 Cat £260 $100 Archived | |||
1884/84 QV High Values 2/5d, 5/- & 10/- used. Very mixed condition with parcel cancels incl a strong one line LONDON on 10/-. SG 178, 180 & 183 Cat… $100 Archived | |||
1883 1½d lilac QV. Lettered FK. Good used with Dyke Rd cds & reasonable colour. SG 188 Cat. £40+ $24 Archived | |||
1887 6d purple/rose-red. Fresh MLH SG 208 Cat. £30 $16 Archived | |||
1925 Empire Exhibition pair. MLH. SG 432/33 Cat. £55 $40 Archived | |||
1930 (10th May) 1d red KGV in combination with a ½d green coil with a private perf that has cut the stamp below the bust. Addressed to Dorset & po… $50 Archived | |||
1935 (7th May) KGV Silver Jubilee First Day Cover with three values having W35 imprint left margins attached. Postmarked Prestwich, Manchester by w… $500 Archived | |||
1936/37 Postage Dues set of 9 to 2/6d incl. the 5d brownish cinnamon. Fine MUH SG D19/26 Cat. £525 $400 Archived | |||
1939/48 KGVI to £1. Fine MUH SG 476/78b Cat. £350 $300 Archived | |||
1940 (6th May) Cent. of Postage Stamp FDC postmarked in red at the London Exhibition. Poor cond but a difficult cover. SG 479/84 $75 Archived | |||
1948 Silver Wedding to £1.Fresh MLH. SG 493/94 Cat. £40 $30 Archived | |||
1948 £1 Silver Wedding MUH corner block of 4. Fresh SG 494 $120 Archived | |||
1966 6d World Cup Football with missing black. Fresh MUH SG 694a Cat. £150 $35 Archived | |||
1966 (18th Aug) 4d World Cup Winners First Day Cover. Illustrated cover with neat typed address & postmarked London. SG 700 Cat. £13 $5 Archived | |||
1966 Battle of Hastings se-tenant strip with 4mm colour shift of blue downwards. Results in unusual looking stamp designs. Fine used with normal fo… $14 Archived | |||
1968-1985 Machin First Day Covers incl High Vals to 2/6d & £1.50 with several postmarked Windsor. Mix of Hand written & typed addresses. Value lot… $30 Archived | |||
1970 1/- Anniversaries with missing gold "Queens Head". SG 821a Cat. £85 $20 Archived | |||
1971 Strike Mail covers London to Belgium, France & Athens. Philatelic but interesting. (3) $10 Archived | |||
1972 £1 bluish black Machin imperforate vertical pair. Mentioned in SG catalogue as printers waste but still visually impressive & rarely seen. Fi… $100 Archived | |||
1975 8p sailing with missing black. MUH SG 981a Cat. £110 $24 Archived | |||
1986 (16th Sept) RAF anniv. Set of 5 Benham silk FDC's postamrked, BFPO,Kenley Aerodrome, Newark, Eastleigh & Farnborough. High cat. Value as limit… $20 Sold $55 | |||
1989-1994 Greetings Booklets. Set of 7 in mint cond. SG FY1 & KX1/6. (7) Cat. £140+ $50 Sold $50 | |||
2000 (22nd May) Stamp Show 2000 Machin Miniature Sheet on FDC postmarked Earls Court. Excellent cond. SG MS 2146 Cat. £28 $20 Sold $22 | |||
2000 Queen Mother's 100th Birthday Miniature Sheet. MUH SG 2161 $8 Sold $9 | |||
2003 (19th Dec) England Winners Rugby M/S on FDC postmarked Twickenham. Excellent cond. SG MS2416 $10 Archived | |||
2006 (21st Sept) Victoria Cross Anniv. Stamps & M/S on 2 First Day Covers. Excellent cond. SG 2659/64 & MS2665 $12 Sold $20 | |||
2007 (9th Jan) Beatles stamps & M/S on 2 First day Covers postmarked Edinburgh. SG 2686/91 & MS 2692 $12 Sold $18 | |||
2008 Christmas Pantomime Self-adhesive Presentation Pack & Miniature Sheet. MUH $10 Sold $16 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign | |||
Abu Dhabi 1965 Falconry set of 3. Fine MUH SG 12/14 Cat. £55 $20 Archived | |||
Aden 1937-1953 selection on sheets. Better incl 1937 1r Dhow, 5r on 5r & QEII to 10/-. Mixed MLH & good to fine used. Clean lot. Cat. £150+ $30 Archived | |||
Bahamas 1964 New Constitution overprints set of 16 to £1. Marginal examples with sheet number imprints. MUH or MLH. SG 228/43 $40 Archived | |||
Bahrain 1990 Houbara Bustad bird set of 12 on 3 FDC's. SG 383/94 Cat. £15 (F/U) $10 Sold $10 | |||
Bahrain 1991, 1992 & 1993 Birds sets of 9, 16 & 13 respectively on 11 FDC's. Excellent condition & a difficult set to accumulate. SG 407/415, 425/4… $20 Sold $22 | |||
Bahrain 1994 Butterflies set of 16 to 150f on 4 FDC's. SG 501/16. Excellent unaddressed cond. $10 Sold $10 | |||
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