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Auction No. 19 - Categories - Full Lot List - Page Navigation 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | All
Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World | |||
Germany 1945/46 Local & Soviet Zone issues. Noted Storkow, Strausberg, Cottbus, Sprenberg, Gerlitz, Finsterwolde, Soviet Zone Saxony, Thuringia, et… $50 Sold $100 | |||
Germany Post-war MLH & used with lots of 1960's-1970 Berlin MUH but in random order. Mixed cond with some MLH poorly hinged but 1949-1960 with bett… $30 Sold $55 | |||
Germany 1946-1949 Allied & Russian Zones MUH/MLH & used on Hagners & Vario sheets noting 1946 numerals & 1947 defins complete, 1948 Posthorn ovpts … $60 Sold $75 | |||
Germany 1971-2009 commercial covers to WA with good range of commems (some dupl) & a few defins. Good cond. (c. 100) $30 Sold $40 | |||
Germany-Third Reich Covers & official PO postcards with each item in individual protective glassine. Concludes with 28.10.45 Dusseldorf cds over 6p… $500 Sold $700 | |||
Germany-Third Reich MUH & MLH in quality Lighthouse stockbooks. Incls charity sets, 1934 Airs (expertly sweated but 3mk appears MUH), horseracing "… $150 Sold $240 | |||
Germany-Berlin Used range noting Bells 30pf (clapper to right), 40pf (clapper neutral), 20pf-40pf "Famous Berliners", 1953 Uprising, 1954 Stamp Day… $50 Sold $70 | |||
Germany-East Collection with first few years used. Noted 1950 Academy of Sciences set. From 1955 nearly all MUH incl M/S's, sets with "blocked valu… $90 Sold $280 | |||
Germany-East 1980's Express & registered covers with sets, M/S's, se-tenant blocks, etc. (40+) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Germany-West 1949-1952 MUH or MVLH group comprising 1949 Stamp Cent, 1951 NPE, 1951/53 relief sets & 1953 IFRABA (latter marginal MUH). Fresh group… $75 Sold $110 | |||
Germany-West 1949-1954 Fine used group comprising 1949 Parliament pair on piece, 1950 Bach, 1952 Otto, 1953 Liebig, 1953 IFRABA (20pf machine cance… $50 Sold $70 | |||
Germany-West 1949-2009 & Berlin 1948-1989 Used noting 1949 20pf Stamp Cent, 30pf UPU, 1951 defins, Rontgen, 1952 Otto, Heligoland & Heuss se-tenant… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Germany-West 1950's used range on Hagner incl Heuss defins to 3DM (27) plus commems incl 1954 Relief & 1955 Lufthansa sets. Good to fine used. Cat.… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Germany-West 1954-1998 MUH in Lighthouse stockbook. Incls Heuss fluoro & non-fluoro, se-tenants, booklets & 6 se-tenants. Also 1964 Martyrs M/S, de… $150 Sold $210 | |||
Gibraltar 1912-1950 with KGV 2/- (SG 82), 1925/32 to £1, 1931 pictorials (4) & 1938/51 to £1 with most perfs (29 stamps incl £1 x2) plus all omn… $500 Sold $400 | |||
Gibraltar 1953-2002 MUH & MLH in quality binder with slipcase. Some common sets missing but all defins incl high val singles present. Fresh & well … $250 Sold $200 | |||
Gilbert & Ellice 1911-1935 MLH incl 1911 ovpts on Fiji, Palms set of 4, KGV to 1/- incl 3d x3 (plus SPECIMEN), script wmk set of 4 & 1935 Silver Ju… $30 Sold $50 | |||
Gilbert & Ellice 1911-1975 MLH range on Hagners. Missing KGV £1 & 1940 PD's otherwise complete & mainly fresh except for odd perf stain in first s… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Gilbert & Ellice 1935-1949 MLH on leaves incl 1939/55 set incl perfs of 3d & 1/- & all omnibus issues. 1940 Postage Dues (these with usual uneven t… $100 Archived | |||
Gilbert & Ellice 1935-1975 (Sept) fine used or CTO complete on 9 Hagners. Comprises 217 & 2 M/S's. SG cat. £275 $100 Sold $130 | |||
Gilbert & Ellice 1935-1995 (Sept) complete MUH on 9 Hagners & 2 leaves. Cat. £396 (237 stamps, 2 M/S's) $150 Sold $200 | |||
Gilbert & Ellice (not Kiribati) 1976-1979 complete fine used or CTO comprising 77 stamps & 4 M/S's. Cat. £100 $30 Sold $30 | |||
Gold Coast 1935-1949 MLH complete incl both perfs of KGVI to 5/- plus the 10/-. Also both perfs of 1946 Victory. MLH Cat. £440 as MUH (53) $120 Sold $120 | |||
Great Britain 1818-1967 collection of letters & postcards noting 1818 8Penny manuscript with Double Crook datestamp, 1832 stampless letter in beaut… $250 Archived | |||
Great Britain 1840-1951 An extensive collection on Hagners in 2 neatly written up albums. Used to 1880 with odd mint later QV & then most issues to… $4000 Sold $4000 | |||
Great Britain 1840-1970 used in SG Windsor album starting with 1840 1d blacks x 4 (one 3½d margins, others less), 1d red imperfs (10), 2d thick li… $400 Sold $250 | |||
Great Britain 1840-1990 mainly used but noted 1948 RSW £1 & odd other MLH. Housed in quality Devon album starting with 1840 1d black (3½ margin… $50 Sold $85 | |||
Great Britain 1840-2006 in 4 quality Davo albums with slipcases, the last volume having plain pages with Machin coils, panes & booklets with 12 pre… $900 Sold $900 | |||
Great Britain 1858/79 1d reds complete plate number collection (bar 77 & 225) in brand new stockbook. All good to fine used with most F/U with bett… $250 Sold $250 | |||
Great Britain 1858/79 1d reds. Retired dealers stock sorted by plate number. Noticed "A21" (Gibraltar) cancel on pl. 91. Also MLH examples for plat… $950 Sold $760 | |||
Great Britain 1858-1981 heavily duplicated accumulation of used from 1858/79 1d plates in "as new" Prinz stockbook all neatly overlapping with some… $50 Sold $110 | |||
Great Britain 1876-1901 QV range of prestamped postcards & envelopes to Germany, Jersey & Switzerland. Nice range of duplex & squared circle cancel… $30 Sold $65 | |||
Great Britain 1887-1970 basic used range with more MUH/used to 1985 on Hagners at the back after some Australia used in between. Mixed cond. (100s) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Great Britain 1902-1963 MLH & used assortment on album pages. Noted 1948 Olympics on plain FDC unaddressed but rest is a basic range of defins & co… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Great Britain 1902-1973 used accumulation with mixed cond but early 1960's commem high vals are good to fine & "back of the book" officials incl 18… $60 Sold $130 | |||
Great Britain 1936-1992 MUH, MLH & used on Hagners with 1948 £1 RSW MUH & used, 1953 Coronation set in blocks MUH, 1955/58 Waterlow Castles MUH pl… $250 Sold $250 | |||
Great Britain 1936-2000 Ex-dealers stock in 4 large stockbooks. Mainly good to fine used. Ideal working stock for re-seller as beautifully presente… $180 Sold $180 | |||
Great Britain 1946-1958 range of plain FDC's with a mixture of slogan/machine & cds cancels. Noted 1948 Olympics set (Cat. £45) & another set of s… $25 Sold $25 | |||
Great Britain 1951-2000 mainly MUH on Vario sheets. Incls Machins, Regionals, commems, M/S's, packs, FDCs & booklets plus Aust Golden Jubilee set &… $50 Sold $65 | |||
Great Britain 1952-1967 MUH/MLH written up in "Devon" album. Wildings incl wmk changes, graphites, phos-graphites & phosphors plus regionals. No ca… $90 Sold $140 | |||
Great Britain 1960-2006 MUH with some duplication in glassines housed in attractive old embossed tin. Impossible to accurately assess in time avail… $100 Sold $210 | |||
Great Britain 1960's-1970's booklet range of early Machins showing diff se-tenant combinations & cover types. Comprises 10p x13, 25p x10, 30p x13, … $40 Sold $40 | |||
Great Britain 1970-2003 Machins incl NVI's all in quality Davo Hingeless album. Noted £1 engraved imperf pair, various coils, panes & good range o… $200 Sold $230 | |||
Great Britain 1971 Strike Mail covers incl Exeter-Bristol-London Pirate Post "skull & crossbones" set of 5 with red s/l cancels, 2/- Randall Postal… $40 Sold $40 | |||
Great Britain 1971-2016 good to fine used in 5 SG albums all with slipcases plus extra Machins used on Hagners in a similar binder. Commems to 2005… $150 Sold $120 | |||
Great Britain 1979-1982 Collectors Packs plus 1987/88 commem year packs & range of Machins incl Regionals in packs & London '80 M/S packs. Total fa… $75 Sold $75 | |||
Great Britain 1980-2002 QEII MUH on Hagners plus1974-1983 FDC's (20) incl 4 prestige booklet panes & various Machins. Incls 187 commem sets & 9 M/S… $200 Sold $260 | |||
Great Britain 1990-2009 booklet collection with 40 standard & 12 Prestige booklets all identified by SG numbers. VG cond. & PTSA $470+ $180 Sold $180 | |||
Great Britain 2000-2003 range of PHQ cards in sets in FDC album. This period not seen often as the earlier types (170) $60 Archived | |||
Great Britain Decimal & pre-decimal Wilding & Machin booklets in glassine bags. Incls £4 & £5 prestige booklets with others incl "1st" & "2nd" cl… $150 Sold $160 | |||
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