Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Aland 1984-1995 MUH on Davo hingeless leaves. Patchy but fine. STC. £160 (56, M/S, booklet pane)
Sold $50
Aruba 1986-1997 (Oct) complete MUH in DAVO hingeless album. Useful thematics noted. SG cat. £470 (205 + 1 M/S)
Sold $150
Aruba 1986-2000 (Oct) complete bar 5 stamps all fine used or CTO in Davo album. Cat. €420 (254 stamps + 2 M/S)
Sold $130
Austria 1850-1937 in album & stockbook which incl a few later MUH e.g. 1952 Winter Olympics & 1954 von Schwind. Solid range to 1934 (no expensive c…
Sold $85
Austria 1850-1937 MUH, MLH & used accumulation in stockbook. Mixed cond. & untidy but incl Carinthian Plebiscite & Flood Relief sets, odd better de…
Sold $90
Austria 1863-2007 used range in cat. order in large stockbook together with sheet listing the cat. numbers in order of those present. Nothing scarc…
Sold $70
Austria 1949-1994 MUH & MLH collection with strength in 1960's. Mi. cat. €420 ($660) (582)
Sold $60
Austria 1950's-1990's in stockbook starting with c500 MUH of 1960's to 1990's not in strict issue order, followed by MLH/used with faults. Then mor…
Sold $120
Austria, Belgium & Germany MLH & used ranges to 1936 on printed leaves. Odd pickings in good to fine used. (100s)
Sold $40
Brunei & Burma KGVI period with Brunei incl 1947/51 to $10 (plus 4 perfs) & 1952 to $5 & plus commems Burma has 1938/40, 1945, 1946, 1947 Interim G…
Sold $300
Canada & Nova Scotia Group of QV covers compromising Nova Scotia 2¢, 5¢ & 10¢ (sulphurated) on separate covers. Canada 1868 3¢ brown red & 6¢ …
Canada 1859-1977 in Scott hingeless album with 1859 12½¢ blue green used, 1868/79 3¢ "large QV" plus a range of "small QV" incl 1¢ MUH & 2¢ ML…
Canada 1868-1890 "Large Queens" range on 5 album leaves selected for the numeral cancels & annotated accordingly. Noted locally manufactured numera…
Sold $250
Canada 1897-1999 in 3 quality Davo Hingeless albums. Average pre-QEII mainly used but 1937 & 1942/48 coils MLH. Comprehensive QEII incl C$260 ($260…
Sold $300
Canada 1935-1978 MLH range with Special Delivery issues placed with others according to date of issue. Basically complete (KGVI coils SG 389/93 per…
Sold $320
Canada 1942-2005 MUH/MLH collection on Hagners in 3 padded binders. Basic pre-1960 but complete thereafter with singles to 1970 then all (incl defi…
Sold $420
Canada 1967-1987 complete FDC collection in 5 "Wesley" First Day Cover albums. Address stickers to late 1969 then all unaddressed. First volume has…
Canada 1967-2004 accumulation of new issues incl 1994-2004 booklets with a face value of C$310+ $310) plus 1982-1989 "50¢" booklet types (4 diff s…
Sold $120
Canada 1978-2005 complete Canada Post Year Albums, many still shrink wrapped plus the special Millennium book. Massive retail value as individual i…
Sold $280
Canada 1980's-1990's special commem packs by Canada Post with sheetlets, blocks etc accompanied by extensive info. Themes incl F1 racing (Villeneuv…
Sold $60
Canada 1982-1999 collection in standing order account envelopes complete for the period & housed in large plastic tub. Total face value over C$1820…
Sold $250
Canada 1986-1988 Year packs plus booklets, coils & M/S's from same period in glassines. Face value is C$140 ($140)
Sold $60
Canada 2000-2014 continuation of the above, similarly complete & housed. Total face value C$2350 (). Offered at a higher percentage of face, being …
Sold $750
Canada QEII booklets "50¢" to "$4.30" period with nearly all different housed in two quality SG booklet albums & 1 Lighthouse. Total face value is…
Sold $200
Canada Postmarks 2 ring numeral cancels on "large" QV designs. Mostly large towns but noted "21" for Goderich & "27" Ingersoll both rated as scarce…
Sold $100
Canada Postmarks 2 ring numeral cancels on "large" QV range not written up. Numerals incl "2", "3", "5", "6", "7", 11", "12", "13", "15", "29", "41…
Sold $100
Cayman Islands 1935-1950 MLH on album leaves incl 1935 pictorials to 10/- (Cat. £200), 1938/48 to 10/- incl perf changes & shades of 2/- & 5/- plu…
Sold $350
Ceylon 1921-1950 KGV key types to 2R, 1927/29 to 5R, 1935 pictorials, KGVI to 5R incl perfs (not all, total 26 stamps) plus the commems. Clean MLH/…
Sold $180
Ceylon QV range Noting 1867/70 1d deep blue, 6d blackish brown used (latter pen cancel), 1862 1/- slate purple no wmk, 1866/68 1d & 3d perf 14 used…
Sold $40
Ceylon QV to KEVII range of Foreign Bill, Judicial & Stamp Duty revenues written up on leaves plus page of KGVI Aden revenues. Some perf faults & s…
Sold $80
Cook Islands 1892-1974 MLH with a few Queen Makea & Torea bird, 1920 & later pictorials incl 3/- mauve "RAROTONGA" ovptd Admiral. Also 1949 defins …
Sold $100
Cook Islands 1932-1986 almost complete fine used/CTO collection large stockbook. Comprises 697 stamps with 90 M/S's & 6 sheetlets of 12 all in exc …
Cyprus 1928-1949 MLH/MVLH on leaves incl 1928 50th Anniv to 45pi, 1934 set, 1938/51 to £1 & all omnibus issues. Incls both perfs of KGVI 2pi but n…
Sold $300
Dominica 1921-1951 MLH/MVLH range on leaves comprising 1921 set of 8 (Cat. £100), 1923/27 (7 vals to 4d plus block of 6d), 1938/48 & 1951 defins c…
Falklands & Dependencies 1929-1949 MLH on leaves missing 1933 Centenary set but noting 1929 to 10/-, KGVI to £1 (both sets), all omnibus issues & …
Fiji 1912-1951 Range incl 1912/21 to 5/-, 1922/27 to 1/-, 1938/55 to £1 incl all dies & perfs (no 6d violet black) plus all omnibus issues. Fine &…
Fiji 1935-2006 complete fine used/used/CTO simplified collection in 2 stockbooks. Increasingly difficult to find the last 5 years in CTO cond. Cat.…
Sold $360
Fiji 1938-2006 complete MUH/MLH simplified collection with mostly MUH incl the high vals & later difficult issues from 2000 onwards. Fine throughou…
Fiji 1950's-1960's range with 1954/56 to £1 MUH plus extras incl 2/- & 5/- blocks of 4 MUH, 1954 cover to USA with mixed KGVI/QEII franking, 1959/…
Sold $110
Fiji 2006-2014 "Small Birds" surcharges. A detailed study giving SG & Scott Cat. numbers & changes where appropriate plus purchase prices & catalog…
Fiji KGV to QEII on returned club sheets. Majority MUH/MLH noting 5/-, 10/- & $2 vals plus pages with cheap Poland from mainly 1950's-1970's CTO & …
Sold $30
Finland 1875-1980 mainly used in Lighthouse Hingeless album. Solid range noting 1875/84 8p blue green & 10p brown perf. 11, both perfs of 1mk mauve…
Sold $140
French Polynesia MUH, MLH & used on Hagners with better items flagged. value mostly in 1950's-1980's period. Odd fault but much is MUH or F/U. Cat.…
Sold $130
Gambia 1886-1964 MLH range on Hagners accompanied by SG cat. photocopy showing items present highlighted for ease of identification. Incls 9 QV "ca…
Sold $100
Gambia 1912-1949 MLH on leaves with 1912 (4 vals to 1/-), 1921/22 to 10d, 1922/27 odds to 6d & 1938/46 to 10/- incl 1½d shades plus all omnibus is…
Sold $120
Germany 1872-1932 Ex-dealers used stock with nearly all defins with no high vals. Inflation period may have better items. Mostly good to fine. (100s)
Sold $65
Germany 1872-1945 MUH/MLH/used in Lindner stockbook with better items incl 1926 2mk Air & 1934 Airs to 2RM. The Third Reich is average but incls a …
Sold $150
Germany 1875-1947 in old SG "Swing o Ring" album. Best item is 1931 Welfare Fund set of 4 MUH (fault on 12pf but set cat. £55 MLH plus huge premiu…
Sold $100
Germany 1939-1945 Occupation issues of Bohemia/Moravia, Serbia & Gen Govt plus earlier Memel, Danzig & Saar occupations. Mixed MLH & used. Mi. Cat.…
Sold $80
Germany 1940-1944 stampless Fieldpost covers & cards plus a telegram outer & contents which translates as "from the front. Am travelling now to Ber…
Sold $45

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