Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
First Day Covers 1970-1990 in quality APW FDC albums. Appears complete with APO unaddressed covers incl small 30c Cook (Retails at $500+) plus othe…
Sold $160
First Day Covers 1981-1985 FDC's unaddressed plus MUH sheets for 1974 7¢ Newspaper & 9¢ on 8¢ opal. Also USA 1987 Wildlife sheet of 50, 1991 29…
Sold $40
First Day Covers 1990-1993 selection incl "Box Link" & "Across Town" labels, $20 Garden & booklet pane of 10 & Framas (64)
Sold $30
First Day Covers 1995-1996 range on Hagners in burgundy AP FDC album. Incls Territories, M/S's, S/A's & defins to $5 plus the 1995 Dunlop PNC. (80+)
Sold $40
First Day Covers 1997-1998 selection on Hagners plus Territories Year Packs for 1997 & 1998 all in burgundy AP padded binder. Incls 1997 $5 Bradman…
Sold $45
First Day Covers 1999-2001 range of covers plus Territories Year Packs for 1999 to 2002. Vals to $20 & all in exc cond. (66 & 4 Terr Packs)
Sold $70
First Day Covers 2005-2006 range noting $10 M/S & set to $10 plus 2006 Territories Year Pack. All in Hagners in AP padded binder. Incls AAT & Chris…
Sold $50
Framas 1984-1999 extensive commem & FDC stock from Sel Pfeffer. Needless to say, expertly annotated with majority in glassine bags still in the ori…
Sold $1500
International Post Various issues in CTO multiples up to full sheets with vals to $4.70. Noted some Christmas Is & odd sheet/part sheet with reprin…
International Post - Reprints. Range of different reprints each with koalas/kangaroos on selvedges. Many high retail examples & increasingly diffic…
Sold $170
Inverted wmks Used range incl 1st wmk ½d, 1d & 3d kangaroos, KGV ½d, 1d, 1½d (perf OS) & 4d single crown wmk & 1d green & 1½d scarlet Sm Mult. …
Sold $50
Maximum Cards Pre-decimal range of unofficial cards. Incls 1953 3½d David Collins, 1956 2/- Olympics, 1955 3½d Cobb & Co., 1955 3½d USA Memorial…
Sold $90
Military Mail 1939-1945 with a diverse range of material all written up. Incls slogan pieces, covers both stampless & stamped plus a group of cover…
Perfins 1942/50 1d QM x 2, 2d KGVI x 2, 3½d KGVI plus ½d kangaroo, 1951 Federation imprint blocks of 4 all perfined "VG". Also a 1947 Princess El…
Sold $20
PNC's 2008-2015 range with useful duplication in latter years noting 2013 Banknote Anniv x 4, 2015 Magna Carter 20c/Postage Paid env x 2, Bushbabie…
Sold $500
Postmarks Retired dealer's stock accumulation in 6 albums. 1880's-1940s disorganised & ad hoc. All states represented with cancels on state stamps,…
Sold $720
Presentation Packs 1970-2005 complete (excl 1970 Defins in Japanese - PJ7) in APW Pres Pack albums up to pack no. 417. Last volume incls AAT & odd …
Sold $800
Presentation Packs 1970's issues to $10 vals incl odd AAT. Mixed cond with duplication. Total FV $110+
Sold $50
Presentation Packs 1979-1986 near complete run plus duplicates. Total face value of $150
Sold $80
Presentation Packs 1988-1989 selection incl Territories of the period plus joint issue packs for GB, NZ & USA. Face val $100+
Sold $45
Presentation Packs 1990 packs plus some FDC's & complete 1994-1995 issues. Incls "Across Town" & "Box Link" packs & $20 Garden. Total face value of…
Sold $85
Presentation Packs 1990-2002 range in photo album so outsides of packs stuck on one side but stamps MUH. Incls M/S's & some AAT packs. Total face v…
Sold $100
Presentation Packs 1990's range in sleeves incls most sheetlets of 10 to 1999 & others incl M/S's. Total face value $250+ plus odd maxicard set etc.
Sold $110
Presentation Packs 1999-2002 appearing complete with extra Olympics. Also noted International Post to $20 & commem sheetlets of 10. Total face valu…
Sold $120
Presentation Packs 2001-2006 incl sheetlets of 10 plus a few sets & M/S's in larger size packs. Useful. Total face value $360+
Sold $180
Presentation Packs 2002-2003 range incl a few late 1980's odds. Noted "Farewell Frama" pack of 15 (Retails $45).Total face value of $110+
Sold $60
Presentation Packs 2004-2005 range incl joint issues, sheetlets of 10 & M/S's. Total face value of nearly $150.
Sold $75
Presentation Packs 2005-2006 range plus blocks, gutters & singles. Packs appear close to complete with some duplication. Many useful from this peri…
Sold $250
Pre-Stamped Envelopes 1978-1999 in 2 binders. Mainly used to 1980 then both mint & used complete from 1980-1999. (c300)
Sold $30
Pre-Stamped Envelopes 1978-2005 complete FDI collection plus some extras mint in 7 APW PSE albums. Exc cond. (100s)
Sold $50
Pre-Stamped Envelopes 1978-2005 range of mint unused in bundles by face value. Duplication in places but probably best for daily use for postage wi…
Sold $360
Replica Cards 1984-2014 range on Hagners in AP padded album with 30 different. Exc cond. (30)
Replica Cards Complete collection in small cover album from No.1 to No.46. Exc cond.
Sold $40
Revenues Customs Duty 1d (2), 2d (16), 3d (10), 5d (1), 6d (9) & 1/- (3). Mostly perfined or uncancelled without gum. Odd corner crease or "snipped…
Sold $110
SES Sheets & Presentation Packs from the 2000's plus sheetlets, odd FDC's plus others incl GB "Crimea War" pack & Euro period S/A items of Netherla…
Sold $85
Tax Stamps Various printings with pairs of wmkd paper with security print incl 5¢, 30¢, $3 & $7 MUH (4), pairs on unwatermarked paper with securi…
Sold $75
Taxed Mail 1959-1965 group of covers with Postage Dues or additional stamps affixed to cover deficiency. Taxed amounts range from 2d to 2/- with od…
Travelling Post Offices Cancels on stamps accompanied by write-ups, maps & "Travelling Post Offices 1870-1983" by Richard Peck. Mainly Victoria & N…
Sold $100
Varieties 1966-1980 ACSC listed varieties with many in positional blocks, pairs, etc. Useful definitives to $4 plus numerous commems all clearly id…
Sold $300
Yearbooks 1981 x 2, 1982 x 3, 1983 x 2, 1984 x 3, 1985 x 2, 1986 x 5 with 3 being leather, 87 x 2 with 1 leather & 1990 leather all complete with s…
Sold $210
Yearbooks 1988 in leather, 1989 x 2 both in leather, 1992 x 2, 1997 x 3 incl a leather, 1998 x 2, 2002, 2003 & 2004. Total face value $580+ (13)
Sold $250
Yearbooks 1998-2011 AP Year Albums complete with stamps placed in the books. Useful later years. FV $960+ (14)
Sold $500
Yearbooks-Leather 2000-2014 (excl. 2008, 2009 & 2012) Majority with stamps still in original sleeves. These are "the difficult years". All in exc c…
Sold $750
Yearbook Sheetlets 2000-2012 MUH sheetlets only available in the Annual AP Yearbooks incl 2000, 2004, 2008 & 2012 Olympic Gold Medallists plus 2005…
Sold $95
Yearbook Sheetlets 2000-2011 CTO sheetlets only available in the Annual AP Yearbooks incl 2000, 2004, 2008 & 2012 Olympic Gold Medallists plus 2005…
Sold $100
NSW QV Stamp Duty range incl 4d, 6d, 8d (2), 1/- (2), 2/-, 3/-, 4/-, 5/-, 6/- & 10/- first types with odd fault. Later types 1d to £1 again with f…
Sold $85
NSW KEVII duty stamps & other fiscals neatly arranged starting with 1d "View" (cut into at left), range of imperf diadems to 1/-, later to 5/- coin…
Sold $260
NSW 1854-1907 collection with sparse early but noted 1854/57 1/- brownish red F/U, 1861/88 5/- perf. 12 low vals. Later incls 10d lilac (2 diff "Sp…
Queensland Collection with substantial range of mint noting 1860/61 3d brown rough perf (cat. £85), 1868/74 2d blue block of 6, 1882/91 to 1/- inc…
Sold $720
Queensland Fine used selection incl 6d & 5/- small Chalons (SG 123), 10/- large (SG 160), 1882 4d yellow, 1907 4d grey black Cr/A wmk. High vals ha…
Sold $70

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