Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign |
 Israel 1950 500p Camel Post MUH with full tab. Bale 47 Cat. US$300 $80 Sold $65 |
 Israel 1950 UPU full tab pair MUH with very faint tone spot on 80pr plus tête-bêche pair MUH. Cat. £160+ $20 Sold $15 |
 Israel 1951 Jewish National Fund full tab set of 3 MUH. SG 58/60 Cat. £170 $25 Sold $25 |
 Israel 1951 Jewish National Fund set of 3 on Regd FDC (Cat. US$160) plus 1953 Regd Migdal Asqlon FDC's, one with tete-beche pairs of 5, 10, 15, 20 … $60 Archived |
 Israel 1952 1000pr Menorah MUH with full tab. Bale 59 Cat. US$270 $80 Sold $80 |
 Israel 1952 1000pr Menorah. MUH top right corner block of 4. SG 64a Cat. £110+ $20 Sold $10 |
 Israel 1963 Hebrew Press-Halbanon sheetlet of 16 MUH. SG 260a Cat. £140 $20 Sold $10 |
Israel 2009-2010 mixed run of stamps, sheetlets, FDC's incl "Greetings" self adhesive, booklet cards, etc. Also 1978 "Memorial" sheetlet broken int… $30 Sold $20 |
 Italy 1910 Plebiscite issues used with Naples & Sicily (Cat. £100) & Southern States (Cat. £435). Latter with tiny hinge on 5¢ otherwise fine. S… $75 Sold $75 |
 Italy 1923 Manzoni set to 1L with the 10¢ & 15¢ having inverted wmks. All appear postally used. SG 155/59 Cat. £670 $90 Sold $90 |
 Italy 1928 Second National Defence Issue, postally used. SG 219/22 Cat. £400 $70 Sold $70 |
 Italy 1930 Ferrucci Death Anniv. Postage & Airs. Used set of 8. SG 282/89 Cat. £325 $60 Sold $90 |
 Italy 1930 Third National Defence Issue, postally used. The 5L has small hinge thin. SG 278/81 Cat. £300 $40 Sold $40 |
 Italy 1930 Virgil set of 13. Fine used, the high vals with light corner cancels, hence low reserve. SG 290/302 Cat. £1200 $100 Sold $150 |
 Italy 1934 World Cup Football fine used set of 9. SG 413/21 Cat. £1000 $180 Sold $240 |
 Italy 1935 Bellini set of 11 postally used. SG 462/72 Cat. 700 $120 Sold $180 |
 Italy 1936 Horace Bimillenary "postage" set of 8 postally used. SG 477/84 Cat. £400 $60 Sold $90 |
 Italy 1937 Augustus Bimillenary set of 15 used with high vals fine. Odd fault in cheaper vals. SG 506/20 Cat. £550 $75 Sold $75 |
 Italy 1945/48 Pictorial defins set of 23 to 100 lire MUH/MLH with the rare 30lire MUH & 100lire MUH buy faint glazing. Frontally fresh with strong … $300 Archived |
 Kiribati 1983 Battle of Tarawa 40th Anniv set of 5 in complete sheets of 40 MUH. Five sheets of each value with total face value of $90+. SG 210/14… $40 Archived |
 KUT 1932 (6th May) 50c blue KGV Registered printed env uprated for Airmail from Nakuru to Switzerland with 30c & 1/0 KGV. Brindisi, Amb Pescar… $90 Archived |
 KUT 1938/54 3/- dull ultra & black, perf. 13x11¾, Lake Naivasha vertical MUH pair. SG 147 Cat. £100 $40 Archived |
Liechtenstein 1961 Europa full sheet of 20 MUH plus another CTO with 1947 FDC's of 5, 10 & 30r ovptd "Diensturke" & crown on separate covers. Also … $250 Archived |
 Malaya-FMS 1900/01 Tiger set of 8, Crown CA, ovptd "SPECIMEN". MLH with hinge remnants but free from toning or other faults. Also Kelantan 1937/40 … $150 Sold $150 |
 Malaya-FMS 1942 Negri Sembilan 5¢ brown vertical strip of 10 from right of sheet with selvedge & "LONDON" part of imprint at base ovptd with Type … $150 Sold $260 |
 Malaya-FMS 1943 Johore Postage Dues with one line ovpt in blocks (2 MUH & 2 MLH) of 4. One unit in each block showing "second character sideways" v… $500 Sold $500 |
 Malta 1948/53 KGVI ovpts to 10/- used (Cat. £35) plus KUT KGVI to £1 simplified (latter top right corner crease) & UPU set all used (Cat. £50). … $30 Sold $20 |
 Monaco 1891/1901 MLH range to 5f pink. STC €1425 but gum cond varies with some disturbance. Also the 1949 Red Cross ungummed proof on light cream… $300 Archived |
 Monaco 1955/57 100f to 1,000f set of 7 Birds Airmail. Perfs. 11 & 13. Fresh MUH. SG 508/511a Cat £1,140 $600 Archived |
 Morocco Agencies 1948 Royal Silver Wedding pair in fresh MUH marginal blocks of 4. Very light gum bend on 2 x 45p but corner plate numbered block o… $25 Sold $25 |
Morocco Agencies 1949 KGVI set of 17 to 5/-. Fresh MUH with 2/6d marginal. SG 77/93 Cat. £80 $40 Archived |
 Netherlands 1924 7½¢ brown tete-beche pair MLH. SG 178a Cat. £100 $40 Archived |
 Netherlands 1950 Bombed Churches x 4 sets with 6¢ vertical strip & other values in blocks of with 10¢ & 20¢ marginal. All fresh MUH. SG 720/24 C… $100 Sold $100 |
 Netherlands 1950 Child Welfare set on official FDC. NVPH €450, Mi. €250 $100 Archived |
 New Hebrides 1911 complete Weapons & Idols set of 9 . Fine used/CTO with "socked on the nose" VILA cds's of AP 6 1912. SG 18/28 Cat. £100 $50 Sold $50 |
 New Hebrides 1911 complete Weapons & Idols set of 9 MUH/MLH. SG 18/28 Cat. £110 $50 Sold $50 |
 New Hebrides 1920/21 1d x 4 & 2d surcharges F/U with light cds's. SG 30/34 Cat. £120 (5) $50 Archived |
 New Hebrides 1924 1d, 3d & 5d surcharges all F/U. SG 40/42 Cat. £55 (3) $25 Sold $25 |
 New Hebrides 1925 defins to 5/- (6.25f). Fine used/CTO. SG 43/51 Cat. £120 (9) $50 Sold $50 |
 New Hebrides 1925 Postage Dues MUH but some toning/tropicalisation. SG D1-D5 Cat. £150 $50 Archived |
 New Hebrides 1938 Defins set of 12 to 10f. F/U with full to part New Hebrides cds's. SG 52-63. Cat. £170 $80 Sold $80 |
 New Hebrides 1938 Defins set of 12 to 10f. 5f & 10f are lightly toned otherwise MLH. Reserve allows for toned top vals & MLH. SG 52/63 Cat. £325 a… $60 Archived |
 New Hebrides 1938 Postage Dues set of 5 very fine used/CTO. SG D6/D10 Cat. £325 $120 Sold $130 |
 New Hebrides 1938 Postage Dues MLH with minor toning on 5¢. Trivial gum disturbances but frontally fresh. SG D6/D10 Cat. £180 $50 Archived |
 New Zealand 1855 2d blue on blue paper, no wmk, nicely used with 3½ clear margins just touching at top left. SG 5 Cat. £300 $50 Archived |
 New Zealand 1857/63 6d brown imperf used with light barred obliterator. 3½ wide margins touching slightly & cut into at lower left. SG 13 Cat. £300 $50 Archived |
 New Zealand 1857/63 6d pale brown imperf (Cat. £350) or perf. 13 (Cat. £6500) with traces of perfs - you decide! F/U with light bar cancel. SG 14… $90 Archived |
 New Zealand 1862/64 1d vermilion, 2d deep blue, 3d brown lilac, 6d red brown & 1/- yellow green large star wmk imperfs. 2d has 4 margins while o… $150 Sold $150 |
 New Zealand 1864/71 4d deep rose. F/U example with broken perf pin at lower right. Nice deep, rich colour. SG 119 Cat £250 $80 Sold $80 |
 New Zealand 1864/71 1/- yellow green perf. 12½. F/U by light OTAGO duplex. SG 125 Cat. £120 $40 Archived |