Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Decimal
1999 Maritime Heritage folder with $20 polymer note numbered "MARITIME HERITAGE 0605" & similarly numbered World Stamp Expo sheetlet of 10 addition…
Sold $45
1999 Navigators Australia '99 Perfined A99 from Melbourne Exhibition plus the perf & imperf pairs. MUH Retail at $75 (6)
Sold $25
1999 Navigators Australia '99 Imperforate Miniature Sheet sets of 2 x 30. Fresh MUH & great for re-sale. Retail at $750. (30 sets)
Sold $100
1999 Swanpex Kangaroo & koala CPS set of 6 with the "SWANPEX 99" imprint printed on reverse resulting in a blank label at the front. Most unusual.
2000 Australian Legends self adhesive booklet with gold omitted from the two Alec Campbell Stamps. One of only 16 believed to be purchased in WA. S…
Sold $600
2000 Olympic Golf Medal winners digital printing FDC's set of 16 on Olympic Sports covers pmkd Sydney. Excellent cond. Retail $160 (16)
2004 Olympic Golf Medal winners digital printing FDC's set of 17 on Boxing Kangaroo illust covers pmkd Brisbane. Exc cond. Retail $130 (17)
Sold $40
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne set of 17 Sheetlets in AP presentation folder. Exc cond. SG MS2607/2623 Retails $180
Sold $80
2008 $10 Christmas bauble self adhesive booklet with top row completely imperforate & second row imperforate across top. A stunning modern error. …
2008 Olympic Gold Medallists Set of 14 digital printed sheetlets with Chinese symbols & set of 14 Litho Energi printed sheetlets. Also a complete b…
Sold $90
2009 Birds of a Feather Prestige Booklet overprinted in gold ''Celebrating Stamp Bulletin 300 issues - 9th September 2009 Australia Post Philatelic…
Sold $20
2012 20c Pineapples block of 10 from bottom of sheet with "$10.00" imprint on selvedge showing the "misaligned printing" error on all 5 bottom stam…
Sold $30
2012 PSWA Centennial imprint CPS strip of 6 Kangaroos & Koalas with miscut/misprint resulting in "60c PSWA 100yr 2012" imprint across kangaroo desi…
2013 $100 Kangaroo & Map Miniature Sheet CTO by 3 neat cds's for Boonah, Queensland. Difficult to find.
Sold $80
2013 $100 Kangaroo & Map Miniature Sheet F/U by 3 neat cds's for Flinders Lane, Vic. Rarely seen commercially used.
Sold $55
2013 Holey Dollar & Dump embellished limited edition M/S in pres folder (only way to source this M/S) with replica coins to match the stamps reprod…
2013 (1st Nov) Australia Age of Dinosaurs imperforate, part perf & embossed Miniature Sheet collection. No. 155 of only 200. This was the only way …
2013 (1st Nov) Australia Age of Dinosaurs Miniature Sheet & 3 medallion FDC. No. 50 of only 250. Exc cond. Retails $125
Sold $50
2013 Royal Christening $6 S/A booklet & M/S overprinted in gold "Milton Ulladulla Stamp Club Invitation to the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge to visit…
Sold $30
2013 $1 Video Stamp with AP info brochure plus & an unopened example. A trial when you purchased an Express Post or Express Courier env/bag at Chri…
Sold $15
2014 (22nd April) Troops Depart Australia Limited Edition Medallion cover No. 1486 of 2000. Gold Albany pmk. Exc cond. Retails $75
Sold $80
2014 Headline News Special Pack complete with repro newspaper, with all of the 4 M/S's overprinted "Canberra Stampshow 2014" in gold with slouch ha…
Sold $100
2014 Bush Ballards Banjo Paterson Prestige booklet with imperforate booklet panes ovptd "2014 National Exhibitions" with Stampex & Canberra Exhib l…
Sold $70
2014 KGV Centenary sheetlets of 10 with OS perfins & OS & Specimen ovpts. x 20. Only available from special constantina packs. Retail at $800 (20)
Sold $250
Australia: Framas
1984 00.00 label on white test paper prior to the Barred Edge paper. No postcode. Rarely seen.
Sold $30
1984 30c, 40c & 85c Frama button set on white test paper prior to the Barred Edge paper. No postcode. Scarce.
Sold $35
1985 33c base letter rate on white test paper without postcode.
Sold $20
1986 (25th Aug) 36c, 50c & $1.00 Platypus button sets on Cloverdale pmkd FDC's. Both on illust covers with additional 2 x 36c also cancelled Clover…
1988 1c, 37c & 39c with B43 cliché for Melbourne University. Late use of Kangaroo paper. MUH
Sold $30
1988 39c late use of Echidna paper for cliché numbers A23, A59, A86, B8, B50 & 41c B50. MUH. (6)
Sold $40
1989 39c Possum Frama with B74 cliché, the temporary Katherine NT machine. One of Australia's scarcest Framas. MUH. Retails $120.
Sold $40
1991 1c (B20), 1c (C20) & a 43c (B20) all on white test paper. Useful group. (3)
Sold $16
1991 43c Koalas for A63, B20, B64 & B91 clichés all with inverted paper. MUH. A useful group. (4)
Sold $16
Australia: PNC Covers
2000 (21st Jan) Australian Legends - ANZACS PNC Coin First Day Cover plus ordinary FDC & Maxicards. Exc cond. Retails $110 (6 items)
Sold $40
2001 (15th Feb) Army PNC $1 Coin First Day Cover. Exc. cond. Retails $120
Sold $40
2011 (2nd Nov) Remembrance Day with $5 Poppy coloured coin & pmkd Canberra x 10. Ltd Ed of 15000. Cost $300 & retails at $50 each (10)
Sold $180
2012 (1st Nov) Remembrance Day - Greater Love Hath No Man M/S & $2 Poppy coloured coin with special gold pmk x 8. Ltd Ed of 20,000. Cost $160 & ret…
Sold $80
2013 (11th May) Banknote Cent $1 & 20c PNC with matching stamp pair pmkd Melbourne x 10. Cost $300 & retails at $45 each. (10)
Sold $150
2014 (7th Jan) Royal Christening M/S 50c PNC First Day Cover overprinted "APTA Melbourne Show 8th-9th February 2014" with APTA logo. No. 40 of only…
Sold $40
2014 (20th Jan) "The Urn Returns" Ashes 20c PNC First Day Cover with gold Sydney pmk x 2. Numbers 7249 & 7300 of only 7500. Exc cond. Sold out in f…
Sold $130
2014 (22nd April) 1914 WWI Centenary $1 PNC First Day Cover overprinted "ANDA/APTA COIN, BANKNOTE & STAMP SHOW BRISBANE 24th-25th May 2014" with AP…
Sold $40
2014 (13th May) Banjo Paterson $1 PNC First Day Cover overprinted "APTA/ANDA STAMP, COIN & BANKNOTE SHOW MELBOURNE 19th-20th July 2014" with APTA l…
Sold $40
2014 (5th August) Cent of Military Aviation & Submarines double $1 PNC First Day Cover overprinted "Perth Stamp & Coin Show 16th-17th August 2014" …
Sold $30
Australia: Australia
States Mainly used collection from few imperfs to C/wealth period on Seven Seas standard leaves & smaller album pages. Noted NSW 8d yellow ovptd "O…
Sold $240
States and Territories: New South Wales
1852/53 6d chocolate-brown & 6d grey-brown laureates with 4 margins & light obliterators plus a 1854 3d yellow green also with 4 margins & closer-l…
Sold $150
1853 8d dull yellow laureate lightly cancelled but with top corners trimmed. SG 79 Cat. £600
1853 8d dull yellow laureate. Lightly used with 4 margins but just touching at top left & top. SG 79 Cat. £600
Sold $180
1854 1d red orange/orange vermilion "Laureates" with wmk "1" in a good to fine used group of 5. SG 82/83 Cat. £135 (5)
Sold $65
1854/59 5d dull green with huge margins all round on piece tied by neat 3 ring oval "NSW". Not seen by us before with margins exceeding 2mm all sid…
1854/59 8d dull yellow orange fine used with 3 ring oval cancelled with seriffed "N.S.W." without strips. 4 clear margins clear. SG 98 Cat. £1300

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