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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
World accumulation on lined pages incl Australia 1930-1945 used noting 1/- Anzac, 3d commems x 10 & 1/- SA Cent plus a few 1945 Austria, 1942 Croat…
World Used postcards, entires & envelopes from GB & British Commonwealth countries with 30 items & 20 foreign. Mainly pre-1905 with some interesti…
World in "The World Postage Stamp Album" presented to collector in 1934 with most issues present being pre-1940 noting Papua "ONE PENNY" surcharges…
Sold $50
World range on stockcards, Hagners & in bags with mainly pre-WWII oddments from various countries incl fiscals, Reg labels, cinderellas, US pre-can…
Sold $40
World Used with odd mint in 2 battered albums & accounts book. Very little post-KGV but some modest pickings in early France, GB from QV to 5/- re-…
Sold $150
World 1930's-1960's sparse range partly filling and "as new" SG "Devon" album. Almost half the pages are new & empty & the album is worth at least …
Sold $45
World in old SG "Strand" album. Well filled with "packet" quality range to 1970's but no Australia. Best is Fiji with KGVI to 5/-. (1000s)
Sold $60
World MLH & used nearly all diff on printed leaves in binder. A few kangaroos to 5/- (poor cond), KGV heads & thousands from other countries but al…
Sold $45
World range with GB commercial 1993 "1st" covers, Vario sheet of QV 1d lilacs (100+), Hagners of common Algeria, Swiss cheapies on old album leaves…
Sold $40
World in "Albo" block album (3 strips to a page) with PNG multiples in uneven quantity from 1964; used blocks of GB, Australia, Canada + few mint o…
Sold $30
World range of items incl NSW 1961 letter from Pressed Metal Corp Ltd to award a suggestion maker with a £5 prize, GB 1905 & 1918 Army Camp pieces…
Sold $40
World Interesting range on Hagners with odd surprise incl Switzerland 25¢ "Standing Helvetia" proof in gold, Hong Kong 2¢ QV range of pieces with…
Sold $120
World Mainly used on Hagners with Germany 1871/72 Shield oddments incl 2½g used, Australia KGV annotated lot with inverted wmks, flaws etc, 5/- ka…
Sold $120
World all periods on approx. 40 Hagners with Yugoslavia, Poland, Mexico, Cuba, Uruguay incl 1960's large blocks, Bulgaria, Peru & Dominican Rep bas…
Sold $50
World Miniature Sheet range on 70+ Hagners. Whilst there are a few cheap CTO Central African Rep & the like, there are many better types as well & …
Sold $110
World range on c 40 Hagners noting Czech, Portugal (pickings), Rwanda, Aust PD's incl NSW 20/- CTO, Greece, Croatia, Costa Rica with much post-1960…
Sold $65
World accumulation incl Afghanistan, Libya (heavy duplicated colonial period), Zimbabwe, GB PD's to £1 plus Officials incl KEVII ARMY OFFICIAL blo…
Sold $90
World mixed range in large Lighthouse stockbook with duplicated range of Spanish Colonies MUH/MLH incl a few pre-1950 but mainly 1950-1965, Baranya…
Sold $100
World selection of countries in large Lighthouse stockbook with Sweden used, Latvia 1918 mainly used to recent, Ghana 1976 Olympics M/S's (6), 1978…
Sold $40
World Mixed countries in Lighthouse stockbook comprising St Kitts-Nevis, Trucial States to 10R MLH, Jubaland (7 values to 2 lire MLH), Jamaica heav…
Sold $50
World range with Iran, Guernsey, Alderney, Jersey & IOM, Curacao/Netherlands Antilles, Transvaal, Virgin Is (incl RSW toned), 1962 surcharges to $2…
Sold $160
World Cinderellas, Revenues, Locals, Postal Stationary cut-outs, cancels on piece & selections of Japan, Ethiopia, Ross Dep., Jordan, South Molucca…
Sold $120
World in Lighthouse stockbook with good ranges of Tokelau, Tristan (1960 to 10/-, 1965 to 10/- MLH, etc), Sudan with 1941 Palms to 10p MLH/used, a …
Sold $230
World countries in large black-leaved Lighthouse stockbook. Starts with 5 pages of Samoa, 4 of UN, 6 of Tunisia incl 1953/54 Airs MLH, Bahrain inc…
Sold $150
World Very mixed range in large Prinz stockbook starting with Federal Safety Matches tops (c100), Israel (very few with tabs), Wellington Districts…
Sold $90
World with approx. 25 countries in large Lighthouse stockbook. Very much "quantity rather than quality". Noted some Hong Kong China M/S's but with …
Sold $40
World in 1913 "Serif" large album in very good cond. Some stamps to 1946 added on blank leaves. Generally a clean lot with occasional pickings note…
Sold $180
World range in Lighthouse stockbook. Starts with closely overlapping page of Maldive Is incl 1933 to 1r MLH (toned), extensive Nyassa & other Portu…
Sold $100
World duplication with Canada, India, Netherlands, Cyprus, Nigeria, Bechuanaland (incl KGVI & QEII 2/6d used) with useful ovpts on CGH & GB, Botswa…
Sold $80
World countries in black-leaved Lighthouse stockbook starting with Romania & Hungary comprising two-thirds of the pages, then Hong Kong incl 1941 $…
Sold $90
World with over 30 countries in large black-leaved Lighthouse stockbook. Very good lot of Aust PD's incl "blank at base" 1d, 2d (3), 4d (2) & ot…
Sold $210
World consisting of largely Eastern Europe & Russia but pickings in ovpts on GB (PO's in E.Arabia incl 1948 RSW), Br. PO's in the Levant (c60 incl …
Sold $150
World Cinderellas & others on approx. 40 Hagners incl 1997 RFDS $2.50/$7.50 gutter pairs in sheets of 10 x 2 plus $1 sheet of 10, range of US "Offi…
Sold $180
World MUH/MLH sets & oddments in quality stockbook. Much seldom seen incl Afghanistan 1950's Child Welfare sets MUH, China Gymnastics blocks (8), M…
Sold $100
World Covers, cards & CTO sets in 4 vols. One with Canada pictorial 8¢ PS postcards (102 diff), another with "The World of Animals" special pages …
Sold $60
World covers incl 1933 Graf Zeppelin 4th Anniv World Flight (2 diff), US covers, 4 B&W c1930 Airship postcards, 1929 Austria-New York via Friedrich…
Sold $410
World Used accumulation mounted in Twinlock "A-Z" binder. Pre-1950 range with no apparent rarities but minor pickings in Iceland, Luxembourg, Norwa…
Sold $50
World Pre-1940 selection in a sparsely filled Scott printed album. Hundreds of used stamps but appears a basic, low cat. val range. Fun to sort & b…
Sold $30
World Range of covers, PSEs, M/S's, etc. Noted strength in 1970's with Romania M/S, Tunisia-Bourguiba M/S perf & imperf (1974), Czech Art/Prague Ca…
Sold $95
World 1880's-1949 mainly used in blue Scott "Modern Postage Stamp Album". Odd MLH incl Iceland (Scott #232/34) & French Colonies. Wide range of oth…
Sold $60
World varied range on loose Hagners. Noted heavily hinged mint Portugal "Ceres" range to 2e incl some coloured papers, Aust AFL sheetlet, WA barred…
Sold $170
World M/S's & maxicards selection with items to 2000 incl USA $1 bill, Aust Koala Research M/S, Nauru, Norfolk & Christmas Is M/S's MLH, Niuafo'ou …
Sold $25
World Miniature sheets MUH & used incl France, Netherlands, Denmark, Estonia, Bulgaria, Austria, Spain, Finland & more. The used mainly of 2002-200…
Sold $20
World "R" range on Hagners incl Rhodesia & Nyasaland 1954 to £1 MLH plus extras MLH & used & 1959 to £1 MLH & used plus all commems incl Kariba M…
Sold $230
World Covers & sheetlets range in display sleeves comprising Singapore (17 x 1970's-1980's plus 1978 regd letter to Iran), Germany 1972 M/S on cove…
Sold $75
World on 50+ Hagners with some "disreputable"! Noted Western Sahara 1991-1999, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikstan, Azerbaijan (1919/21 &…
Sold $110
World Mint & used range in Lighthouse stockbook. Noted Burma instrument defins to 30k, Kuwait, Sudan from 1950, Tuva (3pages) & Austria. Strength i…
Sold $30
World Covers in 2 albums, one of which is entirely Israel 1950's-1981 (85). The other with items from Australia, Bahamas, GB, Jamaica, Trinidad & T…
Sold $40
World MUH & MLH odds & ends in quality stockbook. Random order noting Russia 1937 Pushkin M/S MUH, Swaziland 1935 Silver Jubilee & 1948 RSW MLH, Si…
Sold $100
World with representative selections of Argentina, Chile, Burma, Egypt, Honduras, Brazil, Iraq, Guatemala, Laos, Iran, Panama, Peru & others are pr…
Sold $40


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