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Est. |
States and Territories: Western Australia |
 1902 4d chestnut. V/Crown wmk, perf 11. F/U with part Coolgardie 27-12-06 cds. Top left corner perfs missing. A difficult stamp. SG 131 Cat. £425 $70 Sold $70 |
 1902/04 1d carmine & 2d yellow swans, V/crown wmk & 1d carmine with WcrownA wmk all perfined PWD. F/U range. (3) $60 Sold $60 |
 1903 (2nd May) ½d sepia on white postcard with Kalgoorlie duplex plus Perth SMR transit cds addressed to India. Various transit & arrival cancels … $30 Sold $60 |
 1903 (2nd Sept) colour ppc (American Indian) from Brunswick, WA 3b in 1 (1-2) to NSW with Parramatta receival & SMR Peth transit (cds 5b in 3 (1-2)) $40 Archived |
 1903 Invoice for Cherry Brandy by JW Fimister & Co. Hardware Merchants for £2/18/6 sent to the Kalgoorlie Club plus the account & receipt forms fo… $30 Sold $60 |
 1904 (14th May) Postal stationery postcard PC3 from Busselton with Vasse duplex DxL 2-b (1-2) to Germany with Rostock transit & Ilmenau arrival. Go… $40 Archived |
 1904 (18th Sept) "Lady Shenton Hotel Menzies" printed env with 1d red & 2d x 3 swans tied by two strikes of Telegraph Office Menzies ORS 2 dated 19… $220 Sold $330 |
 1904 2d yellow QV pre-stamped env (EN2) with neat Murrin Murrin 5 OC cds (3b) & addressed to London & Hamburg Gold Recovery Co, Brown Hill, Kalgoor… $120 Sold $170 |
 1904 OHMS cover with Police Dept. Frank Stamp overfranked with pair of 1d Swans tied by BN "32" of Shark's Bay & 27th Dec 27 04 thimble type cds 3b… $50 Sold $1100 |
 1905 (10th April) B/W Nice postcard with ½d green & 1d red swans tied by Fremantle Dx PO-d in 4 (1-2) & addressed to England. Good cond. $25 Archived |
 1905 (24th July) B/W postcard of Bombay with Broome cds 5 ETO Broome (2) tying 1d red swan. Addressed to East Fremantle 3b in nil (1-2) with Freman… $40 Sold $40 |
 1905 (2nd Jan) Leonora 3b cancelled pair 1d red swans (4 strikes) on cover addressed to The Manager London & Hamburg GR Co., Kamballie. B/S Brown H… $75 Archived |
 1905 5d bistre V/Crown sideways wmk, perf 11. Mint & good used with wmk sideways right. ACSC cat. $200 (2) $50 Sold $50 |
 1906 (10th July) Colour postcard of "Station Life in Australia" (Art series) with 1d red swan tied by bold Coolgardie DX L2 in 7 (1) & addressed to… $40 Archived |
 1906 £5 & £10 black & dull violet swan Revenues, Small W.Crown A wmk, perf. 11. F/U, the £5 both pen & cds & the £10 cds only. Dzelme 83/84 $100 Sold $100 |
 1906 3d grey & 2/- black & brown Revenues. MH with good centering & perfs. Dzelme R89/90 (2) $90 Archived |
 1906 Austral Stores coloured postcard showing "Queen's Gardens, Perth, WA No3". View makes an interesting comparison with what is now visible from … $20 Archived |
 1906 Mining Tenement Mortgage document with 3/- IR swan & 3d & 6d bi-colour duty swans cancelled "Mining Registrar Cue" in violet & dated 22nd June… $120 Sold $180 |
 1906 set of bicolour swan revenues set to £10. All F/U with commercial rubber stamps. Dzelme R72-84. (13) $240 Archived |
 1907 "A Young Australian - Aint I A Little Beauty" PPC No. 31 postcard in the WA series. 1d red swan cancelled Ravensthorpe 3b & addressed to Sydne… $60 Sold $60 |
 1907 (2nd Oct) 1d red swan pair on "Freemasons Hotel, Albany, WA" printed env with taxed "T4d" oval cachet. Addressed to Hobart with Perth MC trans… $50 Sold $50 |
 1907 (4th Sept) 2d yellow swan on cover tied by crisp Wagin A25 with neighbouring "Too Late" h/s addressed to Hobart. B/S 16 Sept 1907 arrival cds.… $40 Archived |
 1907 (6th July) Colour "Bank of Cupid" Greetings postcard with 1d red swan tied by Guildford Dx PO in D (1-2) addressed to West Midland with Midlan… $40 Sold $300 |
 1907/22 Supreme Court Fees simplified set of 15 to £100 & (excl £25 val) MUH (15) $130 Sold $210 |
 1907/22 Supreme Court Fees simplified set of 16 vals to £100 in marginal blocks of 4. All fine MUH. (64 stamps) $550 Sold $550 |
 1907/22 Supreme Court Probate range of 14 to £50 (excl 1d & £100) but incls £25 green plus £25 grey blue. Majority fine MUH but £25 green with… $150 Sold $220 |
 1908 (22nd Feb) 2d yellow QV postal stationery envelope E3 (front only) with scarce Bremer Bay 2c (1-2) cds addressed to Perth. Clear strike. $30 Sold $55 |
 1908 (3rd July) European colour postcard with 1d red swan tied by Karridale 3b-a (2) cds. Addressed to Maylands with 3b in 2 (1) arrival cds. Good … $30 Archived |
 1908 Visit of the American Fleet "Australians Welcome Americans" mint postcard with imprint of 2d blue swan & pre-stamped with rectangular red stri… $300 Archived |
 1909 (23rd Jan) "May all Your Fun be a regular Fizzer!" Greetings colour postcard with 1d red swan tied by Lunenburgh A26 (1-2) cds. Addressed to P… $50 Sold $50 |
 1909 Hannan's Brewery, Kalgoorlie Share Certificate with 1d Duty Stamp Swan embossing. Prepared for 200 shares to JH Cassidy of Sydney at 9/- per s… $75 Sold $190 |
 191 (30th Sept) "Bunbury looking west" (Peter Williams Bookseller, Bunbury) postcard from Bunbury to Belgium with Antwerp arrival 27 cot 1911 with … $50 Archived |
 1910 (25th Nov) OHMS stampless env from Dead Letter Office addressed to Horace Roach, Beverley. Crossed in red & sent Registered with "R" round cac… $250 Sold $320 |
 1910 9d red orange Crown/A wmk, perf 11. Good used copy with part Port Hedland cds. ACSC Cat. $350 $40 Sold $60 |
 1910 1/- green, perf. 14 with WcrownA wmk inverted. F/U with part Kalgoorlie 23 FE 10 cds. ACSC W3a Cat. $150 $80 Archived |
 1911 (27th May) "Love's Symbols" Greetings colour postcard with 1d red swan tied by Grass Valley 3b in Nil (1-2) with additional strike beside. Add… $40 Archived |
 1911 2/- bright brown-red on yellow. Upright wmks. Mint & used with latter perfined F&G. Foy & Gibson. SG 124c Cat. £70 (2) $35 Archived |
 1911 2/- brown/yellow with upright wmk. MLH & F/U examples. ACSC W59d Cat. $350 (2) $70 Archived |
1912 "ONE PENNY" on 2d yellow perf. 12½ x 12 MUH sheet of 120 minus block of 4 from top left of the sheet. Now separated from folding into 4 block… $75 Sold $75 |
 1912 3d brown swan, perf. 12½ with upright wmk Crown/A. F/U. A couple of pulled perfs but remains a difficult stamp. ACSC Cat. $250 $150 Archived |
 1912 3d orange-brown, crown/A wmk on thin white paper & ONE PENNY on 2d yellow overprints. MUH/MLH & used for each. SG 170, 172 & 172a Cat. £150 (6) $40 Sold $30 |
 1912 6d violet & 1/- sage green. Crown/A wmk, single lined perf 12 x 11½. Both in MLH & F/U examples. 1/- mint has stained top perfs. SG 168/69 Ca… $30 Sold $25 |
 1912 PTPO Peet & Co postcards sent to landowners in hope of enticing them to sell. All pre-stamped 2d carmine surcharged "ONE PENNY" diagonally. 2 … $25 Sold $85 |
 1915 "PRISONER OF WAR LETTER C.M.F.5TH M.D." cachet overlapped by Ship Room Mail Perth cds dated 17 APR 15. This WWI Rottnest Island POW strike has… $160 Sold $160 |
 1920 Supreme Court £25 green Probate Fee block of 4. Fine MUH. Dzelme 1999 Cat. $300 $180 Sold $210 |
 1921 (3rd May) 1½d brown KGV on WA colour ppc "Government Gardens, Perth, WA" cancelled Perth. Stamps has "scratch through kangaroo & left value t… $30 Sold $80 |
1926 R.A.C. of WA road map of the South-West division of Western Australia .Well used, with stains & tears but the fold-out map is in good cond. & … $20 Sold $90 |
 1927 (8th July) Pre-printed commercial advice card with pair of ½d orange KGV tied by Mogumber D29 cds's. Front shows green arrival "Wilcox Moffli… $30 Sold $30 |
 1930 (14th July) Intermediate First Flight pmkd Fitzroy Crossing & addressed to Mundabullangana Station complete with FC blue & black Registered la… $180 Sold $180 |
 1933 Parcel Label (Form P.P.I.) with 9d kangaroos pair tied by Albany Western Australia 1 JUN 33 cds. Both stamps Die IIB showing shading break abo… $400 Sold $400 |