Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos |
 1913 1st wmk £1 brown & blue. MLH, well centred with fresh appearance & good perfs. SG 15 Cat. £2250 $1500 Sold $1800 |
 1913 1st wmk £1 brown & blue. MUH marginal copy from top right of sheet. Stamp centred high & left but compensated visually by margins. Fine & sca… $8500 Archived |
 1915 2nd wmk 2½d indigo MUH well centred with one shortish perf at base. SG 25 Cat. £75+ $50 Sold $50 |
 1915 2nd wmk 6d ultramarine MLH & centred slightly low. SG 26 Cat. £200 $100 Sold $100 |
 1915 2nd wmk 9d violet MLH & centred slightly to right. SG 27 Cat. £190 $80 Sold $80 |
 1915 2nd wmk 1/- blue green MLH, centred high. Fresh looking stamp. SG 28 Cat. £170 $80 Sold $70 |
 1915 2nd wmk 1/- blue green MLH, centred high. Perfect perfs & colour. SG 28 Cat. £170 $90 Archived |
 1915-28 3rd wmk 3d olive green Die II MUH. Fresh & well centred. SG 37da Cat. £180+ $150 Withdrawn |
 1915-28 3rd wmk 6d chestnut horiz pair with top selvedge, the right-hand unit showing "broken leg" variety. Stamps MUH. ACSC 21d $60 Archived |
 1915-28 3rd wmk 9d violet Die IIB MUH with crack in top frame nearly filled. Well centred, with rough perfs at base. SG 39b Cat. £60+ $40 Archived |
 1915-28 3rd wmk 1/- blue-green Die IIB. MUH but light tone spot & centred a little low. SG 40b Cat. £70+ $40 Archived |
 1915-28 3rd wmk 1/- blue-green Die IIB Harrison imprint gutter pair. Lightly folded through gutter. Fresh MUH. ACSC 33z Cat. $1500 as block but pre… $300 Archived |
 1915-28 3rd wmk 1/- blue-green Mullett imprint gutter block of 12 with sideways watermark. MUH. Folded down gutter as usual. 3 very light gum bends… $1000 Sold $1000 |
 1915-28 3rd wmk 2/- brown MLH (hinge sweated off) & well centred. SG 41 Cat. £200 $100 Sold $130 |
 1915-28 3rd wmk 5/- grey & yellow centred slightly left with neat cds of 9 MY 29 (late use). Good perfs. Attractive stamp. SG 42 Cat. £95 $50 Sold $60 |
 1915-28 3rd wmk 5/- grey & pale yellow. Centred slightly low & right but fresh. MLH SG 42c Cat. £190 $100 Sold $160 |
 1915-28 3rd wmk £1 grey ovptd SPECIMEN Type D. Good perfs & centred slightly to right. MLH ACSC 53x $140 Archived |
 1915-28 3rd wmk £2 black & rose ovpt SPECIMEN type B. Fresh MLH with fluffy perfs. SG 45s $120 Sold $120 |
 1915-28 3rd wmk £2 grey-black & crimson ovpt SPECIMEN Type B. Ragged perfs, with some short & toned. MLH ACSC 56x $200 Archived |
 1923-24 New colours 1924 £1 grey kangaroo overprinted SPECIMEN type D. Mint, no gum. SG 75s $60 Sold $40 |
 1929-30 Smult 2/- maroon John Ash imprint pair MVLH in top gutter with stamps MUH. Gum very faintly aged down one side. Well centred. SG 110 $100 Sold $170 |
 1929-30 Smult 10/- grey & pink kangaroo overprinted SPECIMEN type C. Mint, no gum. Small paper inclusion. Well centred. SG 112s $100 Sold $110 |
 1931-36 CofA 4d yellow olive marginal pair with closest to margin showing variety "kangaroo's tongue out". MLH ACSC 117(4)e $30 Archived |
 1931-36 CofA 9d violet MUH & well centred. SG 133 Cat. £32+ $30 Sold $45 |
 1931-36 CofA 5/- grey & yellow. MUH & well centred. Superb stamp SG 135 Retails $500+ $200 Sold $330 |
 1931-36 CofA 10/- grey & pink with good perfs & reasonably well centred. F/U with two light partial cds's. SG 136 Cat. £140 $50 Sold $65 |
 1931-36 CofA 10/- grey & pink with bold Wiluna cancel, slightly smudged. Good perfs & reasonable centring. SG 136 Cat. £140 $50 Sold $50 |
 1931-36 CofA 10/-, £1 & £2 ovptd SPECIMEN. Fine MLH (3) $50 Sold $110 |
Miscellaneous: King George V |
 1914-20 Single wmk 1d crimson, perfined OS with dry ink variety on piece. Strong colour with 1919 boulder postmark. ACSC 71Nea Cat. $150 (2007) $65 Archived |
 1914-20 Single wmk 1d red Die I substituted cliché. Lightly used & well centred. SG 21cb Retails $90 $30 Archived |
 1918 Rough Unsurfaced Paper 1918 1d rose carmine Die III. MUH marginal block of 4 (left margin, showing "TRALIA" part of wmk). Stamps centred to ri… $250 Sold $250 |
 1918-23 Single wmk 1d violet selection of 7 good used plated varieties incl ACSC 76(3)d, f, g &ACSC 76(4)d, h & m. (7) $50 Archived |
 1918-23 Single wmk 2d red Die I range of 9 plated good used varieties incl ACSC 96(16)n & clichés from Electros 12, 12A, 13 & 14. (9) $75 Archived |
 1918-23 Single wmk 2d red Die I collection of 8 plated good to F/U varieties incl ACSC 96(10)f & ACSC 96(11)d, j & I "Retouched (Roman) nose" (Cat.… $90 Archived |
 1918-23 Single wmk 2d orange selection of 10 good to F/U listed plate varieties incl ACSC 95(1)d & other Electro clichés. (10) $90 Sold $90 |
 1918-23 Single wmk 3d blue range of 10 good to F/U plated varieties incl ACSC 104(1)d, e, 108(5)d, f, j & 109(7)f & k. (7) $80 Sold $80 |
 1918-23 Single wmk 4d pale milky blue MUH centred to right. SG 65b Cat. £80+ $60 Sold $50 |
 1918-23 Single wmk 1/4d pale blue. MUH, centred to right. SG 66 Retails $300+ with this centring. $90 Sold $95 |
 1924 Single wmk 1d green selection of 10 good used plated varieties incl ACSC 77(4)h, j & 81(4)ja. (10) $50 Sold $50 |
 1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 1d green Die I &Die II in CTO joined pair. SG 95b Retails $95 $60 Sold $80 |
 1926-30 SM wmk Perf. 14 2d red brown. MUH & well centred. SG 89 Retails $160 $75 Sold $75 |
 1931-36 CofA 1/4d turquoise. MLH & well-centred. SG 131 Retails $140+ $50 Sold $50 |
Miscellaneous: Officials |
 1927 ½d orange KGV perfined both OS & NSW. Fine used & rare. SG O88 $90 Sold $50 |
 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d & 3d Kingsford Smith ovptd "OS". MUH with RPSV certificate for each (2009). SG O123/24 $500 Sold $520 |
 1926 3d dull ultramarine KGV perfined "OS" with inverted wmk. Perfs touching at left. MUH SG 093w Cat. £100 as MLH $40 Archived |
 1932 4d yellow olive KGV ovptd "OS". Ash imprint block folded down gutter & practically MUH except for hinge mark in gutter just touching one stamp… $70 Sold $70 |
Australia: Pre-decimal |
1902 ½d postage due "blank at base" complete sheet of 120 MUH with pencil notes in selvedges identifying constant varieties. Folded once (through … $600 Archived |
 1908 (August) US Fleet postcard unused with state coat of arms embossed together with Crown above British Arms & flags of USA & Australia at either… $200 Archived |
 1910 Competition 1d Essay featuring Madonna & Child reduced to stamp size. Some staining but a rare item. $40 Sold $30 |
 1914 "Notification of Case of Infectious Disease" form to The Municipal Clerk, S. Richmond, postmarked Melbourne & "T 1d" in the absence of the sta… $150 Archived |