Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Accessories |
Hagner single sided pages, 2 strip x 100, brand new in unopened box from Hagner, Sweden. Save on the $140 retail. (100) $70 Sold $70 |
Hagner Single sided pages with 1 strip to 7 strip in mixed "used" cond. in quality binder. (40) $20 Sold $30 |
Hagner Single sided pages with 1 strip to 6 strip in "used" cond. in 4 files. Useful for stock sorting etc. (170) $75 Sold $75 |
Hagner sheets in 2 files. 1 to 8 strip with some double sided. Majority have a small sticker with a number on them but peel able & otherwise in goo… $50 Sold $50 |
Exhibition page protectors 297mms x 225mms with ring binder holes down side & open at top. Heavy duty, clear & chemical free. (Pack of 100) $30 Archived |
Davo FDC album in green. Holds 60 covers. Brand new in cardboard slipcase. $20 Sold $20 |
Cumberland First Day Cover 1 division refills in unopened packs of 10 x 25. Brand new with retail of $375 (25 packs) $120 Sold $120 |
Coin albums x 6 with approx. 25 leaves per binder with 4 x 5 pocket pages with individual pockets measuring 5cms x 4cms. Previously used for postma… $50 Sold $50 |
Airmails |
 2003 (23rd Nov) Concorde Final Flight cover with pictorial pmk tying "1st" Meccano aircraft adhesive to pictorial cover signed by pilot, Adrian Tho… $40 Sold $55 |
 2001 (25th Sept) 75th Anniv of first Airmail Correspondence, Aust to Pacific Islands signed by flight crew all whom appear on the personalised stam… $25 Sold $25 |
 1990 (Feb-April) Southern Cross replica flights for Aust to Norfolk Is, Aust-NZ-Aust via Norfolk with Aust & NZ stamps & return with NZ 40c only, N… $20 Sold $20 |
1987 RAF Open days flown covers for Hendon, Binbrook & Biggin Hill each with commem souvenir sheet attached & pmkd in addition to stamp. All signed… $20 Archived |
 1984 (20th Sept) Tamworth to Amsterdam carried on last East-West Airlines Fokker F-27 2000 series as a trade-in for the Fokker 5000 series. Signed … $25 Archived |
 1978 (21st Sept) Air France Concorde First Flight Mexico to Paris on illust cover. Rarely seen flight & in fine cond. $25 Sold $30 |
 1977 (22nd Nov) Air France Concorde First Commercial Flight Paris to New York & return with US 13c Lindburgh stamp on reverse pmkd JFK for return j… $25 Sold $25 |
 1977 (19th Nov) Concorde Inaugural London to New York British Airways illust cover with Jersey SJ pair & "Carried Jersey to London (Heathrow) Airpo… $20 Sold $25 |
 1962 (6th Feb) Qantas Inaugural flight V-Jet Boeing 707 Kangaroo route Sydney to London via Jakarta with this being the Indonesia to England leg. Q… $25 Archived |
 1957 (31st Dec) Royal Flying Doctor Service First Day Mercy Flight with block of 7d stamp pmkd Cloncurry carried by RFDS. Signed by Dr WG Meehan wi… $20 Sold $20 |
 1957 (1st Oct) Sarawak to London BOAC & Malayan Airways cover pmkd Kuching with BOAC receival cachet. Good cond. $20 Archived |
 1955 (10th May) Tercentenary BOAC & BWIA Jamaica to London flight cover with arrival cachet. Good cond. $20 Archived |
 1954 (13th Mar) Belfast Crash cover from British Overseas Airways Corp. Constellation G-ALAM "Belfast" (Captain T.W. Hoyle). Crashed in Singapore w… $75 Archived |
1953 (8th October) London to Christchurch Handicap race originating Netherlands on Official KLM cover. Complete with mauve race cachet & B/S Christ… $20 Archived |
 1952 Qantas Australian-South Africa flight covers with Australian or South African frankings, including to Cocos Island. 4 are to S. Africa, with l… $20 Sold $20 |
 1950 TAA complete booklet of Airmail labels with Australian & Overseas Rates printed on cover & "Fly with the mail" advert on back cover. Pristine … $30 Sold $30 |
 1940 (6th Feb) Monto to Bundaberg & Maryborough to Bundaberg first flight covers both with departure & arrival cds's. Odd faults. AAMC 890 & 892 (2) $50 Sold $60 |
 1939 Round the World USA return via UK & Hong Kong on Pan Am with US 30c Airmail pmkd New York, GB 1½d & 3d KGVI Reg London & Hong Kong 25c, 30c, … $150 Archived |
 1938 Aust to Papua to New Guinea & return with 2 stamps from each neatly pmkd on Port Moresby Registered cover. Most attractive. All relevant backs… $30 Sold $55 |
 1937 (7th Oct) Melbourne Air Exhibition Registered cover with Exhibition vignette attached with blue Air Mail Exhib R.6 label. 3d Airmail & 2d SHB… $120 Archived |
1937 (5th-7th Oct) Airmail Exhibition, Melbourne. Written up collection with covers, complete set of 4 cinderellas in sheetlets of 4 in each colour… $900 Archived |
 1937 (10th May) Rocket Mail Society 1d QM & 2d KGVI FDC carried by Rocket with mauve cachet & signed by Alan Young. Only 120 covers were carried. E… $90 Sold $95 |
 1937 (29th Apr) Hong Kong to Guam, Honolulu & San Francisco all carried on First Through Trans Pacific Airmail Flight by Pan Am clipper. KGV defins… $100 Archived |
 1937 (29th Apr) Hong Kong to Manila on First Through Trans Pacific Airmail Flight to USA by Pan Am clipper. Illust cover showing route on map with … $80 Archived |
 1936 (5th Oct) Cue to Reedys first airmail by WA Airlines. 2 similar covers, one with 3d Air & 1d KGV, the other 3d Air & 2d KGV with M.R.R. GPO Pe… $40 Sold $65 |
 1935 (31st Dec) "City of Khartoum" England to Aust" crash covers, one complete with OHMS covering env & accompanying letter from GPO Sydney dated 1… $400 Archived |
 1935 (24th Sept) Enoggera Rifle Range firing with Rocket R 17 on privately printed illust cover with ½d orange KGV pair pmkd "1st Q'land Phil.Soc'… $90 Sold $160 |
 1935 (12th Aug) Fraser Island to SS Maheno illust cover with ½d orange KGV tied by Pialba, Qld cds. Red vignette (AAMC R2b) tied by QAS rocket cac… $90 Sold $160 |
 1935 (28th Mar) Sydney to Narromine by WASP Airlines cover, pilot signed by H Purvis with accompanying photo of the aircraft, the "Narromine WasP" … $60 Sold $70 |
1934 (7th Dec) Brisbane to Basra Opening Air Mail service by Imperial Airways & Qantas. Backstamped Calcutta & Basra. Repaired tear at base not aff… $40 Archived |
 1934 (2nd Oct) Perth to Daly Waters with blue etiquette & red "plane over map" illustration. 3d air, 2d Vic. Cent & 1d green KGV adhesives tied by … $40 Archived |
 1934 (17th July) Aust to New Guinea & return bearing 3d Vic. Cent x2 & 2d for outward flight tied by North Fremantle cds's & 6d & 2d Bird of Parad… $25 Sold $35 |
 1934 Trans Tasman Airmail cover cut in half but retains 1d KGV tied by Sydney cds, cachet & Charles Ulm autograph. Clear signature. $10 Sold $30 |
 1934 (April) Aust to New Zealand on 2d KGV postal stationary env uprated by 3d Airmail & 4d KGV tied by crisp Sydney AIRMAIL SECTION GPO machine ca… $50 Archived |
 1934 (5th April) Aust to New Zealand return, registered Elizabeth St Melbourne with 3d air, 3d & 4d KGV tied & NZ 7d orange-brown airmail tied by 1… $60 Archived |
 1934 (23rd Feb) large airmail cover Brisbane to London with handwritten "Karachi-London Air Mail" in red & bearing blue & black reg label & 2/7d in… $50 Archived |
 1932 (18th Sept) Sydney to Lismore New England Airways charter flight. Plane crashed after leaving Lismore & pilot Les Holden & passengers R. Virtu… $150 Sold $150 |
 1932 (21st Jan) First All Australian Air Mail on illust A.N.A. cover with 4d green & 1/- bistre KGV cancelled London 18 DE 31 Air Mail. B/s machine… $60 Sold $80 |
 1931/33 First Flight Covers incl Melbourne-Hobart 1931 with 3d Air & 2d KGV & purple cachet on reverse. AAMC 198. Also 1933 Melbourne-Launceston vi… $30 Sold $30 |
 1931 (16th Nov) Darwin to Sydney flight by Capt. CA Butler. He had flown from England on 31st Oct & then carried on to Sydney via Camooweal. This c… $100 Sold $100 |
 1931 (15th May) Second Experimental Air Mail Melbourne to London. 2d, 3d & 6d Kingsford Smith commems x 2 each & 1d green KGV pmkd Sydney. Thomas C… $100 Sold $100 |
 1931 (1st May) Hobart-Launceston-Melbourne with cachet in violet addressed to Derby WA with 8d in ½d KGV, 1½d WA Cent & 3d airmail x 2. Register… $40 Sold $60 |