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Miscellaneous: Kangaroos |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/823_sml.jpg) 2½d indigo gutter block of 8 with lower selvedge. Seldom offered as such a large multiple, let alone in such fresh MUH cond. Exceptional. ACSC 10 … $1500 Sold $1200 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/824_sml.jpg) 6d ultramarine MLH, centred slightly down & gum very lightly & evenly toned. Strong colour. SG 26 Cat. £180 $50 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/825_sml.jpg) 9d violet fine used with a lovely central Ravensthorpe, WA cds for 5 JAN 17. SG 27 Cat. £40+ $20 Sold $45 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/826_sml.jpg) 2/- brown on thin paper (0.065-0.070mm) MVLH with Ceremuga 2006 cert. stating "genuine in all respects. Very rare". ACSC 36a Cat. $3,500 (see front… $2000 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/827_sml.jpg) 5/- grey & yellow F/U with rich colours. Centred high, but neat cds & good perfs. SG 30 Cat. £325 (see inside front cover) $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/828_sml.jpg) 5/- grey & yellow good used with Sydney cds's leaving clear map & kangaroo. SG 30 Cat. £325 (see inside front cover) $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/829_sml.jpg) 5/- grey & yellow fine used with neat full central PERTH 27 APR 17 cds. Shortish perfs top right but the cds focuses the eye. ACSC 43 Cat. $450. S… $180 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/830_sml.jpg) 1915-28 3rd wmk 2d to 5/- MUH/MLH (2d no gum) with variable centering (9d & 5/- low). Incls both colours of 6d, 2/- brown & 2 x 2/- maroon. Clean g… $350 Sold $420 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/831_sml.jpg) 2d grey upper right block of 12 MUH with gutter & selvedge intact. Light diagonal bend affecting top right stamp otherwise very fine. Shows variety… $500 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/832_sml.jpg) 2d grey TS Harrison imprint block of 4 MUH with toning in gutter & upper right unit. Good perfs & well centred. A scarce item. ACSC 7zi Cat. $2,000 $500 Sold $520 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/833_sml.jpg) 2d grey Die I block of 18 fresh MUH from right pane with gutter & right selvedge in tact. ACSC K5b, SG 35 Cat. £40 x 18 + premium for MUH $700 Sold $700 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/834_sml.jpg) 2½d deep blue Harrison one line imprint gutter pair. MLH ACSC 11zh Cat. $1750 as block. $500 Sold $500 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/835_sml.jpg) 2½d deep blue Harrison one line imprint gutter pair MVLH in gutter/selvedge only. Mild soiling on gum in lower selvedge but frontally very fresh. … $500 Sold $500 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/836_sml.jpg) 2½d deep blue CA Monogram plate 1 corner strip of 3 MLH Lightly hinged on selvedge & one stamp. ACSC 11z Cat. $1000 $500 Sold $820 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/837_sml.jpg) 2½d indigo Harrison one line imprint block of 4. MLH with hinged reinforcing perfs between top left unit & gutter. Gum has "suntan" striping from … $550 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/838_sml.jpg) 2½d blue JBC Monogram block of 4 Plate 1. MUH but "suntan" striping on reverse. Superb frontal appearance & scarce. ACSC 11zd $1,000 as strip $1200 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/839_sml.jpg) 3d yellow olive Die IIB MUH. Marginal example, well centred with good perfs ACSC 13b Cat. $250. SG 37d Cat. £95 + premium for MUH $75 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/840_sml.jpg) 3d yellow olive TS Harrison imprint upper plate block of 4. One stamp MLH & others fresh MUH. A couple of short perfs at top of upper left unit. AC… $450 Sold $1650 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/841_sml.jpg) 6d ultramarine Die II with inverted wmk. Well centered & F/U with part indistinct oval cancel. A difficult stamp. ACSC 13a Cat. $100, SG 38cw Cat. … $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/842_sml.jpg) 6d ultramarine. Fresh MLH. An attractive pale shade. SG 38 $75 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/843_sml.jpg) 6d ultramarine CA Monogram lower plate block of 4. MLH top two stamps & selvedge otherwise MUH, centred slightly left but most attractive & fresh. … $600 Sold $2100 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/844_sml.jpg) 6d bright ultramarine Die IIb. Light vertical bend at base otherwise well centred & fresh MUH ACSC Cat. $175 SG 38d £70 $30 Sold $45 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/845_sml.jpg) 9d violet Die IIB with wmk inverted. Good to fine used, centred left. ACSC 27a Cat. $100 $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/846_sml.jpg) 9d violet Die IIB John Ash imprint gutter block of 4. MLH on one stamp otherwise fresh MUH. Attractive. ACSC K27zc $600 Sold $600 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/847_sml.jpg) 9d violet TS Harrison imprint pair. Fresh MUH. Good perfs & lovely colour. ACSC 27za $1,250 as block SG 39 $600 Sold $390 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/848_sml.jpg) 9d violet Die IIB Mullett imprint block of 8. Two top stamps MLH otherwise fresh MUH. A lovely multiple in extra fine cond. ACSC 27zb Cat. $750 as … $900 Sold $1100 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/849_sml.jpg) 9d violet Die IIB Harrison one line imprint pair MLH. ACSC 27z Cat. $3000 as block $900 Sold $900 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/850_sml.jpg) 1/- blue-green. Superb MUH & well centred. Die IIB example. ACSC $150 SG 40b Cat. £65 + premium for MUH $80 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/851_sml.jpg) 1/- blue-green John Ash imprint gutter block of 4 with hinge marks in gutter & bottom selvedge just kissing edge of top two stamps. Folded down gut… $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/852_sml.jpg) 1/- blue-green CA Monogram upper plate pair MLH. Some fluffy perfs. Rich colour. ACSC 32za Cat. $1,250 for single $400 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/853_sml.jpg) 1/- blue-green TS Harrison imprint pair. Hinge remainders affecting both stamps. Well centred with good perfs. Nice colour & rare imprint. ACSC 33z… $500 Sold $500 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/854_sml.jpg) 1/- blue-green Die IIB Harrison imprint gutter pair. Folded through gutter. MUH ACSC 33z Cat. $1500 as block but premium for MUH. $700 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/855_sml.jpg) 1/- blue green AJ Mullett imprint block of 4 with wmk sideways. Some gum redistributed on upper units due to attempted hinge disguise with bottom … $750 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/856_sml.jpg) 1/- blue-green Mullett imprint gutter block of 12 with sideways watermark. Superb MUH. Folded down gutter as usual. 3 very light gum bends but rare… $5000 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/857_sml.jpg) 2/- brown. MVLH but corner bend. Well centred with good colour & perfs. SG 41 (see inside front cover) $100 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/858_sml.jpg) 5/- grey & yellow F/U with part PARCEL corner cds. Well centred. SG 42 Cat. £90+ $75 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/859_sml.jpg) 5/- grey & yellow MLH & well centred with good perfs. A lovely stamp. SG 30 Cat. £850 $150 Sold $520 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/860_sml.jpg) 5/- grey & yellow John Ash Imprint pair with slightly trimmed bottom selvedge. MVLH with 1 stamp MUH. Good perfs & fresh colour. ACSC 44zg Cat. $2,… $1100 Sold $1100 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/861_sml.jpg) 10/- grey & bright aniline pink. F/U with crisp part CASTLE cds. Centred low right, fluffy perfs but vivid colour. SG 43a Cat. £300 (see inside fr… $180 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/862_sml.jpg) 10/- grey & bright aniline pink. MLH. A hint of toning on top perfs. Well centred. SG 43a Cat. £400 (see inside front cover) $150 Sold $230 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/863_sml.jpg) 10/- grey & bright aniline pink TS Harrison imprint pair. MVLH, centred slightly low but excellent perfs & stunning colour. ACSC 48zd Cat $5,000 SG… $3000 Sold $3400 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/864_sml.jpg) £1 chocolate & dull blue overprinted SPECIMEN Type B. MLH centred to left. SG 75s $250 Sold $310 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/865_sml.jpg) £1 chocolate & dull blue with two interlocking Sydney cds's. Rounded corner at top left but well centred. An attractive "budget" example. SG 44 Ca… $400 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/866_sml.jpg) £1 chestnut & bright blue. F/U by Melbourne cds. Centred high with good perfs. SG 44a Cat. £1400 (see inside front cover) $500 Sold $820 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/867_sml.jpg) £1 chocolate & dull blue. Fantastic centering & Post Office fresh. MLH with fine perfs. A lovely stamp SG 44 Cat. £2250++ $3000 Sold $3250 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/868_sml.jpg) £2 black & rose with Type C SPECIMEN ovpt. Centred a little up & to left. Fine MUH. SG 45s (see inside front cover) $350 Sold $320 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/869_sml.jpg) £2 black & rose F/U with bold part Sydney 1920 cds's. Very light staining at top barely visible. Well centred with fluffy perfs. SG 45 Cat. £2250… $800 Sold $590 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/870_sml.jpg) £2 purple-black & pale rose. Very fine used with light cds & good perfs. Good colour for this shade. ACSC 56C Cat. $2,500 SG 45b Cat. £1,700 (see… $1200 Sold $800 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/871_sml.jpg) £2 black & rose, 1924 £1 grey & 1929 10/- grey & pink (SM wmk) all MLH & ovptd "SPECIMEN". Mixed centering & fluffy perfs on £2. Good colours & … $200 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/10/lots/872_sml.jpg) £2, £1 & 10/- all ovptd SPECIMEN type B. 10/- & £1 fresh MUH while £2 has two small paper mount remains. Fluffy perfs on £1 & £2. Well centr… $1000 Archived |