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Lot No Description Est.
States and Territories: Victoria
1860 4d rose-pink & 1859 2d grey lilac "emblems" with BN "11" & neighbouring receival "tombstone" framed "Paid Liverpool Ship Mr 8 1861 A" on 1861 …
1863/73 8d orange laureate. MLH, centred to right. Good perfs & bright colour. SG 112, Cat. £850
1867/81 5/- blue & carmine, perf. 13. MVLH. SG 140a, Cat. £850
Sold $280
1884 2/6d orange-yellow Stamp Statute, perf. 12½, V over Crown (W19) sideways wmk. Centred bottom right with large part o.g. MH. SG 226c, Cat. £3…
Sold $250
1884/96 10/- brown on rose on glazed paper, perf 12 from Stamp Duty . F/U with "socked on the nose" 1887 Melbourne JE 15 87 cds. Unpriced in SG.
1901c £1 KEVII dull rose, perf 12.4 (ACSC V130) used in combination with 5/-, 1/- x 2 & 9d QV on "Bendigo Blue " Parcel tag tied by neat Gaffney's…
Sold $2000
1890/94 PD's to 5/- incl both shades of ½d & dull blue & brown lake shades of the others. Sound examples mixed MLH/MNG. SG D1/D10 + D1a, Cat. £56…
Sold $100
1890/94 1d, 2d, 4d "a" numbers (1d, 2d MLH, 4d used) plus 1895/96 changed colours to rosine & green to 5/- CTO with crisp "Melbourne FE 15 01". SG …
Sold $75
1902/03 PD Reprints using 1899 wmk (new more elongated V over Crown), scarlet & deep green to 5d, 1/- bluish-green, 2/- & 5/- yellowish-green. All …
Sold $100
1890 ½d to 22/- dull blue & brown lake set of 10 ovptd "Specimen". A couple of low vals are MNG with higher vals all MLH with light disturbance. I…
Sold $160
1896 ½d to 5d Reprints ("a" numbers) plus 1897 set of 5 & 1899 1d to 4d "a" numbers. Mixed MLH/MNG (1897 4d faulty). SG D11a/13a, D21/25, D21a/23a…
Sold $160
1909/10 ½d to £1 for "Australia" using the Victorian Frame plates incl both dies of ½d & 1d. Good to F/U throughout. SG D63/D73 + "a" numbers, C…
Sold $200
1912 "Australian Pictorial Letterette" b&w six-fold sheet with 8 photos of RMS "Orama" docked at outer harbour, South Australia. 1d QV franking & a…
1973-1977 Fish and Wildlife, Victoria cinderellas similar to "Duck Stamps" with each year represented by $2, $3 & $10 vals. MUH with so a total of …
Sold $30



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