Lot No |
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Est. |
Western Australia: Revenues |
 1906-09 Defin Issue Inscribed "Stamp Duty" Perf 111906/09 1d to £10 set of 13. Fine used & attractive. Elsmore Cat. $480 (13) $220 Sold $180 |
 1906/09 15/- to £10 high vals used range. 15/- o/c with light crease & £5 with horiz crease but £1 in horiz pair & 30/- & £10 very fine. Elsmor… $180 Sold $140 |
 1906/09 £5 & £10 slate-purple. Both fine used, latter with horiz crease. Elsmore Cat. $250 (2) $80 Sold $65 |
 1906 £10 agate. Fine used & a rarely seen shade. Elsmore Cat. $150 $75 Sold $60 |
 1906/09 1d red with black centre & inverted wmk mint (short perfs at top) & 1d bright scarlet & greenish-slate centre with register mark lower left… $75 Sold $75 |
 1906/09 6d red with upper left register mark, F/U. Elsmore Cat. $200+ $70 Sold $70 |
 1906/09 1/- deep green & 2/- light green both with inverted wmks & fine used. Elsmore Cat. $200 (2) $80 Archived |
 1906/09 1/- deep green & 2/- light green as above but former with short perfs at left & latter centred high. Elsmore Cat. $200 (2) $40 Archived |
 1906/09 2/6d green with register mark lower right. Fine used. Elsmore Cat. $200+ $70 Sold $70 |
 1906/09 10/- dull green with inverted wmk. Fine used. Elsmore Cat. $150 $60 Archived |
 1906/09 10/- dull green with inverted wmk. Short perf top right. Elsmore Cat. $150 $30 Archived |
 1906/09 5/- deep green with inverted wmk. Fine used. Elsmore Cat. $125 $40 Archived |
 1909 Printing on new paper with Large Crown Watermark, Perf 111909 1d to 1/- set of 4 vals incl vertical pair of 6d & 2 shades of the 1/- green. F/… $30 Archived |
 1909 Range of vals with many shades. Incls 1d x 25, 3d, 6d x 4, 1/- x 23. Another lot useful for research. Good to fine used. Elsmore Cat. $575 (53) $120 Archived |
 1909 1d red-black with inverted wmk F/U (light tone spots on back), 1d scarlet greenish-slate centred inverted wmk fine MNG & scarlet-black with in… $75 Archived |
 1909 1d reds x 8. One with "flat base "O" of ONE" variety & another with "white flaw above "DUTY" top left" variety. Both fine used plus 6 MLH/MNG … $30 Sold $30 |
 1909 1d reds x 3 all with inverted wmks. Good to fine used with minor faults. Elsmore Cat. $450 (3) $75 Archived |
 1909 6d red-black with lower right register mark. Fine used, centred low. Rated "RRR" by Dzelme. $90 Sold $90 |
 1909 1/- green & 1/- yellow-green both with inverted wmks. Former with rough perfs) & latter with some rough perfs & a closed tear at right. Elsmor… $70 Archived |
 1911-12 "Duty Stamp" Design with Changed Colours, Perf. 111911/12 3d to 30/- complete set of 7. 3d slate-purple MNG, others fine used. 2/6d centred… $75 Sold $75 |
 1911/12 2/6d brown-olive & 2/6d yellowish-olive both with inverted wmks. Both centred high with toning on perfs. Elsmore Cat. $500 (2) $120 Archived |
 1911/-12 2/- x 2, 2/6d x 2, 5/- x 3, 10/- x 3 & 30/- x1. Good used to fine used with odd perf tone spot. Elsmore Cat. $315 (11) $90 Archived |
 1911-13 "Duty Stamp" Design on New Paper With Different Watermark Perf 11 1911/13 3d to 30/- as above. 2/- value with vignette misplaced low. Elsmo… $80 Sold $80 |
 1911/13 3d to 30/- as above in fine to good used cond with some rough perfs. Reserved accordingly. Elsmore Cat. $235 $50 Sold $40 |
 1911/13 3d with register mark upper right corner. Fine used, short top perf. Elsmore Cat. $200+ $50 Sold $50 |
 1911/13 6d x 2 with inverted wmk, vert crease (Elsmore Cat. $125) & second with grossly misplaced swan vignette. Not listed by Elsmore, Both fine u… $180 Archived |
 1911/13 2/6d olive with inverted wmk used with minor perf irregularities (Elsmore Cat. $125) & 2/6d ochre with lower selvedge & vignette misplaced … $90 Archived |
 1911/13 5/- brown-purple with inverted wmk. Superb used. Elsmore Cat. $125 $50 Sold $50 |
 1911/13 10/- orange-red & 15/- deep blue-green. Both with inverted wmks & F/U Elsmore Cat. $150 ea (2) $120 Archived |
 1911/13 10/- & 15/- as above but both very good used & off-centre. Elsmore Cat. $150 ea. (2) $70 Archived |
 1911/13 10/- & 15/- as above. Both fine used, latter with left selvedge but a couple of missing perfs at top. Elsmore Cat. $150 ea. (2) $100 Archived |
 1911/13 15/- pale turquoise blue with inverted wmk & upper right register mark - a rare combination. Fine used with rough perfs on 3 sides. Elsmore… $200 Sold $200 |
 1911/13 3d x 14, 6d x 11, 1/-, 2/- x 2, 2/6d x 6, 10/- x 4, £1 & 30/-. Elsmore Cat. $820 (14) $180 Archived |
 1911/13 3d to 30/- set of 9. Majority fine used & the best of these 3 sets. Elsmore Cat. $235 (9) $100 Sold $100 |
 1914 "Duty Stamp" Design New 2d Denomination Perf 11 1914 2d blue in 6 diff shades plus 2d ultramarine with upper right register mark not listed by… $100 Sold $240 |
 1917-22 "Duty Stamp " Design on Watermarked Paper in New Colours, perf. 11 1917/22 1d red (monocolour) x 3 with shades of carmine-red, orange-red &… $160 Archived |
 1917/22 1d red x 4, £1 red x 2 & £5 reddish purple. All good to fine used, the latter with rough perfs. Elsmore Cat. $300 (8) $100 Archived |
 1917/22 £5 slate-purple with inverted wmk. Superb used. Elsmore Cat. $375 $180 Archived |
 1917/22 £5 reddish-purple with inverted wmk. Fine used with a few rough perfs at left. Elsmore Cat. $375 $140 Archived |
 1920-23 "Duty Stamp" Design on New Paper with small wmk, perf. 11 1920/23 1d to £10 grey set of 14. Good to fine used range, 3d has missing perfs … $180 Archived |
 1920/23 2d blue with vignette significantly misplaced to the right. Fine used with "WS & Co" private perfin. Light vert crease, lightly used. $50 Sold $130 |
 1920/23 balance of consignment incl 1d, 2d x 2, 6d x 4, 1/- x 2, 2/-, 2/6d, 5/- x 3, 10/-, £1 x 2, 30/- & £10 grey. Majority fine used, 10/- vals… $200 Sold $160 |
 1922/30 1d red to £10 grey set of 14, the latter perfined "T". Good to F/U group. Elsmore Cat. $350 (14) $150 Sold $120 |
 1922/30 3d to 30/- group used on piece. Incls 2 with single stamps, 3 with 2 stamps & 2 pieces with 3 stamps. Cancelled by Edmund Clifton, A.W.B. G… $180 Sold $140 |
 1922/30 1d red in shades all with inverted wmks plus 1d with misaligned perforation & reperfed 11. (5) $30 Sold $30 |
 1922/30 3d lavender-grey, 6d orange-yellow, 1/- pale green & 2/6d olive-bistre. All with inverted wmks & fine used. Elsmore Cat. $275 (4) $120 Archived |
 1922/30 3d deep reddish-lilac (centred high), 6d orange-yellow (dated heavily with purure pencil), 1/- pale dull green & 2/6d olive-bistre. All wit… $80 Archived |
 1922/30 £1 bright violet vert pair with "D" of "DUTY" flaw at base on lower stamp. Fine used. $40 Sold $35 |
 1922/30 £10 grey with inverted wmk. Fine used. Elsmore Cat. $300 $160 Archived |
 1922/30 5/- claret, 10/- bright carmine, £1 bright violet, 30/- olive-sepia & £10 grey all with "T" punctures. Fine used group with £1 centred r… $60 Archived |