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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Western Australia: Collections | |||
Western Australia 1890/98 1d red swans x 500 arranged on Hagners with various types of cancels including some cds's noting odd "OS" & "WA" perfin &… $80 Sold $80 | |||
Western Australia 1940's-1960's Postmarks on plain leaves in "as new" green binder with slipcase. Arranged in alpha order with pencilled annotation… $60 Sold $60 | |||
![]() $80 Sold $80 | |||
Western Australia- Swans in bulk with low vals on Hagner sheets. Useful for research with quantities of ½d green, 1d red & 2d yellow swans. Appear… $40 Sold $100 | |||
Western Australia Consignment remainders with 17 x mint/unused & 4 used. Noted 1854 1d black swan with 2 margins & used, 1d carmine-rose no wmk MH … $100 Sold $100 | |||
Postmarks (K) Katanning to Koondoola in single vol incl 66 covers. Noted Kathleen Valley, Kellerberrin, Kelmscott, Kendenup, Kensington, Kensington… $460 Sold $370 | |||
Postmarks (K) Koongamia to Kwinana Beach in single volume incl 40 covers. Noted Koorda, Korbel, Korrelocking, Kronkup, Kudardup, Kukerin, Kulikup, … $400 Sold $400 | |||
Postmarks (L) Lagrange to Leeman in single volume incl 50 covers & 3 AR cards. Noted Lagrange Bay, Lake Austin, Lake Biddy, Lake Brown, Lake Darlot… $350 Sold $350 | |||
Postmarks (L) Leederville to Lynwood in single volume with 38 covers. Noted Leeman, Lienster, Lennonville, Leonora, Lesmurdie, Linden, Linley Valle… $300 Sold $300 | |||
Postmarks (M) Maddington to Maylands in single volume with 102 covers & postcard. Noted Mahogany Creek, Maida Vale, Maida Vale East, Malcolm, Malag… $600 Sold $450 | |||
Postmarks (M) Maylands East to Midland Junction in single volume with 63 covers. Noted Meckering, Medina, Meekatharra, Meltham, Melville, Melville … $500 Sold $380 | |||
Postmarks (M) Midvale to Mosman Park South in single vol incl 47 covers. Noted Miling, Millendon, Mingenew, Mirrabooka, Mogumber, Mollerin, Monkey … $500 Sold $500 | |||
Postmarks (M) Mogumber to Myaree in single vol incl 94 covers. Noted Moonyconooka, Moora, Moorine Rock, Morawa, Mosman Park, Mosman Park South, Mor… $520 Sold $520 | |||
Postmarks (N) Nabawa to Norseman in single vol incl 93 covers. Noted Nalkani, Nallan, Namban, Nanga Brook, Nannup, Nangeenan, Nannine, Nanson, Nara… $650 Sold $800 | |||
Postmarks (N) Norseman to Nyamup in single vol incl 76 covers. Noted Northam, Northam North, Northampton, Hutt River Province, North Beach, Northbr… $550 Sold $440 | |||
Postmarks (O) Ocean Reef to Osborne Park in single vol incl 27 covers. Noted Ogilvie, One Arm Point, Ongerup, Onslow, Ora Banda, Ord River Dam & Or… $200 Sold $250 | |||
Postmarks (P) Padbury to Pingelli in single vol incl 79 covers. Noted Palmyra, Paraburdoo, Paddington, Palace Hotel, Palgarup Mill, Palmers Find, P… $420 Sold $550 | |||
Postmarks (P) Pingelly to Protheroe in single vol incl 45 covers. Noted Pingrup, Pinjarra, Pintharuka, Pithara, Point Walter, Port Samson, Popanyin… $320 Sold $320 | |||
Postmarks (Q) Quairdin to Quinninup single vol incl 30 covers. Noted Quairading, Qualeup, QEII Medical Ctr, Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre, QEII… $250 Sold $250 | |||
Postmarks (R) Rangeway to Ruabon in single vol incl 92 covers. Noted Ravensthorpe, Rawlinna, Redcliffe, Redcliffe Park, Redmong, Reedy, Reid, Repat… $500 Sold $400 | |||
Postmarks (S) South Bunbury to Swanview in single vol incl 79 covers. Noted South Fremantle, South West M.C., South Hedland, South Kalgoorlie, Sout… $400 Sold $300 | |||
Postmarks (S)Safety Bay to Southern Cross in single vol incl 73 covers. Noted St. James, St. Peter's Place, Salmon Gums, Sanatorium Wooroloo, Sands… $450 Sold $575 | |||
Postmarks (T) Tambellup to Toodyay in single vol incl 60 covers. Noted Tammin, Tardun, Telfer, Tenterden, Thornlie, Three Springs, Tincurrin, Tinku… $380 Sold $380 | |||
Postmarks (T) Toolibin to Two Rocks in single vol incl 14 covers. Noted Torbay Junction, Toweranna, Trafalgar, Travelling Post Office, T P O E.G., … $200 Sold $340 | |||
Postmarks (U) University Crawley to Victoria Park East in single vol incl 17 covers. Noted Upper Margaret, Upper Swan, Varley, Vasse & Victoria Park. $180 Sold $240 | |||
Postmarks (W) Waeel to West Perth in single vol incl 122 covers Waddington, Wagerup, Wagin, Waikiki, Walgoolan, Walebing, Walgoolan, Walkaway, Wall… $500 Sold $600 | |||
Postmarks (W) Wokalup to Wyola in single vol incl 67 covers. Noted Wongan Hills, Woodlands, Wooroloo, Woodridge, Wonthella, Wonnerup, Woodanilling,… $380 Sold $380 | |||
Postmarks (W)Wembley to Wokalup in single vol incl 88 covers. Noted Wembley Downs, Wembley North, Wembley Park, Wembley West, West Perth, Wellstead… $500 Sold $380 | |||
Postmarks (X-Y) Yakamia to Zanthus in single vol incl 46 covers. Noted York, Yalgoo, Yallingup, Yarloop, Yandanooka, Yanmah, Yealering, Yarri, Yelb… $400 Sold $400 | |||
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There are 29 record(s) matching your criteria.