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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Decimal
1966 1c brown QEII vertical pair with strong offset on 1 & a half stamps. MUH. ACSC 436c, Cat. $60+
Sold $22
1967 5c deep blue QEII right selvedge example with superb strong "double" offset. Fine MUH. ACSC444a Cat. $75+
Sold $18
1966 5c deep blue QEII in imperforate horiz strip of 3 fine used with indistinct cds's. Scarce. ACSC 444bb, SG 386cs, Cat. £3000 as MUH.
1970 6c orange QEII block of 7 with complete offset on 1 unit and diagonal on 4 others. MUH, striking in the diagonal format. ACSC 446c, Cat. $100++
Sold $95
1971 7c purple QEII imperforate at left block of 4 with 7mm margin suggesting from jumped perforation sheet. MUH. See ACSC 447bh notes.
Sold $70
1966 1c to 7c QEII set in complete sheets of 100. Fresh MUH. Rarely seen these days. Not checked for varieties but 4c has plate 20 imprint at top. …
Sold $170
1966 7c Humbug Fish, 8c Coral Fish, 9c Hermit Crab & 10c Anemone Fish sheets of 100, the latter with the 4 listed varieties incl retouch & 9c with …
Sold $280
1966 50c Dampier in Plate 1 & 2 pip left marginal blocks of 4 MUH. ACSC 461z/za, Cat. $550 (2 blocks)
Sold $300
1966 $1 Flinders singles & multiples plus a complete Plate No. 3 sheet B of 100 with "broken left corner" variety at L8/4 (ACSC 463g, Cat. $45) & "…
Sold $290
1966 Navigators sets of 4 ovptd "SPECIMEN". MUH & well centered. SG 400/03s Retail at $95 per set.
Sold $42
1966 APO folder with QEII defin set & Navigators (4 vals) ovptd "SPECIMEN". Lower vals CTO. Not often seen in original packaging.
Sold $65
1966 4c Hartog in 2 consecutively numbered complete sheets of 48, one with "shot hole" variety plus 1967 4c Banking, 4c YWCA & 4c Gynaecology in sh…
Sold $32
1967 4c Bible & 4c Lions sheets of 100 both with the 4 listed respective varieties plus 1968 5c Building Societies with sheet numbers in red at 5/7…
Sold $80
1969 5c Christmas vertical strip of 5 with bottom 2 units having magenta completely omitted. Fresh MUH. ACSC 507c, SG 444a
Sold $1650
1969 Christmas pair in sheets of 100 with 25c having both retouch varieties. Folded down gutters, fresh & fine MUH. ACSC Cat. $300+ (2 sheets)
Sold $60
1970 (14th Aug) Cook M/S ovptd "TO COMMEMORATE THE OPENING OF MELBOURNE AIRPORT AT TULLAMARINE 1st JULY 1970" in blue tied to large illust commem c…
Sold $25
1970 6c Dairy, 6c UN, 6c Parl Conf, 6c Christmas, 1971 6c RSPCA, 1971 6c ANA, 6c Rotary, 6c Stock Exchange, 1972 7c Accountancy, 7c Telegraph, 1973…
Sold $170
1970 Capt. Cook set of 12 M/S's each Cancelled at Cook's Landing Points down the East coast of Australia for the Bicentenary. One with a repaired t…
Sold $36
1970 Cook Presentation Pack (PO P5J) with Japanese text. Sealed in original packaging. Increasingly scarce. Retails $400
Sold $130
1970 Definitives Presentation Pack (PO 7) opened in original env without plastic wrapper. Exc cond with stamps neatly in position. Sealed in origin…
1971 Christmas pane of 25 fine used with multiple Gladesville, NSW cds's dated 28 JA 72. Hard to find fine used & not FDI.
Sold $22
1971 Christmas panes of 25 on cream paper x 12, 5 blocks of 7 & 2 single sets all on cream plus a pane of 25 & block of 7 on white paper. All fine …
Sold $270
1971 Christmas complete sheet of 100 on cream paper with very light fold down gutter. Fresh MUH. SG 498ab, retails $340+
Sold $95
1971 Christmas sheets of 100 in both cream & white papers with black & red sheet numbers respectively. Fresh MUH & very lightly folded down gutter.…
Sold $210
1972 Primary Industries "Beef" set of 4 in half sheets of 50 with sheet numbers in gutters. Fine MUH. SG 510/13, Retail $500+
Sold $120
1972 7c Christmas horiz right hand marginal pair with skipped perfs resulting in large 42mm stamp at right. Only one sheet recorded. Fresh MUH. ACS…
1973 1c Shrimp vertical corner marginal block of 16 with misplaced black. Fine MUH ACSC 635ce, Cat. $1200
Sold $200
1974 10c Christmas vertical strip of 4 with pre-printing paper crease down entire length resulting in an irregular white strip on the yellow buff. …
1974 10c Christmas in plate number pip blocks of 4 for Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 in both left & right blocks plus an No. 8 left. All fresh MUH. ACSC 6…
1974 35c Christmas in plate number pip blocks of 4 for No. 2 left & No. 3 both left & right. All fresh MUH. ACSC 681z & zb/c, Cat. $210 (3 blocks)
Sold $35
1975/76 "Tax Stamps Sheet" page with 5c x 2, 10c, 20c, 40c, 70c, 80c x 3, $1, $3 x 2, $6, $7, $9 x 2, $10 x 4 & $20 x 2 Tax Instalments revenues at…
Sold $95
1977 18c Parl House right colour bar selvedge block of 4 with shift of bluish grey resulting in blurred windows & "shadow effect". Another block wi…
1977 18c ACTU complete sheet of 100 with missing perf pin resulting in 4 vertical rows with missing perf & 4 rows with double perf holes all at lef…
Sold $28
1978 18c Hinkler block of 4 with perforations totally misplaced resulting in no left white border & adjoining blue to right. MUH SG 659 var.
Sold $20
1978 18c Ulm horiz strip of 5 with gutter below showing progressive dry ink which has "smeared off" into gutter. MUH with some light toning spottin…
1978 18c Ulm in marginal block of 4 with massively misplaced vertical perforations. Fresh MUH. A new discovery & unlisted in ACSC.
Sold $100
1979 20c National Parks horiz strip of 4 with right pair imperforate at both top, bottom & sides incl between design & selvedge. ACSC 843b, Cat. $2500
1980 22c Aircraft in a mis-guillotined horiz strip of 5 with Gretag traffic light strip appearing in fifth unit at right. MUH with normal for compa…
Sold $100
1981 35c Fungi gutter pair with misperforation resulting in "Coprinus comatus" appearing within top perfs instead of base of design as intended. AC…
1982 27c Tree Frog horiz pair with massive misperforation resulting in "AUSTRALIA" & "27c" appearing in the centre of each stamp. MUH. ACSC 938b, C…
Sold $100
1982 27c Tree Frog top marginal block of 4 with perf shift leaving no design border at base & cutting into "AUSTRALIA" & value. MUH. ACSC 938var.
1982 60c Humpback Whale trial printing with solid blue-green background with normal for comparison. MUH ACSC 930E(1), SG 841a Cat. £250
1982 24c QEII Birthday bottom marginal example. This issue was unrecorded before 2002 when a block of 4 & 2 singles appeared on the market. It appe…
1983 30c Forrest from Explorers set in a left marginal block of 15 with upwards stepped perf variety resulting from defective perf machine. Example…
Sold $200
1984 4c Butterfly vertical pair WAPEX '84 Philatelic Exhibition sheetlets with W.A.S.P.C logo x 10, one still with lhs perfs that should have been …
1985 33c Sea-dragon top left corner block of 4 with both vertical & horiz misaligned perfs resulting in no border to design & part neighbouring des…
Sold $180
1987 37c Bionic Ear from Technology set with massive misperforation resulting in "AUSTRALIA" appearing at base. Fine MUH. ACSC 1224b, Cat $275
1988 Olympics issue. Photographic Proofs largely in colour with 27 different items. 6 in close to issued design (aside from the denomination showin…
1988 Bicentenary Leather boxed set of 25 gold stamp reproduction ingots. Struck in solid silver & 24 carat gold plated, this collection cost from A…
Sold $350
1991 43¢ Queen's Birthday imperforate proof pair. MUH. ACSC states "although frequently offered as an imperforate error, the paper used for these …

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