Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Auction Lots

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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Revenues
1881 £10 IR lilac ovptd pair on piece. The top stamp (2 closed tears) shows "no stop after I in IR" variety. Fiscally cancelled in m/s. Cat. $500
Sold $70
1881 £10 IR lilac with IR ovpt R16 with ten overlapping singles on small document piece together with 1892 £1/10/- R29. Some stamps a little tone…
Sold $200
1890 "£500 Promissory Note" with 5/- lilac IR attached & fiscally cancelled in m/s. Fine cond.
Sold $65
1896 1/- lilac IR pair with inverted wmk. Fine fiscally used. Cat. $100
Sold $50
1904 £5 R68ex with fine upper registration mark & £10 R68A (lower right corner missing) used on piece. Cat. $220
Sold $50
1904 £10 R68 vertical strip of five with top unit R68d (P14.5), R68d JL (Jubilee Line), R68d (P14.5), R68e (P15) & R68ey with lower registration m…
Sold $400
1904 £25 R69 with "T" puncture on piece. Fine. Elsmore Cat. $170
Sold $95
1906/09 5/- deep green R78ac imperforate at right with rough uneven separation. Dzemle Cat. $600
Sold $150
1922/23 Western Australian Insurance Company Ltd "Fire Policy" to the value of £600 with an annual premium of £1/4/- complete with duty stamps 2/…
Sold $60
1922/30 £1 R138A & R152B with "spot after last "A" in Australia" variety (V2c) on piece fine used. Lower stamp with vertical perf damage. Cat. $100
Sold $25
1922/30 £1 R138A & R138B punctured "T" used on piece. Fine cond. Cat. $90
Sold $40
1922/30 £1 R138A vertical strip of 3 with "surround broken above TA" & "thick second "N" varieties (V3c & V7c) on piece with 10/- R136 all punctur…
Sold $80
1922/30 £1 R138B block of 6 with "scratch in water" (V5f) & "spot above P & retouched M" varieties (V3i),on piece with £1 R138B pair & 5/- R135C …
Sold $100
1923/25 £1 R152 with "spur on first N" (V7e) & R152 with "different right ornament above £1" varieties (V3a) fine used on piece. Short corner on …
Sold $30
1923/25 £1 R152A x 2 with different shades, £1 R138A & 10/- R150a all fine used on with 22 May 1925 dated fiscal cancel. Most attractive. Cat. $210
Sold $60
1923/25 £1 R152B & R152A on piece fine used with neat May 1926 boxed fiscal cancel. Cat. $90
Sold $30
1940 Egg Stabilisation Board full set of 7. Well centered & rouletted with 2d being marginal. Fine MUH.
Sold $330



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There are 17 record(s) matching your criteria.