Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Postcards
Aboriginals along the Trans-Australian Railway Line. "Rose Series" Nos. W7-11 b/w featuring Inma Dancers, Wild Harry (corner crease), Charlie, King…
"American Fleet Souvenir" with State shields around the side with Navy flotilla in the centre & another "Australia Welcomes the American Fleet" wit…
Sold $55
"Australian Aborigines "Swain & Co. (Sydney) undivided back b&w with Kalgoorlie 30 MAR 07 cds & message on front. Fine.
Sold $40
"Australian Gold Mining - "Fossickers on the War Path" A Merry Christmas & "Australian Gold Digging - "Panning Out" A Glad New Year c1920s coloured…
Sold $20
"Broken Hill" main street about to be engulfed in a dust storm. Kodak/Austral photographic b&w c1910 card. Spectacular photo & very good cond.
"Carlton Football Club Premiers 1906-7 Hoisting Premiership Flag" in colour by AJL & S. A "Ruby Cycles always Premiers" advertising card with 1910 …
Sold $60
"Cuckoo", "All Ready", "The Imp", "Silence & Despair" & "Ready for the Wash" plus other such titled cards showing children in a variety of poses pl…
Sold $25
"Familiar Australian Singers with compliments of the Singer Sewing Machine Co." bird illust colour advertising card plus "Reuter's Little Pills" & …
Sold $30
"First Field Post Office, Eastern Golf Links, Doncaster, Australia Postal Officials Clearing Letter Receiver at Field Post Office" b&w unused card …
Sold $20
"Jack Conyers", "Clarry Haupt", "Stan Short" & "Phil Thomas" Australian Cycling Champions on "Super Elliot BSA Cycle" advertising cards plus anothe…
"Loves Serenade", "Take a pair of sparkling eyes", "Romeo & Juliet", "Caily the troubadour", "Loves young dream" & "There's a New Coon in town" tit…
"Miss Billie Burke", "Phyllis Dare", "Miss Maude Fealy", "Zina Dare", "Gertie Millar", "Miss Gabrielle Ray" & other theatrical & beauty portraits f…
Sold $65
"Swearing in Lord Hopetoun as Governor General of Australian Commonwealth" (1/1/1901) G.D. & D., London "Star" Series in colour. Unused in good cond.
Sold $45
"The Sundowner", "A Fair Prospect", "At the Shaft", "The Pioneer" etc from the "Australian Series" by J Hutchings. 12 different with most fine unus…
Sold $30
1960's Comic cartoons all inscribed "at Adelaide SA". Amusing group featuring lawn bowls, cricket (card entitled "Cricket Kwyps"), sailing/beach/dr…
Sold $60
Western Australia: Collections
1861-1888 swan accumulation with approx. 250 used noting vals to 1/-. Mixed wmks, shades & perfs with some numeral & postmark interest. Majority go…
Sold $90
1861-1912 wide ranging partially sorted lot of swans on Hagners. Noted Commissariat punctures on 2d SG 34 x 3 & 1/- SG 62 x 6, a few Commonwealth p…
Sold $200
1861-1912 written up in Rapkin loose-leaf album. Reasonably comprehensive for most issues with vals to 10/- with majority fine used. Over 600 incl …
Sold $400
1901-1981 commercial mail in random order noting many "window" types incl PTPO KGV 1d green embossed Shell Co. with 1930 machine cancel & several …
1903-1960 envelopes & fronts noting Tattersalls, Land Titles "unclaimed" etc. with some useful strikes incl No.2 State Mill Dwellingup on 1927 Canb…
Sold $260
1905-1912 Crown A wmks, perf 11 swan good to fine used range written up on album leaves. 1d rose pink x 8, 2d yellow x 4, 3d brown x 10 plus an "OS…
1918-1966 Revenues on documents arranged in rough date order with the documents largely being receipts & legal matters. Mainly "long swan" types fr…
Sold $110
1925-2009 range of WA related items incl Local Govt Debenture coupons (1940) from diff "Road Districts" x 7, 1930 letter from WA Agent General Savo…
Sold $55
1962-2003 commemorative covers with various cachets incl 1962 C/wealth Games publicity cover with Perth machine slogan cancel, Tin Can Mail, 1979 P…
Sold $30
"IR" ovptd range of small lilac "swans" plus ovpt in green on 1d bistre. All arranged in face value order from 1d (3), 2d (4), 1/-, 3/-, 5/- (2 ea)…
Sold $360
"WA" perfins on KG values to 5d x 29 plus various KGVI heads & zoologicals x 50. Noted the short right leg on the "A" on two mint KGV. (77)
Sold $30
Western Australia & Queensland in quality 60 page Lindner stockbook. Incls WA 1885-1912 range of swans with hundreds noting vals to 1/- & some "OS"…
Sold $410
Bulk low value swans both on/off paper in small Sweetacres chocolate & Pascall Crème de menthe tins of possible value themselves plus old Cologne,…
Sold $220
Swans from "Commonwealth Period" being 1d & 2d vals only. Majority F/U with some postmark interest noting complete or near complete strikes of Mt M…
Sold $80
Duty "tombstones" in different combinations with 18 pairs, 2 strips of 3 & 1 strip of 4. All except one in vermilion/red, the other in deep carmine…
Sold $230
Lettercards all used, some with scenes incl "River Derwent Tasmania" & "Mt Lofty Ranges South Australia" plus plain Regd card with 1½d scarlet imp…
Sold $40
Revenues 1d to £1 long swans range with 245 presented in stockcard album by face value. Range of printings, shades & perforations consisting 1d (6…
Sold $360
Lettercards from KGV period x 7 & PTSA $450. Incls 1d KGV "Government House, Perth", "Murray River West Aust" & 1d kangaroo "St George's Terrace Pe…
Swan selection of imperfs incl 1d black with faked roulette (large margins), 4d blue x 6, 1/- pale brown, 1857 6d grey black x 2 & 1860 6d green x …
Sold $310
Telegrams 1905-1911 group of 6 used on Commonwealth of Australia P.O. Telegraphs forms in mainly good cond. 1911 message typed & from Broomehill. "…
Low value swans on & off paper. Yes, "Life's like a Box of Chocolates" & so is this lot. An old Darrell Lea box "choc-a-block" with 100's of swans,…
Sold $80
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1854 1d black swan (SG 1) good to fine used with 3 margins but cut into at top plus 1854 4d blue (SG 3) cut to shape with small commissariat punctu…
Sold $65
1854 1d black swan fine used with light 15 bar 8 cancel. Three neat margins with the forth just touching. SG 1 Cat. £275
Sold $80
1854 1d black swan fine used with 4 just touching to large margins. SG 1 Cat. £275
Sold $40
1854 1d black swan fine used 3 margin example just touching at the base. SG 1 Cat. £275
Sold $55
1854 1d black swan with "double-tail" variety. Fine used with neat BN "1" cancel. Close to touching margins. SG 1var.
Sold $70
1854/55 4d pale blue swan F/U with light 15 bar 2 cancel. Four clear even margins. SG 3 Cat. £200
1854/55 4d pale blue swan F/U with light 15 bar 6 cancel. 2 full margins with 2 touching. SG 3 Cat. £200
1854/55 4d pale blue swan F/U with light 15 bar numeral cancel. 4 clear margins but the top margin has been cut into at right. SG 3 Cat. £200
Sold $100
1854/55 4d blue swan cut to shape. F/U & a good "budget" example. SG 3a Cat. £250
Sold $30
1854/55 4d blue swan fine used with four margins just touching at the base & small tear in top margin but stunning colour. SG 3a Cat. £250
Sold $100
1854/55 4d blue swan with "shaved "T"" variety. Good used with repaired corner bottom right. SG 3d
1854/55 4d blue "inverted swan", one of 14 recorded in used cond………reproduced on limited edition $5 Telecom Phonecard in presentation folder …
1854/55 6d imperf plate proof in violet. Four clear even margins without gum. A similar stamp offered by Mossgreen this year had an estimate of $400.
Sold $250
1854/55 1/- deep red-brown. Left margin cut into design & touching on other three. Good used with nice colour & useful as a "budget" copy. SG 4a Ca…
Sold $95

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