Lot No. 816
Auction No. | 34 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $200 |
Status | SOLD $200 |
1913-1971 SG illustrated album with mostly used noting 1st wmk Kangaroos to 1/- & 5/- (parcel cancel), 3rd wmk 5/- (cds), KGV to 1/4d Cr/A (latter MLH) incl 4½d SMW perf. 14 MLH. Kingsford Smith 3d "OS" ovpt F/U, 1931/36 6d Kangaroo MLH & 5/- CTO before 1934/35 commems MLH or used with 1937 10/- on thick paper used, £1 MLH, 1½d QM coil pair MLH (SG 181a) plus 1937 NSW & 1940 AIF sets MLH. 1949/50 Arms used, 1963 5d green booklet pane of 6 MLH, Navigators set excls 4/- but 7/6d & £2 are both well centred & F/U. Average decimals with 1971 Christmas block of 7 MLH & 1966 AAT to $1 Mock Sun also MLH. Cond. varies with odd MLH item snagged. Remains a useful lot with a conservative reserve. (c500)