Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
RSPCA Supporter

Lot No. 804

Auction No. 34
Category Australia
    Collections, Accumulations and Selections
Est. $1000
Status SOLD $1250



KGV Single watermark "Balance of Consignment" collection in quality Lindner album. There remains varieties, shades & a few nice postmarks noting ½d green MLH (36) incl yellow-green shades plus good to fine used incl 3 x "OS" & a yellow-green with inverted wmk plus ½d orange MH/MLH/MUH (14) incl 2 with inverted wmk & 2 "OS" plus 16 used incl F/U block of 6 with Ravensthorpe cds. Continues with 1d violet MLH (11) & used (17), 1d green MLH (9) & used (24) used with 8 varieties sighted, 1½d browns, black/browns & red-brown shades MLH (30) & used (17) incl an inverted wmk before 1½d green MLH (5) & used (25), 1½d red MLH/MH (21) & used with some useful shades (34). 2d orange with MUH/MLH (7) & good to F/U (23), 2d red MUH/MLH (9) & used (16), 2d brown with 4 MLH & 20 good to F/U. Also 3d blue MLH x 3 & 17 good to F/U, 4d orange , yellow-orange & lemon shades used (43) incl 11 "OS" noting 3 lemon shades & a few lemons plus attractive postmarks. The 4d violet is MLH with 11 used incl 6 "OS", 4d blue x 17 used with 3 "OS" perfins before 4d olive "OS" MLH & 2 used with 11 not perfined, 4½d violet MLH & 16)used incl an "OS". Finally, 5d chestnut SLP MLH with 5 used & comb perf. used x 16 incl 2 x R.P. "OS", 1/4d turquoise x 12 used incl 3 "OS" & an imprint pair with faults & not counted in conservative reserve. A very high cat. value lot with potential. (100s)