Lot No. 797
Auction No. | 34 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $100 |
Status | SOLD $130 |
KGV Safe album with many stamps removed however those MLH & used present have the flaws identified & annotated. Noted ½d orange Cr/A wmk inverted, SM perf. 14 with clubbed fraction bar in LVT used, 1d green Cr/A "TLC damaged" used, "RA" joined, "secret mark", "neck flaw" all MLH, LR corner dot MLH, "scratch on middle fern TLC" (SM perf. 13½x12½) MLH & a few others noting 1d red (17 used), 1½d red Cr/A "thick frame at base" & "shading line on neck broken" both MLH & no wmk 1½d "two shots in kangaroo" MLH & used with thick left frame, 1½d red brown upper right corner pair pl.1, 3 used & 2 MLH singles with minor flaws. Also 1½d red SM perf. 14 (4 used), 1½d green "thin letters of value" MLH & 4 used flaws, 2d on 1½d page with illustration of flaw positions coded A to T plus corner singles for plates 2, 3, 4 MLH of 1½d red. SM perf. 13½x12½, 2d red Cr/A inverted wmk block MUH/MLH from booklet, 4 used before SM perf.13½x12½ (2 used), CofA ( 8 used), 3d blue Cr/A Die I "broken leg on emu" MLH, 4d violet Cr/A & 4½d Cr/A (2 flaws each). Neatly arranged & perfect for further expansion. (126)