Lot No. 590
Auction No. | 34 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $240 |
Status | SOLD $320 |

New Zealand 1882-1950 MLH & used accumulation in album & loose in tin with the main val in the album noting 1906 Christchurch Exhibition MLH (Cat. £275), KGV to 1/- MLH (odd foxed) & ovptd "OFFICIAL" to 1/- used (excl 8d). Also 1935 Pictorials in plate blocks to 3/- MUH/MLH, 1940 Centennial blocks MUH/MLH & a single used set, ditto ovptd "Official" before a few Govt Life. KGVI to 2/- ovptd "Official" MLH with various Healths incl 1940's blocks. Tin contains many mint multiples incl 3/- Mt Ergmont (2 blocks), 2/- KGVI (3) & more. Majority fine. (1000+)